This past week, with 3 other food bloggers, I participated in a Jell-O dare. Or, as I prefer to call this challenge: The Knoxapocalypse. The rules were that each of us would select a gelatin-centric recipe, the recipes would be randomly assigned, and then we’d have to make our assigned dish. No substitutions were allowed unlessContinue reading Swedish Jellied Veal (Kalvsylta)
Category: International Cuisine
52. Shish Kebab–now with goat!
Darlings! I feel as though it’s been forever since I’ve posted. Actually, it has been forever. Perhaps it has something to do with the MLK holiday, but I’ve been all kinds of discombobulated. Speaking of MLK day, I went to the parade on Monday and I’m now totally enamored with the Baltimore Westsiders Marching Band.Continue reading 52. Shish Kebab–now with goat!
1-2-3-4-5 Sticky Spareribs
Darlings, sorry that this took longer than I thought but, as promised, here is the recipe for the ribs that I made on New Year’s Eve. And yes, they did taste as good as they look. I think my photography has really improved! This recipe is adapted by 1-2-3-4-5 Sticky Spareribs (Tang Chu Pai Gu)Continue reading 1-2-3-4-5 Sticky Spareribs
106. Mustard Star and Holiday Glögg
Let me apologize for going all Pulp Fiction on you with Dinner is Served! and not putting my dinners in chronological order, and writing about New Year’s before Christmas. But this is how it happened. So deal with it. Anyway, I’m going to a little bit back in time to Christmas Eve 2011. Christmas EveContinue reading 106. Mustard Star and Holiday Glögg
New Year’s Chinese Banquet and The Best of 2011
Brian wishes you a totally awesome 2012! Did you all have a good New Year’s Eve and subsequent New Year’s Day? I hope so, although it was weird having NFL games on the 1st and not the Rose Bowl, am I right? But the Steelers won so all is right with the world. The exitContinue reading New Year’s Chinese Banquet and The Best of 2011
Nic’s British Sausage Rolls
This quick and easy (2 ingredient!) recipe comes from my brother, Nic. When he was in Sunderland, UK for art school he came across these little tasty treats and liked them so much he recreated them at home. Hence the name Nic’s British Sausage Rolls. This recipe is the epitome of mangiacake or caker food, whichContinue reading Nic’s British Sausage Rolls
86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
First off, I want to point out how international Dinner is Served! has been recently: lasagna, goulash, chow mein, sauerbraten, chili con carne–and now #86, Albondigas con Salsa Fria. I didn’t realize how frickin’ global and cultured this box was when I first opened it. After a quick flip through the remaining cards, it looksContinue reading 86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
Half. Way. There. The 55th Dinner!
Yes. Here we are at the half-way point. I have completed 55 meals. I can’t believe that 55 full dinners have been served. I have surprised myself. Seriously, I didn’t think that I’d stick with it, but lo and behold people who I don’t know in real life started reading this damn thing. So now IContinue reading Half. Way. There. The 55th Dinner!
31. Chow Mein
Lately it seems like I’ve been eating beef, beef, beef, and more beef. And I guess that in October I have–this month I had one of the best meals of my life at The Prime Rib Baltimore–where I ate just that: prime rib. Lots and lots of prime rib. If you are ever in Baltimore,Continue reading 31. Chow Mein
24. Hungarian Goulash
Goulash. It’s a great word and so fun to say. Gooooooo-laush! Sounds like galoshes. So, show of hands, is anyone here a fan of Goulash? Anyone? I spent some time studying in Prague during college and the only things I ate there were hot dogs, Czech “salad” (which is just chopped up tomato and pepperContinue reading 24. Hungarian Goulash
73. Lasagne
I do the majority of my cooking on Sundays, but since it is football season (the most wonderful time of the year!) Sundays can get a little busy because of game schedules. We live in Baltimore, but I love the Steelers (obviously) and Cleve is a Browns fan (duh). Last year we became members ofContinue reading 73. Lasagne
Monday Night Quickie: Frugal Pad Thai
One of the problems with an undertaking such as Dinner is Served! is that it doesn’t leave much time for me to try recipes that are decidedly not retro. Which is a shame because I really enjoy cooking foods outside of the 1970s canon. So I finally took the time tonight and tried a recipeContinue reading Monday Night Quickie: Frugal Pad Thai
61. Linguine with Clam Sauce
I prepared #61 on a Saturday night by myself. Yes, by myself. Does that seem sad–me staying home and cooking alone on date night? I hope not. I haven’t been making as many Dinner is Served! meals as I would like due to Cleveland being all sorts of busy with his job. So on SaturdayContinue reading 61. Linguine with Clam Sauce
116. Vanilla Bavarian Cream
I went back home to my beloved Pittsburgh for Labor Day weekend, so I’ve been off the grid. But don’t worry, although I wasn’t out and about on the Interwebs, I was still cooking. The weather was absolute crap when I was away–rain, rain, cloud, fog, cold, wind, rain, gray–not the best weather for aContinue reading 116. Vanilla Bavarian Cream
Electric Skillet Carolina Chicken Pilau (with a Brian Bonus)
I decided to take a break from the 1970s and try a recipe from one of my other vintage finds, The Electric Skillet Frypan Cookbook, which was published in 1955. I bought this lil’ cookbook when I purchased my electric skillet. I figured that if I bought the skillet I might as well know howContinue reading Electric Skillet Carolina Chicken Pilau (with a Brian Bonus)
22. Manicotti
I filed this meal under ground beef (I have separated all of the Dinner is Served! cards by main protein), but the day I made #22 I didn’t want to have meat. I was sick of it. It might have been the 24 oz. prime rib that I watched Cleve take down at the GoldenContinue reading 22. Manicotti
20. Meat Sauce for Spaghetti
I would love to say that this is going to be a rip-roaring, rollicking post about meat sauce. But the fact of the matter is this: it’s 94 degrees out with a heat index of 101. I basically want to just drink cold beer and fall into a Real Housewives coma (2010 NYC on rightContinue reading 20. Meat Sauce for Spaghetti
88. Beef Enchiladas
Hola, amigos! It’s summer and it’s time for something a little spicy, and a little saucy. Enter #88 Beef Enchiladas. I kicked-off the fiesta with some Margaritas which I made as part of a guest post I did for 1972 The Retro WW Experiment. If you want to read the recipe, hop on over to my girl Mimi’s blog.Continue reading 88. Beef Enchiladas