I don’t know what inspired this flash of productivity, but I made this dinner in 2 evenings back-to-back with 194. Individual Meat Loaves. This moment of achievement was in 2024, so I don’t remember this knocking my socks off. Speaking of knocking (get it–Knockwurst?) I used brats instead. I don’t understand a hot potato salad.Continue reading 193. Hot German Potato Salad with Knockwurst
Tag: cabbage
National Cabbage Day 2022
This dish appeared on the blog back in 2015. It included a huge rundown of all the crazy shit that happened to me that year. If you’re just here for the cabbage crown, read on….. To see the original post, here it is: Cabbage Crown and 2015 in Review. I’m sharing with you a doozyContinue reading National Cabbage Day 2022
Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (1958)
Greetings and salutations, it’s another Wiener Wednesday! This week’s recipe is from Good Housekeeping’s Hamburger & Hot Dog Book (1958). I was ecstatic when I found a copy. It has HOT DOG in the title! If the tagline “Novel Uses for America’s Favorite Meats” isn’t enough to get you excited, the acknowledgements at the startContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (1958)
Cabbage Crown and 2015 in Review
Hellooooooo! I’m back from my Christmas vacation. I hope that you all had a chance to take some time off and spend it with family–regardless if you celebrate Xmas or not. VACATION RULES! My Christmas was great. I received so many lovely presents from my family, but the items of most interest to you allContinue reading Cabbage Crown and 2015 in Review
Leftover Corned Beef Casserole (Reuben Loaf)
I already made Haluski to use up all of the leftover cabbage from St. Patrick’s Day, but I still had a lot of corned beef left, too. I wanted to do a casserole, but I also wanted to make a Reuben (which is in my top 5 of most favorite sandwiches ever). But I haveContinue reading Leftover Corned Beef Casserole (Reuben Loaf)
Haluski (Polish Sweet Cabbage and Noodle)
For St. Patrick’s Day I made corned beef and cabbage and after the holiday I found myself with half a cabbage in my fridge and nothing to do with it. I consulted (what may be becoming my all-time favorite cookbook) Mama’s Recipes: A Treasury of Hungarian-American Foods. I knew that I’d find multiple cabbage recipesContinue reading Haluski (Polish Sweet Cabbage and Noodle)
Lessons in Leftovers: Korean Beef Tacos & Prime Rib Fajitas
Inspired by both a Cooking Light recipe and my recent visit to Honey Pig Korean BBQ (gosh, do I love Korean food), I used some of my leftover prime rib from The Prime Rib to make Korean Beef Tacos. I thinly sliced some beef off the bone and marinated it in a mixture of soy sauce,Continue reading Lessons in Leftovers: Korean Beef Tacos & Prime Rib Fajitas
62. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Hungarian Style) My 100th Post!
Yep, my 100th post! Well, at least that’s what wordpress tells me. And although I didn’t mention it at the time, I hit my 1 year mark at the end of February! This meal will commemorate both milestones. It’s a suitable dinner for the occasion since #62 stars a lot of the usual suspects: groundContinue reading 62. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Hungarian Style) My 100th Post!
St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage
FYI: This post originally appeared April 17, 2011. Truth: I do not go out for St. Patrick’s Day because, like all other High Drinking Days (Mardi Gras, Cinco De Mayo, New Year’s Eve, etc), that’s when the amateurs are out. Also, the last time I was out for Pittsburgh’s St. Patrick’s Day parade I watched aContinue reading St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage
Pittsburgh Chipped Ham Barbecue Sandwiches with Church Lady Slaw
Ah, the Chipped Ham Barbecue Sammich. A Pittsburgh classic–much like the Turkey Devonshire or the epic sandwiches from Primanti Bros. For some unknown reason I found myself with a craving for a Chipped Ham (Chip Chop Ham) BBQ earlier this month. It was odd because I hadn’t had one in so long and I don’t recall beingContinue reading Pittsburgh Chipped Ham Barbecue Sandwiches with Church Lady Slaw
76. Stuffed Green Peppers
This was my Hurricane Irene meal. Or, as I liked to call it: Hurrican’t Irene or Hurrilame Irene. I don’t want to make light of the flooding and destruction that happened in other parts of the country but here in my little sliver of Baltimore City, we never lost power or cable television. The lights didn’tContinue reading 76. Stuffed Green Peppers
36. Baked Swiss Steak (4th of July Spectacular Spectacular!)
America. America. Land that I love, O say can you see the amber waves of grain? Land of thy pilgrim’s pride, from sea to shining sea, should auld acquaintance be forgot, it’s a fucking grand old flag! OK, I got that out of the way. Swiss Steak has nothing to do with Switzerland (a lovely country). ‘Swissing’Continue reading 36. Baked Swiss Steak (4th of July Spectacular Spectacular!)