Don’t get too excited. I didn’t make those, but aren’t these just the cutest things ever? Caesar Salad in a crispy Parmesan shells! I love Caesar Salad so these piqued my interest immediately. The dish was sold as easy and simple and elegant. And, well, with the exception of the anchovy paste, I already hadContinue reading Friday Fail: Caesar Salad Parmesan Cups
Tag: Baking
107. Seafood Mousse
I know that I’ve mentioned that DiS! offers up desserts and brunches in addition to their giant-ass dinners. Well, #107 is a luncheon. I don’t know why, but for some reason luncheon sounds fancy. Fancier than brunch, right? And seriously, what’s fancier than crustacean-flavored Jell-O? By the way, Cleve was thrilled when I announced that IContinue reading 107. Seafood Mousse
65. Cassoulet
As I worked on #65 I kept writing this down as ‘cassolette’ instead of ‘cassoulet.’ One is #65, a traditional French bean and meat casserole. The other one has something to do with a lady’s nether regions. Yeah. You read that correctly. Now the only reason I’ve ever even heard the word cassolette is becauseContinue reading 65. Cassoulet
48. Turkey Scalloppine
Darlings, it is official. We are in the midst of National Jell-O Week! I hope that you got your jiggle on because the weekend is fast approaching. But if you haven’t celebrated yet, fear not! I’ve already observed this holiest of holy week for you. Come, live vicariously through me. Look at dinner #48. TurkeyContinue reading 48. Turkey Scalloppine
51. New England Patriots Clam Chowder and Cheese-Beer Bread
Championship Sunday. The best Sunday of the year. Seriously. Unless the Steelers are in the Super Bowl, I don’t get too invested. Super Bowl Sunday is more about commercials and half-time shows. Non-football people watch the Super Bowl. It all detracts from the game. Hence, Championship Sunday is a far superior football day. There areContinue reading 51. New England Patriots Clam Chowder and Cheese-Beer Bread
39. Bettan’s Chicken
I looked up ‘Bettan’s Chicken’ to see why it is named as such or what history there may be. But apparently there is none. I don’t know who the hell Bettan is or why this is his chicken. It sounds vaguely Middle Eastern to me so I imagine that it should be cooked in anContinue reading 39. Bettan’s Chicken
86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
First off, I want to point out how international Dinner is Served! has been recently: lasagna, goulash, chow mein, sauerbraten, chili con carne–and now #86, Albondigas con Salsa Fria. I didn’t realize how frickin’ global and cultured this box was when I first opened it. After a quick flip through the remaining cards, it looksContinue reading 86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
Half. Way. There. The 55th Dinner!
Yes. Here we are at the half-way point. I have completed 55 meals. I can’t believe that 55 full dinners have been served. I have surprised myself. Seriously, I didn’t think that I’d stick with it, but lo and behold people who I don’t know in real life started reading this damn thing. So now IContinue reading Half. Way. There. The 55th Dinner!
108. Baked Stuffed Shrimp
In the world of Dinner is Served! #108. Baked Stuffed Shrimp is classified as a brunch. Shrimp brunch? I don’t think so. I love shellfish, but not so much before noon. Hence, I made #108 a dinner. This was a special dinner because I had guests. I played hostess to my friend Melissa, who isContinue reading 108. Baked Stuffed Shrimp
9. Lentil Soup (with Orange Chiffon Cake)
So I have officially fallen off of the wagon. I have totally abandoned the Points-Plus system. Hell, portion size went out the window about 2 weeks ago. Therefore, the scale is giving me sad face and fat-shaming me. So something needs to change. I could, in theory, start running (something I stopped doing in AprilContinue reading 9. Lentil Soup (with Orange Chiffon Cake)
4. Fish Steaks With Herbs (and the Vegas Hiatus)
The blog was on hiatus for a bit because I went to Vegas. So I’m going to take #4 as an opportunity to ramble on about my trip. If you are here solely for the fish dish, you’re gonna have to scroll down a bit. Circus Circus: Claustrophobic and full of children. I have alwaysContinue reading 4. Fish Steaks With Herbs (and the Vegas Hiatus)
57. Chicken Pot Pie
Greetings and Salutations! I haven’t served dinner recently because I was in Las Vegas last week. I will expound on the Vegas trip in my next post, but I will tell you this: it is a good thing that I made #57 and used my last whole chicken before I left for Sin City. Why?Continue reading 57. Chicken Pot Pie
Spice Cake: the lost photos
Remember when I was so devastated by the disappearance of all my spice cake documentation from 77. Braised Short Ribs? Well, I am devastated no more. I found the photos in an incorrectly named folder in my laptop. I used the following tutorial from Whisk Kid to make my first foray into layer cake icing.Continue reading Spice Cake: the lost photos
3. Chicken With Pineapple
Weeknight dinner! And one that nearly killed me (figuratively! Don’t worry–I didn’t set myself on fire). The preparation of this meal wiped me out. While I was making #3 I washed 2 loads of laundry, baked a cake, and wrote the previous post for #36 Baked Swiss Steak. Oh, and somewhere in there I managedContinue reading 3. Chicken With Pineapple
77. Braised Short Ribs
This is a sad post, for many reasons. First off, this happened: Tea Leoni, David Duchovny split again June 29, 2011 Actors Tea Leoni and David Duchovny have split up — again — according to Entertainment Tonight.They were married in 1997 and had two kids, but separated in 2008. Duchovny voluntarily checked himself into rehab for sexContinue reading 77. Braised Short Ribs
6. Deviled Rock Lobster Tails
First things first. I have to get this out of my system: Okay! Now we can get down to business. #6 Deviled Rock Lobster Tails. I chose this menu for 2 reasons: 1. lobster tails were on sale for $6.99 each (yeah, pricey. But who knows when they’d be on sale again). 2. I wanted toContinue reading 6. Deviled Rock Lobster Tails
42. Stuffed Zucchini
Frugality was supposed to be an ongoing theme with my blog, but has recently gotten tossed by the wayside because of big ticket ingredients like the spareribs and leg of lamb. And wow, my monthly grocery budget has reflected that. So for this meal I wanted to get back to the cheap. Which I totallyContinue reading 42. Stuffed Zucchini
16. Pennsylvania Baked Spareribs
I am going to say it right off the bat: I love Pennsylvania Baked Spareribs. #16 is definitely one of my top 3 favorite Dinner is Served! meals thus far. But you might be asking yourself the same thing I did when I chose this meal: what the hell are Pennsylvania Baked Spareribs? When IContinue reading 16. Pennsylvania Baked Spareribs