When Mr. Sauce, Esq. goes out of town, two things inevitably happen when I am left to my own devices: I undertake home improvement projects like cleaning the hall closet and installing shelves; or affixing LED rope lights under the kitchen cabinets. I make the more unappetizing DiS cards so I do not subject himContinue reading 145. Ring of Gold
Tag: carrot
Joys of Jello: Sunset Salad (1963)
This dish is part of an upcoming DiS1972 dinner–Liver ‘N Onions.
Dinner is Served for the 30th time!!!
I know why you, dear readers, voted this dinner to be my 30th meal. Not because it was the fanciest meal or the most involved. It was all because of 2 words. I feel like I must apologize because in my first milestone meal, after the audience-participation and the voting, I ended up with whatContinue reading Dinner is Served for the 30th time!!!