Since Countess LuAnn did not go to jail for violating terms of her parole, my mum and I saw her #countessandfriends cabaret show at the Warner Theater in DC on June 7. Because it was a sparkling wine-soaked event, I am sharing with you the dessert from my Easter dinner–the Coupe Jacques–which is a fruitContinue reading Coupe Jacques (1965)
Tag: 1960s
Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery Vol. 11 (1966): Sausage-Apple Bake
The best thing to happen during the Holly Ball (aside from the majesty of Shrimp Sputnik ’18 and the fact that it was just a damn good party), was that I received a wonderful Christmas present from my dear friends, Dan and Jon–A set of the Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery (1966). Woman’s Day actuallyContinue reading Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery Vol. 11 (1966): Sausage-Apple Bake
BH&G Barbecue Book: Blue Cheese Slaw (1967)
So, is everyone else already over summer or is it just me? No? You summer-lovers are a mystery to me. I am NOT a fan of the season. Sun. Heat. Sweat. Bugs. It’s been in the mid 90s for almost a week and it looks like there’s no end in sight. I hate it. IContinue reading BH&G Barbecue Book: Blue Cheese Slaw (1967)
The Argyle Club’s Cuban Black Bean Soup (1961)
This recipe comes from a very recent acquisition–Amy Vanderbilt’s Complete Cookbook (1961). My mum gave me this one for Christmas this year, and lemme tell ya, this one seems like a goody, especially since it features illustrations by Andrew Warhola! Yeah, Warhola as in Warhol. As I was flipping through the pages I realized thatContinue reading The Argyle Club’s Cuban Black Bean Soup (1961)
BH&G Vegetable Cook Book Split-Pea Soup (1967)
When I drove back to Baltimore from Pittsburgh after Christmas, in my car I had Brian, Margot, a new immersion blender, new luggage, and a giant hunk of Christmas Eve ham. Over 2 pounds of delicious, perfectly cooked and smoked, Herb Brittner ham. The ham that my mum drives out to Butler County for everyContinue reading BH&G Vegetable Cook Book Split-Pea Soup (1967)
Jo Funkhouser’s Punch (1966)
It’s been a while. Because I’ve been super-busy. And maybe because everything just went to shit! In the first part of November Brian and Margot got fleas. The fleas then somehow turned into Brian peeing on things. This is basically what my house looked like for a good part of last month: It was aContinue reading Jo Funkhouser’s Punch (1966)
Luchow’s Hash a la Lubeck (1969)
A couple of months ago I made Hash a la Lubeck from the 1969 cookbook Campbell’s Great Restaurants Cookbook, USA. Two weeks ago I went out on 3 Tinder dates in a 7 day period. Both of these experiments had mixed results. When this book came out, Luchow’s was still in business on East 14th Street inContinue reading Luchow’s Hash a la Lubeck (1969)
Vincent Price’s Bloody Mary & Bookbinder’s Snapper Soup
The first time I ever connected Vincent Price and food was when I discovered this little slip of paper tucked within the pages of my copy of The Savoy Cocktail Book (1930) I thought it was delightfully odd. But I never thought anything of it and just put it back into the book. Well, thenContinue reading Vincent Price’s Bloody Mary & Bookbinder’s Snapper Soup
How We Partied like Mad Men for the End of Mad Men
FINALLY! After weeks of teasing yinz guys, I finally threw my Mad Men Party featuring recipes from The Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook by Judy Gelman and Peter Zheutlin in honor of the end of the show. My shindig was just one part of an entire virtual Mad Men party with other bloggers from around theContinue reading How We Partied like Mad Men for the End of Mad Men
Stuffed Burger Bundles for Burt Reynolds
Well, I really dropped the ball with this one. I almost missed the birthday of one of DiS!’s favorite people, Mr. Burt Reynolds! Now, when I made the Stuffed Burger Bundles on Tuesday night with my friend Jason, I didn’t have Burt in mind, but I think that Burt would like this dish, it’s beefyContinue reading Stuffed Burger Bundles for Burt Reynolds
Bavarian Meatballs
This is me trying to connect this dish to Christmas somehow: Bavarian Meatballs. Bavaria. What do they do in Bavaria? Drink beer. Eat sausage. There’s Alps. Snow. Ski lodge. Sweaters. Christmas sweaters. Oh, shit. Bavarian Christmas Markets! How sweet does that look? I totally want to go to there. I don’t know if they’d serveContinue reading Bavarian Meatballs
A Happy Holiday Idea: Hot Dr. Pepper (1965)
Earlier this month I featured this 1965 Dr. Pepper advertisement on the Facebook page. It garnered a lot of attention; there were a lot of ‘likes’ and a lot of varying opinions about whether Hot Dr. Pepper was delicious or disgusting. It apparently was a thing in the 60s. Here are some sample comments: Shari said,Continue reading A Happy Holiday Idea: Hot Dr. Pepper (1965)
Better Homes & Gardens Barbecue Book: Whipped Butters
I know, you’re probably thinking. It’s December, why are you sharing a recipe from a barbecue cookbook? Well, kittens, these are an absolute treat. And they can be enjoyed anytime of the year. These are flavored, whipped butters that are equally delicious on steaks, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, or any sort of vegetable. IContinue reading Better Homes & Gardens Barbecue Book: Whipped Butters
Better Homes & Gardens Vegetable Cookbook: Spinach Delicious
Thanksgiving is fast approaching! Were you invited to a last-minute Friendsgiving and need to bring a dish? Did you burn the green bean casserole and need a quick substitution? Well, I’ve got a perfect dish for you. You probably already have all of the ingredients in your refrigerator. It’s Spinach Delicious! I made this lastContinue reading Better Homes & Gardens Vegetable Cookbook: Spinach Delicious
Hot Cross Buns
What the hell is with those lyrics? How about: who cares of you have kids? Just buy yourself a bun? Well, at least that’s what I’d be thinking. And why do the girls get first dibs on the buns? Hm. Questions that will never be answered. Anyway, Good Friday is Hot Cross Bun Day. I knowContinue reading Hot Cross Buns
Cherry Chocolate Pie
I haven’t posted about a dessert in a long time–so who is ready for something sweet? I made this dish to cap off the dinner that I will present in the upcoming Vincent Price Halloween Cookalong. You’re excited, right? Chocolate cherry! Hey, anyone ever see that shitty sci-fi movie Cherry 2000 starring Melanie Griffith?Did you know thatContinue reading Cherry Chocolate Pie
Century Egg and Chicken Congee
Congee? When I posted on the DiS! Facebook Page that I was so stoked about making Congee I got a lot of “huh?” and “what?” Well, gentle readers, I wouldn’t expect most of you to know what Congee is. I had no idea what the hell it was until I entered college and was, withContinue reading Century Egg and Chicken Congee
Wiener Wednesday: Pork Sausage Croutes
The Marguerite Patten Recipe Cards have returned! And with a vengeance! Feast your eyes on this: Well, these definitely look…weird. But I wouldn’t expect anything less from Ms. Patten! Let me get this out of the way: I didn’t make the little bacon rolls. Not because I didn’t want to! I just didn’t have any inContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Pork Sausage Croutes