I don’t know what inspired this flash of productivity, but I made this dinner in 2 evenings back-to-back with 194. Individual Meat Loaves. This moment of achievement was in 2024, so I don’t remember this knocking my socks off. Speaking of knocking (get it–Knockwurst?) I used brats instead. I don’t understand a hot potato salad.Continue reading 193. Hot German Potato Salad with Knockwurst
Tag: 1970s
194. Individual Meat Loaves
I like the idea of an individual meatloaf. I LOVE the idea of an individual, cheese-stuffed meatloaf. American cheese ensconced in ground beef is vaguely reminiscent of the Juicy Lucy–a cheeseburger with the cheese IN the burger. There are two rival bars in Twin Cities, both of which claim to have invented the JuicyContinue reading 194. Individual Meat Loaves
The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
RIP President Carter. Although not everyone has fond memories of his presidency, wow oh wow did he go on to build a lasting legacy. He will be remembered as a kind gentleman who (in my humble opinion) exemplifies what it means to be a Christian. The man got himself a Nobel Peace Prize, for fuck’sContinue reading The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
192. Grilled Boneless Leg of Lamb
I am on Jury Duty, and there isn’t much to say about Card No. 192, so this is as good a time as any to tell you what happened in April. In case you missed it, I posted on Facebook that we are the type of crazy people who throw an fancy party with anContinue reading 192. Grilled Boneless Leg of Lamb
WIENER WEDNESDAY: 203. Stuffed Franks
You are reading this because Mr. Sauce, Esq. pointed out I didn’t do a single Wiener Wednesday this summer. And I want to give him a hearty thanks because, however neglectful I’ve been to the blog, I couldn’t let this year pass without an addition to the Wiener Wednesday archives. It would be wrong. Plus,Continue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY: 203. Stuffed Franks
169. Chicken ‘N Rice Skillet
Sounds easy. And it’s only 1 hour! 6:15 pm I start cooking since Mr. Sauce, Esq. wanted dinner after 7. I do some prep–slice the zucchini, measure the rice, and cut the sausage into pieces. 6:45 pm this is when I start cooking in earnest and brown the chicken 7 pm brown the sausage. ItContinue reading 169. Chicken ‘N Rice Skillet
The Smirnoff Bullfrog (1975)
When we first introduced this drink, we were of two minds about it. “Tastes as fresh-faced as summer, we said. But was it, perhaps, a trifle “unsophisticated?” By this time the Bullfrog has acquired a modest but growing following who don’t seem to have any problems with it at all. Which raises the question: canContinue reading The Smirnoff Bullfrog (1975)
145. Ring of Gold
When Mr. Sauce, Esq. goes out of town, two things inevitably happen when I am left to my own devices: I undertake home improvement projects like cleaning the hall closet and installing shelves; or affixing LED rope lights under the kitchen cabinets. I make the more unappetizing DiS cards so I do not subject himContinue reading 145. Ring of Gold
152. Italian Pork Chops
As we all know, I’ve been away from the blog for quite a while. So, naturally, I’m a little rusty. But I didn’t know how rusty until I finished No. 152 and looked back to my notes: That is literally “all she wrote.” I abandoned it before I even started it. But I didn’t necessarilyContinue reading 152. Italian Pork Chops
168. Skewered Flank Steak
Gonna tell you right off the bat that this was delicious. And super-easy. I marinated the flank steak the night before, hard-boiled the eggs for the salad, and made the cream cake roll that morning (that will be detailed in a later post). I’m happy to report that No. 168 started at 5:20 pmContinue reading 168. Skewered Flank Steak
PIEATHALON 10: Villa Pie (1975)
PIEATHALON BITCHES! If you don’t know the Pieathalon rules click HERE. My pie came from Down Under! Taryn of Retro Food for Modern Times sent me a recipe from The Leggos Italian Cookbook (1975) Leggos not to be confused with L’eggo my Eggo. Before we get into it–just a little history of Leggo courtesyContinue reading PIEATHALON 10: Villa Pie (1975)
Wiener Wednesday: The Frank Sinatra (1975)
Welcome to Wiener Wednesday! This week’s recipe comes from an October 1975 issue of Seventeen Magazine. IT’S DOG EAT DOG! Partytime or anytime, serve America’s under-the-umbrella favorite in an irresistible round-about way: Slash frankfurters along one side, broil, and place on a hamburger bun. Fill the center with taste-tempting delights like the ones shownContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: The Frank Sinatra (1975)
Wiener Wednesday: 207. Deviled Hot Dogs
OK, I’m a crazy person. AN ABSOLUTE CRAZY PERSON! It is just now, JUST NOW! As I am writing this goddamned post that I realize that in 2021 I ALREADY MADE THIS DINNER!!! And I do not have another hot dog dish to offer for the first Wiener Wednesday of 2023. So this is anContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: 207. Deviled Hot Dogs
The Smirnoff Bedroom Brunch (1971)
Yes, I am well aware that I just posted the Easter Brunch. This, however, is a different kind of brunch. A brunch for two. A private brunch. A bedroom brunch. I was inspired to bust out this brunch because of the inclusion of the Bloody Bullshot–a variation of the questionable beef-based libation called the Bullshot,Continue reading The Smirnoff Bedroom Brunch (1971)
Smirnoff Year of the Brunch: Easter Brunch (1969)
My sole new year resolution this year was to post once a week–but I’ve failed. I missed a week in February and this is the first post of April. I am so disappointed in me. But, oh well. I’m gonna try to get back on the wagon. FUN FACT! According to the Smirnoff advertising folk,Continue reading Smirnoff Year of the Brunch: Easter Brunch (1969)
2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection: Perfect Manhattan (1977)
Happy National Whiskey Day! To celebrate I brought out my trusty 2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection for Mixed Drinks and Hors D’oeuvre and found the Perfect Manhattan on card 65 from the Blends & Rye section. Mr. Sauce, Esq. is a fan of a Manhattan–it his most requested cocktail when he comes home from a longContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection: Perfect Manhattan (1977)
120. Easy Baked Stew
HOW EASY WAS IT? I will get to that eventually, but do you want to know what is NOT easy? Sleep. Ah, elusive sleep. Every night is a grab bag of GERD, insomnia, sleep sweats, racing thoughts, and existential dread. There is a meme that says something akin to “if you need three or moreContinue reading 120. Easy Baked Stew
131. Zippy Sirloin Strips
I marinated the steak over night, but when it was time to cook dinner, I failed to read the entire recipe card (which is apparently a problem of mine as of late. Much like Alexia on the Real Housewives of Miami when she kept insisting that Adriana’s boyfriend is married because she didn’t scroll downContinue reading 131. Zippy Sirloin Strips