Hello again! It’s been a week since election day and what a shit week it’s been. I didn’t take the election too well (understatement), work is all shades of meh, and both Brian and Margot have fleas! So for the past couple of days I’ve been doing nothing but flea combing (gross), sprinkling diatomaceous earthContinue reading Hannibal Lecter’s Beef Tongue w. Horseradish
Tag: Beef
Tequila Punch & Chili Buffet (1977)
My parents came into town over Memorial Day weekend and I threw a party so they could meet all of my friends (especially Manny!) whom they have heard many, many stories about but never met in real life. I picked this Chili Buffet from 1977 because I could make everything in advance of the partyContinue reading Tequila Punch & Chili Buffet (1977)
79. Beef Medallions (Sauce Bearnaise)
What was special about 79? It wasn’t the food–because I kinda shit the bed on the Sauce Bearnaise. It’s that the photography was much improved! No, not that photography–because that, dear friends, is pretty standard (although now I think that the blurry card photos are part of the blog’s charm). It’s this photography: Because thereContinue reading 79. Beef Medallions (Sauce Bearnaise)
Luchow’s Hash a la Lubeck (1969)
A couple of months ago I made Hash a la Lubeck from the 1969 cookbook Campbell’s Great Restaurants Cookbook, USA. Two weeks ago I went out on 3 Tinder dates in a 7 day period. Both of these experiments had mixed results. When this book came out, Luchow’s was still in business on East 14th Street inContinue reading Luchow’s Hash a la Lubeck (1969)
70. Roast Beef (Standing Rib)
For Christmas Day, the fam and I did what we have done every year since whenever it was we retired the goose. We made a big ol’ Prime Rib. I really love Prime Rib. Prime Rib. Huh. So they (whoever the hell THEY is) say that women in their 30s are supposedly in their “sexualContinue reading 70. Roast Beef (Standing Rib)
Happy Labor Day 2015!
This is an updated version of a post that appeared in August, 2012. There are more delicious dishes than last time! Hi, darlings! I want to give you some ideas for your Labor Day cookouts, picnics, clam bakes, or whatever it is that you do to celebrate the labor of the, um, we remember theContinue reading Happy Labor Day 2015!
One Kidney, Two Ways: for the Love of Hannigram
Well, here we are. I am so excited for the last episode of Hannibal to see how they end the Red Dragon story, but so utterly bummed because it’s most likely that this is the last we see of this fan-fucking-tastic show. Oh, Hannigram, how much I will miss thee! However, I am riddled with guiltContinue reading One Kidney, Two Ways: for the Love of Hannigram
Hannibal the Cannibal Canapes Burgundy
It’s here! It’s here! The season 3 premiere of the best damn show on television, Hannibal! I can’t say enough about this phenomenal television series. And, for serious, yinz guys, why aren’t you watching it yet? I absolutely love Hannibal. It has all the trademarks of a show that I would be totally down withContinue reading Hannibal the Cannibal Canapes Burgundy
Stuffed Burger Bundles for Burt Reynolds
Well, I really dropped the ball with this one. I almost missed the birthday of one of DiS!’s favorite people, Mr. Burt Reynolds! Now, when I made the Stuffed Burger Bundles on Tuesday night with my friend Jason, I didn’t have Burt in mind, but I think that Burt would like this dish, it’s beefyContinue reading Stuffed Burger Bundles for Burt Reynolds
35. Flank Steak Teriyaki
So, have you ever been to Colonial Williamsburg? I have. Twice. Once as a kid and once in my 30s. If you haven’t been, just know that the whole thing is just weird. It’s a little colonial village filled with cosplay American Revolutionaries (albeit, paid). It’s like Medieval Times, but spread across acres and acres. So,Continue reading 35. Flank Steak Teriyaki
Twin Peaks Tuesdays: The Norwegians are Leaving!
In the Twin Peaks pilot, Ben Horne is courting a group of Norwegian businessmen over breakfast. The Norwegians seemed to be buying what Ben was selling; but eventually some shit goes down (you have to go watch the pilot to find out. I’m not telling.) and this happens: “The Norwegians are leaving! The Norwegians areContinue reading Twin Peaks Tuesdays: The Norwegians are Leaving!
56. Sukiyaki
Hold on a second. Haven’t we seen this card before? Um. yeah we have! This ad appears on the “About Dinner is Served!” page. Check it: That was a little bit of Deja Vu, amiright? Speaking of Deja Vu, have you ever been on a Deja Date? I have. Back in early March. OK, here’s theContinue reading 56. Sukiyaki
84. Grilled Hamburgers (with Lima Bean and Cucumber Salad)
I bring you CARD NUMBER EIGHTY-FOUR! Ok, that’s a lie. Leah actually brought card number 84. She made the burgers and the assorted toppings and the lima-bean cucumber salad. I just made the dessert, but I’ll get to that later. But since I just mentioned the assorted toppings, let me draw your attention to thatContinue reading 84. Grilled Hamburgers (with Lima Bean and Cucumber Salad)
National Jell-O Week 2014: Braunschweiger Glace
I selected this recipe, from Better Homes & Gardens Snacks and Refreshments, specifically for this year’s National Jell-O Week: Let’s take a closer look at the cover. Oh my! What is that shiny item in the lower right hand corner? What the hell is that? Is that pate covered in gelatin? Why yes. Yes it is! IContinue reading National Jell-O Week 2014: Braunschweiger Glace
1. Beef Stew
As I said in my New Year’s Resolutions post, this year’s Big Goal is to finally finish up the last twenty Dinner is Served 1972 recipe cards. Well, I am happy to say that I already have one for you! Granted, I think I made this back in November, but I am posting it now. ItContinue reading 1. Beef Stew
Four Roses Eggnog & Weenie Wreath (2013 Version)
After two years of brewing up some Holiday Glogg for Christmas Eve, I decided to switch things up a bit and make eggnog from scratch. After looking through some of my cookbooks, I decided on this recipe, which was taped onto the eggnog pages in my copy of The Savoy Cocktail Book. I have noContinue reading Four Roses Eggnog & Weenie Wreath (2013 Version)
BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce
MEATBALLS–TAKE TWO! This is the second meatball dinner from the “Meals to Double-Up and Divide” of Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two (1977). To refresh your memory, the deal is that I made 48 meatballs and froze them up at Buckeye’s house. Twelve meatballs each will be used in 4 different preparations (a.k.a. Meatballs–FourContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce
The Vincent Price Halloween Cookalong: Beef Heart Stewed
Welcome to Dinner is Served 1972 and the Vincent Price Halloween Cookalong! For those of you who have happened upon my blog via other sites, you are already familiar with the cookalong guidelines. But if this is your first stop on the tour, here are the rules–Readers’ Digest version: On Halloween, prepare the Vincent PriceContinue reading The Vincent Price Halloween Cookalong: Beef Heart Stewed