This is the third and final installment of 37. Beef Stroganoff. Thank the lord. And this is a dish where I actually took notes! But I didn’t take a picture of the recipe. So I have to type it all out. Oh, bother. CARD #96 CHARLOTTE RUSSE 1 tbsp gelatin 2 tbsp cold water 1Continue reading Charlotte Russe
Category: Recipes
Blender Borsch
In my last post, 37. Beef Stroganoff, I never imagined that I’d find jarred Borscht at the Charles Village Safeway–in fact, my mind is still blown! But since I didn’t expect it, I had already looked up some easy Borscht recipes to cover my ass. And I had a good deal of the jarred Borscht left–IContinue reading Blender Borsch
37. Beef Stroganoff
Russian dinner! Woo-hoo! I wish that I had a phenomenal dating story to share about a brooding Russian expat named Vlad, but no. And we all know that it is because of the dating stories that most of you are reading Dinner is Served 1972. But, oh, what the hell? I can tell you aboutContinue reading 37. Beef Stroganoff
118. Crepes Suzette
Every time I hear “Crepes Suzette” I think of the theme song to the Patty Duke Show. I feel for you, girl. A hot dog makes me lose control, too. So Crepes Suzette. What is there to say besides “yum?” I had this as a breakfast/brunch. And yes, I do think that it is anContinue reading 118. Crepes Suzette
Linguine Salad Supreme Light
It is so insanely hot here–and I assume that it’s hot where you are, too–that the last thing I want to do is write about a dish that would require any sort of baking/grilling/roasting/broiling. I am all about chilled foods at the moment. So here is a salad that can definitely be used as aContinue reading Linguine Salad Supreme Light
Presley Family Fried Green Tomatoes
There is an old, greasy spoon 24-hour diner in Pittsburgh called Ritter’s that was a regular stop for me when I was in college. I absolutely adored this place: me and my friends would spend a long time there just drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Why I love Ritter’s: The food is good. The foodContinue reading Presley Family Fried Green Tomatoes
Wiener Wednesday: Frank and Corn Crown
You may be saying to yourself, what? Huh? But I thought that Wiener Wednesdays were over! Well, you’re right. Wiener Wednesdays are over. But I realized that this week is the 1-year anniversary of Wiener Wednesdays, and since July is National Hot Dog Month, I felt obligated to somehow crown the achievement that was (almost*)Continue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frank and Corn Crown
Canape CanaPleaseTellMeThatDidn’tHappen
Dear friends, yet again I am serving up a dish that I can’t really tell you much about. So I am just going to use these canapes as an excuse to further illustrate the clusterfuck that is my love life. I probably shouldn’t even be sharing this story because it is so embarrassing; but it isContinue reading Canape CanaPleaseTellMeThatDidn’tHappen
15. Pork Chops Florentine
Kittens, this dinner, #15, you wanna know how long ago I made this? I made it back in February to commemorate the 2-year anniversary of Dinner is Served! 1972, and my 2 year anniversary with Brian! That’s a loooong time ago. You may recall the cake I made: But before the cake, DiS! regulars LeahContinue reading 15. Pork Chops Florentine
68. Lamb Shanks in Red Wine
Lookie lookie! Who has another official DiS! meal for you? This gal right here! I feel like it’s been a long time since I posted a whole dinner. The last one was in (lemme check)…it was in April. APRIL!?!? Well, shit. I’ve definitely veered off course from the original mission of the project. Well, noContinue reading 68. Lamb Shanks in Red Wine
Watergate Salad
You might know this dish by other names: ambrosia, Pistachio Delight, green stuff–but I prefer Watergate Salad because, well, hello, all that Watergate shit went down in 1972! Watergate Salad is definitely a party dish, and, lucky for me, I was invited to one of the biggest events of the season–Retrofurn Ronny’s 50th Birthday Party!Continue reading Watergate Salad
The Joys of Jell-O: Rainbow Cake
Darlings, I feel like I’ve been away from you for so long. And perhaps I have been. In lieu of writing I’ve been out doing–Honfest, the gym, art shows, food truck rallies, and parties, and dates, and a trip to DC to see NKOTB(!). But I’m back. For a bit, anyway. I’m totally broke soContinue reading The Joys of Jell-O: Rainbow Cake
Zumba Soup (Bacon Kale & Chickpea Soup)
I did Zumba for the first time last week. I went to because my friend Iris got me a comped 1 week pass at her gym out in the county (the county!). I figured that if I had the pass, I might as well use it, so I joined her for a class. I amContinue reading Zumba Soup (Bacon Kale & Chickpea Soup)
WINNER Wednesday: Drunken Caesar Pasta
One night, after an evening of mirth, merriment, and alcoholic libations, I arrived home and decided that the snicky snacks I had as dinner weren’t enough for the night; so I was faced with the question (which we have all had): what can I make to eat with what I have in my refrigerator? Necessity is theContinue reading WINNER Wednesday: Drunken Caesar Pasta
Beverage Bonus: The Liberace
OMG you guys. Did everyone watch Behind the Candelabra? Um, if you didn’t you need to get on some HBO ASAP or find someone who subscribes and then watch the shit out of it. How can you not? Behind the Candelabra has this: and this: This: And THIS: Yeah, in case you don’t remember, Mr.Continue reading Beverage Bonus: The Liberace
Wiener Wednesday: Best Hamdogs
I am officially nominating myself for the Jerry Seinfeld Awards in Dating Excellence, (Man-hands Category). Why? Let me explain. I was introduced to a friend of a friend who met all of my (seemingly low, but surprisingly difficult) standards: Born before Bush Sr. was in office Employed No roommates No children Has lived places otherContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Best Hamdogs
Wedding Ring Punch
Sorry, kids, but I am preempting Wiener Wednesday. I have some great news to share and, well, I just don’t have a hot dog dish. A girl can only take so many wieners! And, yes, I know that I just walked into that one. But anyhoo, the exciting news: Last week my younger brother gotContinue reading Wedding Ring Punch
National Shrimp Day!
Yes, it’s true. May 9th celebrates the little crustacean known as the shrimp. Today, let’s observe the holiday by looking back on 3 shrimptastic dinners from the DiS! card set. Click on the photos to read more! 108. Baked Stuffed Shrimp This dinner was notable for actually being a brunch. And also because I preparedContinue reading National Shrimp Day!