Sooooooo, sometimes I will half-write a post, put it in my draft folder, and return to it at a much later date. This is definitely one of those instances. Yesterday I opened this post and had no idea what the hell I was reading. Turns out that what I discovered may be the greatest stream-of-consciousness/free-verseContinue reading 197. Pork Chops and Scalloped Potatoes
Category: poetry
The Total Woman
Lots of fun has been going on over on the Dinner is Served 1972 Facebook fan page. Yesterday I featured the covers to Helen Gurley Brown’s Sex and the Single Girl and subsequent cookbook. Today, I went to the absolute other end of the female self-help spectrum and posted the cover of Marabel Morgan’s Handbook for KitchenContinue reading The Total Woman
Friday Fluff
I’m sorry that I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been busy working on another writing project and just out and about and having fun–gallivanting about Baltimore. So I don’t have anything for you today food-wise. When I put it to a vote last week, you guys overwhelmingly said “why the hell not?” to meContinue reading Friday Fluff