It’s National Chocolate Mint Day! At least, according to one of the many “National Day” or “National Food Holiday” websites. I should probably pick one and stick to it. My reference used to be Foodimentary. But the site no longer exists. Oh, there’s a book! *1 minute later* OK, I just bought the book. It’llContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection: Mocha Mint (1977)
Tag: creme de cacao
The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
RIP President Carter. Although not everyone has fond memories of his presidency, wow oh wow did he go on to build a lasting legacy. He will be remembered as a kind gentleman who (in my humble opinion) exemplifies what it means to be a Christian. The man got himself a Nobel Peace Prize, for fuck’sContinue reading The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
Jimmy Carter is the 39th president of the US, a Nobel Peace Prize award winner, and is known for his tireless dedication to volunteerism, philanthropy, and to his wife, Rosalynn. But whenever I hear “Jimmy Carter” the first thing I think of is peanuts. Sad but true. So of course when I found out thatContinue reading The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
191. Grasshopper Pie
In anticipation for next month’s 5th Annual Pieathalon I present to you another card from the DiS1973 card series—191. Grasshopper Pie. I made this pie to cap off dinner 158. Beef Wellington which I made for The Lost Family Dinner Party. I made card 191 as easy as I could (easy as pie!) by purchasingContinue reading 191. Grasshopper Pie