In my last post, 37. Beef Stroganoff, I never imagined that I’d find jarred Borscht at the Charles Village Safeway–in fact, my mind is still blown! But since I didn’t expect it, I had already looked up some easy Borscht recipes to cover my ass. And I had a good deal of the jarred Borscht left–IContinue reading Blender Borsch
Category: International Cuisine
37. Beef Stroganoff
Russian dinner! Woo-hoo! I wish that I had a phenomenal dating story to share about a brooding Russian expat named Vlad, but no. And we all know that it is because of the dating stories that most of you are reading Dinner is Served 1972. But, oh, what the hell? I can tell you aboutContinue reading 37. Beef Stroganoff
118. Crepes Suzette
Every time I hear “Crepes Suzette” I think of the theme song to the Patty Duke Show. I feel for you, girl. A hot dog makes me lose control, too. So Crepes Suzette. What is there to say besides “yum?” I had this as a breakfast/brunch. And yes, I do think that it is anContinue reading 118. Crepes Suzette
Wiener Wednesday: Relay Foods Roly Polys
I know that because of my relatively high hot dog consumption, you’re all worried that I’m gonna get butt cancer from all those nitrate and nitrate-ridden weenies. But I found a butt cancer-free alternative that is tasty and is not one of those tofu dogs–I mean, doesn’t that sound like the worst? Tofu dogs! ThroughContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Relay Foods Roly Polys
Roast Lamb & Kale Curry a la Leftovers (with chutney Jell-O)
Every year for Easter I have a big ol’ roast leg of lamb. And then every year I end up with a whole mess of leftovers. But that’s not a bad thing because every year I make lamb curry. This Easter was no different. Oh, but this year I added a Jell-O mold. The bonelessContinue reading Roast Lamb & Kale Curry a la Leftovers (with chutney Jell-O)
Leftover Corned Beef Casserole (Reuben Loaf)
I already made Haluski to use up all of the leftover cabbage from St. Patrick’s Day, but I still had a lot of corned beef left, too. I wanted to do a casserole, but I also wanted to make a Reuben (which is in my top 5 of most favorite sandwiches ever). But I haveContinue reading Leftover Corned Beef Casserole (Reuben Loaf)
A Very Merry Wiener Wednesday!
Season’s Greetings, darlings! As of today at 5pm I will officially be on holiday break. And boy does that feel good. But perhaps I’m not feeling as good as Sausage Santa, here. Is Mr. Skogman making a friendly offering of tasty beef log? Or does that smile hide murderous thoughts of assault by salami andContinue reading A Very Merry Wiener Wednesday!
BH&G Fondue and Table Top Cooking: Classic Cheese Fondue
Newsflash: November is National Fun with Fondue Month! So how fitting that I recently did a little fondue for 2! I have had a fondue pot for a while now but hadn’t had a good reason to bust it out–the fondue pot is a special occasion appliance, no? And I didn’t have a special occasion.Continue reading BH&G Fondue and Table Top Cooking: Classic Cheese Fondue
Wiener Wednesday: Chihuahua
Hola! Welcome to Wiener Wednesdays, my darlings! I’ve had guests for the past 2 weekends so I really haven’t had time to cook (faux McRib notwithstanding). I haven’t had time to grocery shop, either. So for this week’s Wiener Wednesday I just really pulled one out of my ass with what I had in myContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Chihuahua
Impossible Taco Pie
I love anything with a superlative in its name. Especially anything called Impossible. Couple that with the phrase Taco Pie and you’ve got a simply irresistible dish. Seriously, I love Mexican food. Especially at-home Americanized Mexican food. There’s really not a lot to say about this except that it was delicious. And easy. It would’ve beenContinue reading Impossible Taco Pie
58. Scandinavian Fish Scallop
I had been looking forward to #58 for quite a while. It’s not every day you take on a recipe that includes canned fish balls as an ingredient, amiright? Plus, you can sing “fish balls” to this little ditty (starts at 2:10). Fish balls, fish balls, roly poly fish balls. Fish balls, fish balls, eatContinue reading 58. Scandinavian Fish Scallop
WIENER WEDNESDAY: Seattle Hot Pocket
So since I now live such a wiener-centric life I was doing some light reading on the other types of hot dogs–specifically regional dogs. We all know about the Chicago Dog, but did you know that there is a Seattle Dog? Yep. it’s your standard dog topped with sauerkraut, sauteed onion, brown mustard, and creamContinue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY: Seattle Hot Pocket
Readers’ Choice: International Edition
Hola! Bon Jour! Konnihciwa! Buon Giorno! Remember how I put things up to a vote and you (and by “you” I mean Veg-O-Matic) decided that I would make Sauerbraten (a.k.a Pot Roast From the Motherland)? Well, I want to do that again just for shits and giggles. And also because I have such a hardContinue reading Readers’ Choice: International Edition
Sterling Cooper Draper Rumaki & Gimlet
Darlings, it really does seem as though it were yesterday that we were reintroduced to the goings on of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. And here we are, already at the end of another season. I really hope that I don’t have to wait another entire year for the show to return. I could be deadContinue reading Sterling Cooper Draper Rumaki & Gimlet
Lessons in Leftovers: Korean Beef Tacos & Prime Rib Fajitas
Inspired by both a Cooking Light recipe and my recent visit to Honey Pig Korean BBQ (gosh, do I love Korean food), I used some of my leftover prime rib from The Prime Rib to make Korean Beef Tacos. I thinly sliced some beef off the bone and marinated it in a mixture of soy sauce,Continue reading Lessons in Leftovers: Korean Beef Tacos & Prime Rib Fajitas
66. Carbonnade of Beef
Dinner is Served! you are a liar. Or, if not a liar, then very uninformed and poorly researched. I, having never tasted a carbonnade, wanted to do a background check on it. This sounded French to me. And I was right. Partly. The French definition, literally, is a dish of grilled meat. Which, yeah, this hasContinue reading 66. Carbonnade of Beef
62. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Hungarian Style) My 100th Post!
Yep, my 100th post! Well, at least that’s what wordpress tells me. And although I didn’t mention it at the time, I hit my 1 year mark at the end of February! This meal will commemorate both milestones. It’s a suitable dinner for the occasion since #62 stars a lot of the usual suspects: groundContinue reading 62. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Hungarian Style) My 100th Post!
St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage
FYI: This post originally appeared April 17, 2011. Truth: I do not go out for St. Patrick’s Day because, like all other High Drinking Days (Mardi Gras, Cinco De Mayo, New Year’s Eve, etc), that’s when the amateurs are out. Also, the last time I was out for Pittsburgh’s St. Patrick’s Day parade I watched aContinue reading St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage