When Mr. Sauce, Esq. goes out of town, two things inevitably happen when I am left to my own devices: I undertake home improvement projects like cleaning the hall closet and installing shelves; or affixing LED rope lights under the kitchen cabinets. I make the more unappetizing DiS cards so I do not subject himContinue reading 145. Ring of Gold
Tag: cream sauce
170. Tuna Patties
I was an odd child–for many reasons–but one particular reason is that, as a wee one, I devoured any and all shellfish and mollusks. I loved raw oysters and clams. I ate my first whole lobster at the age of 5, much to the disappointment of my parents, who bought two for a celebratory dinnerContinue reading 170. Tuna Patties
119. Chicken a la King (Happy 6th Anniversary!)
I think it was established long ago that I am a horrible person. Or if not a horrible person, at least someone who deserves a Jerry Seinfeld Award in Dating Excellence. Because I am still out there. Dating. And doing it in such a dismissively superficial manner. But does that make me a horrible person? GentleContinue reading 119. Chicken a la King (Happy 6th Anniversary!)
Pittsburgh Turkey Devonshire for Sandwich Day 2016!
Hello! Happy Sandwich Day! I honor of the occasion, I am sharing a post that first appeared in 2014. This post will be very relevant come the end of the month because it is a most excellent way to use up leftover Thanksgiving Turkey. Check it out!
79. Beef Medallions (Sauce Bearnaise)
What was special about 79? It wasn’t the food–because I kinda shit the bed on the Sauce Bearnaise. It’s that the photography was much improved! No, not that photography–because that, dear friends, is pretty standard (although now I think that the blurry card photos are part of the blog’s charm). It’s this photography: Because thereContinue reading 79. Beef Medallions (Sauce Bearnaise)
83. Filet of Sole a la Lindor
I wrote this post on Sunday, October 4th. It was a special day. The Jets and the Dolphins played in London. At 9am. Let’s take a trip in the wayback machine… I got up this morning at 8:30, finished up my Cider Slow Cooker Applesauce (will post later), and then put on the game. IContinue reading 83. Filet of Sole a la Lindor
Pittsburgh Turkey Devonshire Sandwich
Got turkey? I got a great way for you to use up some of your Thanksgiving leftovers. That is, if you like bacon and cheese sauce. And who doesn’t (aside from our kosher and lactose intolerant friends)? When “sandwich” and “Pittsburgh” are mentioned in the same sentence, the infamous Primanti Bros. sandwich is what comesContinue reading Pittsburgh Turkey Devonshire Sandwich
12. Lamb and Eggplant Bake
The good? This dinner. This was actually a very yummy dinner. The bad? This dinner. Why? Becausee this was the last DiS! dinner that I had with Leah and Todd. No, nothing bad happened–actually a lot of good happened–they relocated to their beloved Columbus, Ohio to go be adult, married people and eventually have babies andContinue reading 12. Lamb and Eggplant Bake
113. Ways With Bread
I’ve been looking forward to this card because of its daffy photography. I love the massive bread knife and the sandwich made of sandwiches. Sadly, I did not make the sandwich filled with smaller sandwiches, for there are so few occasions that call for such a thing. And I don’t know exactly what those eggContinue reading 113. Ways With Bread
109. Eggs Bechemel
I love that there are brunch cards in the DiS! set. Why? Because when else is it socially acceptable–nay expected!–to start drinking at noon? Only at brunch! Well, and also maybe at football tailgating, but that’s not in my wheelhouse. I have spent many a Sunday over at Manny’s house, sipping sangria on his porchContinue reading 109. Eggs Bechemel