Hellooooooo! I’m back from my Christmas vacation. I hope that you all had a chance to take some time off and spend it with family–regardless if you celebrate Xmas or not. VACATION RULES! My Christmas was great. I received so many lovely presents from my family, but the items of most interest to you allContinue reading Cabbage Crown and 2015 in Review
Tag: Ground Beef
Hannibal the Cannibal Canapes Burgundy
It’s here! It’s here! The season 3 premiere of the best damn show on television, Hannibal! I can’t say enough about this phenomenal television series. And, for serious, yinz guys, why aren’t you watching it yet? I absolutely love Hannibal. It has all the trademarks of a show that I would be totally down withContinue reading Hannibal the Cannibal Canapes Burgundy
Cher’s Hawaiian Meatballs
It’s Cher’s 69th birthday! Now, last year I posted Cher’s recipe for Hawaiian Meatballs American Style; this year I decided to make them! “Willowy recording artist and TV personality.” I love that. And of course now we can add, Academy Award Winner, activist, gym spokesperson, the list goes on (and the list goes on). Hit itContinue reading Cher’s Hawaiian Meatballs
27. Swedish Meatballs (Readers’ Choice)
Snow day! Snow day! Snow day! Yeah, here in Baltimore we are getting hit by quite the winter (spring?) storm. And everything is closed. EVERYTHING. It is supposed to snow until 5pm tonight, but look at what I’ve got outside my window before noon: My street doesn’t even look like a street. I don’t think I’llContinue reading 27. Swedish Meatballs (Readers’ Choice)
Stuffed Burger Bundles for Burt Reynolds
Well, I really dropped the ball with this one. I almost missed the birthday of one of DiS!’s favorite people, Mr. Burt Reynolds! Now, when I made the Stuffed Burger Bundles on Tuesday night with my friend Jason, I didn’t have Burt in mind, but I think that Burt would like this dish, it’s beefyContinue reading Stuffed Burger Bundles for Burt Reynolds
Bavarian Meatballs
This is me trying to connect this dish to Christmas somehow: Bavarian Meatballs. Bavaria. What do they do in Bavaria? Drink beer. Eat sausage. There’s Alps. Snow. Ski lodge. Sweaters. Christmas sweaters. Oh, shit. Bavarian Christmas Markets! How sweet does that look? I totally want to go to there. I don’t know if they’d serveContinue reading Bavarian Meatballs
Impossible Cheeseburger Pie
This dish is part of my quest to complete all twelve Impossible Pie recipes from The Bisquick “No Time to Cook” Recipe Book. The pie is extremely apropos because today is one of the best days of the year: National Cheeseburger Day! And really, this Impossible Pie is just as one would imagine it wouldContinue reading Impossible Cheeseburger Pie
12. Lamb and Eggplant Bake
The good? This dinner. This was actually a very yummy dinner. The bad? This dinner. Why? Becausee this was the last DiS! dinner that I had with Leah and Todd. No, nothing bad happened–actually a lot of good happened–they relocated to their beloved Columbus, Ohio to go be adult, married people and eventually have babies andContinue reading 12. Lamb and Eggplant Bake
84. Grilled Hamburgers (with Lima Bean and Cucumber Salad)
I bring you CARD NUMBER EIGHTY-FOUR! Ok, that’s a lie. Leah actually brought card number 84. She made the burgers and the assorted toppings and the lima-bean cucumber salad. I just made the dessert, but I’ll get to that later. But since I just mentioned the assorted toppings, let me draw your attention to thatContinue reading 84. Grilled Hamburgers (with Lima Bean and Cucumber Salad)
BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatballs in Sauerbraten Sauce
More meatballs! So far I have shared with you two of the Meatballs-Four-Ways: Meatballs Stroganoff and the Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce. This time it’s the exotic-sounding “Deutsch” Dinner. I love that “Deutsch” is in quotations. It instills me with a great deal of faith in the Better Homes & Gardens overlords. Right? I know how spot-onContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatballs in Sauerbraten Sauce
BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce
MEATBALLS–TAKE TWO! This is the second meatball dinner from the “Meals to Double-Up and Divide” of Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two (1977). To refresh your memory, the deal is that I made 48 meatballs and froze them up at Buckeye’s house. Twelve meatballs each will be used in 4 different preparations (a.k.a. Meatballs–FourContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce
BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatball Stroganoff
On Sunday morning I drove my buddy Mr. Buckeye* to the airport (lucky bitch flew to a Mexican resort for a week of sun, scuba, and margaritas while I’m here in Baltimore dealing with never ending body work on my car that was broken into. Two weeks ago. Color me pissed. But that is neither hereContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatball Stroganoff
Impossible Lasagna Pie
My darlings! I am so sorry that I’ve been AWOL. I went on a week-long vacation at the end of September with my mum’ and between recovering from my trip and catching up on work, I have neglected the blog. I hope that in the next couple of weeks I can get back on trackContinue reading Impossible Lasagna Pie
Wiener Wednesday: 115. Hot Appetizers
So I threw myself a birthday party! (over 2 months ago) So sue me. I don’t remember every detail of the party or have photos of everything–it was my party after all. And I had, like, 10 people over. So I was busy. And buzzed–from a punch!–but I’ll talk about that later. So I celebrated meContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: 115. Hot Appetizers
Wiener Wednesday: Skyline Coney
From the shores of the Ohio River in Cincinnati, I bring you the Skyline Coney! Well, actually, the can of chili is from Dayton or Akron or wherever it is in Ohio that my friend Leah is from (she gave me the can)–but Skyline Chili (Cincinnati-style chili is a thing, people!) originated in the QueenContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Skyline Coney
Impossible Taco Pie
I love anything with a superlative in its name. Especially anything called Impossible. Couple that with the phrase Taco Pie and you’ve got a simply irresistible dish. Seriously, I love Mexican food. Especially at-home Americanized Mexican food. There’s really not a lot to say about this except that it was delicious. And easy. It would’ve beenContinue reading Impossible Taco Pie
What says “hot dog” more than Coney Island (and also, what says “eating so much that you vomit” more than Coney Island)? Although I had no designs on eating so many hot dogs that I’d puke, this chili-dog dish fit the bill for a Wiener Wednesday. Actually, this wasn’t just a dish, it was aContinue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY: Coney Islands
62. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Hungarian Style) My 100th Post!
Yep, my 100th post! Well, at least that’s what wordpress tells me. And although I didn’t mention it at the time, I hit my 1 year mark at the end of February! This meal will commemorate both milestones. It’s a suitable dinner for the occasion since #62 stars a lot of the usual suspects: groundContinue reading 62. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Hungarian Style) My 100th Post!