December 8 is (was) National Brownie Day! Please accept my apology for this late post, but I went home this weekend for “Thanksgiving.” On actual Thanksgiving, I was in Baltimore at a Friendsgiving and my parents, bro, and SIL were in NYC with SIL’s family. So I was busy this weekend. We got our ChristmasContinue reading Bisquick Impossible Brownie Pie
Tag: 1980s
Pittsburgh Turkey Devonshire Sandwich
Got turkey? I got a great way for you to use up some of your Thanksgiving leftovers. That is, if you like bacon and cheese sauce. And who doesn’t (aside from our kosher and lactose intolerant friends)? When “sandwich” and “Pittsburgh” are mentioned in the same sentence, the infamous Primanti Bros. sandwich is what comesContinue reading Pittsburgh Turkey Devonshire Sandwich
Bisquick Impossible Seafood Pie
Another Impossible Pie. People, I am dead serious about finishing these damn things by the end of this year. As God as my witness, I will complete all 12 of the pies from the “No Time to Cook” booklet! And I guess that is an accurate title for the book–I’ve made at least half ofContinue reading Bisquick Impossible Seafood Pie
Impossible Cheeseburger Pie
This dish is part of my quest to complete all twelve Impossible Pie recipes from The Bisquick “No Time to Cook” Recipe Book. The pie is extremely apropos because today is one of the best days of the year: National Cheeseburger Day! And really, this Impossible Pie is just as one would imagine it wouldContinue reading Impossible Cheeseburger Pie
Pretzel Jell-O
It looks like I inadvertently took a vacation from the blog this month, amiright? I’m sorry I haven’t posted all month–but I’ve been ultra-busy and I might (I might!) have an exciting announcement come September. But! Speaking of September, Labor Day weekend is right around the corner. So I am giving you a recipe that youContinue reading Pretzel Jell-O
Twin Peaks Tuesday: Official Twin Peaks Cherry Pie
Today is the day! I should be receiving my Twin Peaks box in the mail this afternoon. Needless to say, I am very excited. Plus, for this final Twin Peaks Tuesday I’ve saved the best for last: the official Twin Peaks cherry pie! This recipe, from Twin Peaks: An Access Guide to the Town, was passed alongContinue reading Twin Peaks Tuesday: Official Twin Peaks Cherry Pie
First Annual PIEATHALON: Seafoam Cantaloupe Pie
Welcome to the Pieathalon! In the heavily debated war of Cake vs. Pie, I am definitely on Team Pie. Pies are so versatile. They can be fruity, creamy, sweet or savory–and if I’m not mistaken, isn’t pizza technically a pie? And quiche, too! Plus, I have that whole Bisquick Impossible Pie thing going on. AndContinue reading First Annual PIEATHALON: Seafoam Cantaloupe Pie
Twin Peaks Tuesday: Shirley Jones’ Mexicali Corn Casserole
For Memorial Day this year I went to not 1–but 2 Memorial Day barbecues. This is what I chose to make for the second party, to accompany hamburgers on the grill. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the 1984 Shirley Jones’ Favorite Holiday Recipe Cards courtesy of Ralph’s Grocery Company: I mean, it was aContinue reading Twin Peaks Tuesday: Shirley Jones’ Mexicali Corn Casserole
BH&G All-time Favorite Salad Recipes: Avocado and Egg Salad
The temperature has risen in a big way here, hence I’m not too keen on turning on my oven. So that means salads. Today I am gonna crack open a volume from my collection that I haven’t yet featured: the 1984 edition of Better Homes & Gardens All-Time Favorite Salad Recipes. And I can’t believe that it tookContinue reading BH&G All-time Favorite Salad Recipes: Avocado and Egg Salad
Liberace Special 15-Minute Eggs
We’ve made it! It’s officially Liberace’s Birthday! And for it, I present to you his most-famous dish. I think of this as Liberace’s “single girl special” because it is simple, quick, and you probably have all of the necessary ingredients in your fridge right now. Plus! It only requires 1 dish. For everything. Cooking andContinue reading Liberace Special 15-Minute Eggs
Happy National Ravioli Day!
You know, every once in a while I just have a hankering for a can of Chef Boyardee Meat Ravioli. Or, ‘labbyloobies’ as my elementary school friend, Jessica, would call them. I have no idea why in the hell she called them that. But whatever you call them, they are delicious. In that gross, schoolContinue reading Happy National Ravioli Day!
Happy National Cereal Day!
My favorite “kids’ cereal” was Lucky Charms. I mean, duh, they’re magically delicious! But I believe that Lucky Charms were so much better when it was just pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers, blue diamonds and purple horseshoes (horseshoes were introduced in 1983, so that was the Lucky Charms of my childhood). They totallyContinue reading Happy National Cereal Day!
Happy Birthday, James Spader!
Screw Ducky. Screw Blane. (His name is Blane? Blane?) Can we all just agree that Andie should have ended up with Steff in Pretty in Pink? Well, he’d be my pick. Maybe I’m such a fan of Less Than Zero because there is not only Spader but RDJ, too! Another gem with them both: TuffContinue reading Happy Birthday, James Spader!
Impossible Lasagna Pie
My darlings! I am so sorry that I’ve been AWOL. I went on a week-long vacation at the end of September with my mum’ and between recovering from my trip and catching up on work, I have neglected the blog. I hope that in the next couple of weeks I can get back on trackContinue reading Impossible Lasagna Pie
Wiener Wednesday: Banana Wobbler
Oh. My. Gawd. What does one do when National Jell-O Week collides with Wiener Wednesday? Well, if I had known that this was National Jell-O Week, I would have a frankfurter mold for you right now. But instead I have this dish, the selection of which was a happy accident. From the Joys of Jell-OContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Banana Wobbler
87. Veal Parmigiano (Veal Cutlets Parmesan)
So, I picked up a guy at jury duty. No, really. I shit you not. Yeah, I was called in back in October (yes, that’s how far behind I am with the blog). It’s not the best way to spend a day, but it could’ve been worse. They showed It’s Complicated starring Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin,Continue reading 87. Veal Parmigiano (Veal Cutlets Parmesan)