84. Grilled Hamburgers (with Lima Bean and Cucumber Salad)

I bring you CARD NUMBER EIGHTY-FOUR! Ok, that’s a lie. Leah actually brought card number 84. She made the burgers and the assorted toppings and the lima-bean cucumber salad. I just made the dessert, but I’ll get to that later. But since I just mentioned the assorted toppings, let me draw your attention to thatContinue reading 84. Grilled Hamburgers (with Lima Bean and Cucumber Salad)

BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce

MEATBALLS–TAKE TWO! This is the second meatball dinner from the “Meals to Double-Up and Divide” of Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two (1977). To refresh your memory, the deal is that I made 48 meatballs and froze them up at Buckeye’s house. Twelve meatballs each will be used in 4 different preparations (a.k.a. Meatballs–FourContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce