So, you know that weekend that Todd and Leah came in for a wedding and I made them the Broiled Filet of Sole brunch on Saturday morning? Well, this is how insane I am: while they were at that wedding on Saturday night I was cooking at the house because on Sunday night I hostedContinue reading 82. Chicken Breasts (With Prosciutto and Mushrooms)
Category: International Cuisine
How We Partied like Mad Men for the End of Mad Men
FINALLY! After weeks of teasing yinz guys, I finally threw my Mad Men Party featuring recipes from The Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook by Judy Gelman and Peter Zheutlin in honor of the end of the show. My shindig was just one part of an entire virtual Mad Men party with other bloggers from around theContinue reading How We Partied like Mad Men for the End of Mad Men
27. Swedish Meatballs (Readers’ Choice)
Snow day! Snow day! Snow day! Yeah, here in Baltimore we are getting hit by quite the winter (spring?) storm. And everything is closed. EVERYTHING. It is supposed to snow until 5pm tonight, but look at what I’ve got outside my window before noon: My street doesn’t even look like a street. I don’t think I’llContinue reading 27. Swedish Meatballs (Readers’ Choice)
Bavarian Meatballs
This is me trying to connect this dish to Christmas somehow: Bavarian Meatballs. Bavaria. What do they do in Bavaria? Drink beer. Eat sausage. There’s Alps. Snow. Ski lodge. Sweaters. Christmas sweaters. Oh, shit. Bavarian Christmas Markets! How sweet does that look? I totally want to go to there. I don’t know if they’d serveContinue reading Bavarian Meatballs
Yorkshire Chicken
Happy Autumn! The Equinox has come and gone and we are enjoying some very fall-like weather here in Maryland. There is a definite chill in the air, as well as lots of rain. It’s an absolutely perfect time for comfort food. And I think that casseroles, particularly chicken casseroles, are extra comfy. This Yorkshire Chicken recipe comesContinue reading Yorkshire Chicken
12. Lamb and Eggplant Bake
The good? This dinner. This was actually a very yummy dinner. The bad? This dinner. Why? Becausee this was the last DiS! dinner that I had with Leah and Todd. No, nothing bad happened–actually a lot of good happened–they relocated to their beloved Columbus, Ohio to go be adult, married people and eventually have babies andContinue reading 12. Lamb and Eggplant Bake
Twin Peaks Tuesdays: The Norwegians are Leaving!
In the Twin Peaks pilot, Ben Horne is courting a group of Norwegian businessmen over breakfast. The Norwegians seemed to be buying what Ben was selling; but eventually some shit goes down (you have to go watch the pilot to find out. I’m not telling.) and this happens: “The Norwegians are leaving! The Norwegians areContinue reading Twin Peaks Tuesdays: The Norwegians are Leaving!
56. Sukiyaki
Hold on a second. Haven’t we seen this card before? Um. yeah we have! This ad appears on the “About Dinner is Served!” page. Check it: That was a little bit of Deja Vu, amiright? Speaking of Deja Vu, have you ever been on a Deja Date? I have. Back in early March. OK, here’s theContinue reading 56. Sukiyaki
Impossible Quesadilla (that’s kay-seh-dee-yah) Pie
So, it’s not KWAY-suh-dill-uh? Damn. Because that’s how I’ve been saying it for years. I think you all know that I love a good Impossible Pie. So I have declared yet another Resolution for 2014: make all of the Impossible Pies in the Bisquick “No Time To Cook” Recipe Book (1982). I found the booklet onContinue reading Impossible Quesadilla (that’s kay-seh-dee-yah) Pie
BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatballs in Sauerbraten Sauce
More meatballs! So far I have shared with you two of the Meatballs-Four-Ways: Meatballs Stroganoff and the Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce. This time it’s the exotic-sounding “Deutsch” Dinner. I love that “Deutsch” is in quotations. It instills me with a great deal of faith in the Better Homes & Gardens overlords. Right? I know how spot-onContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatballs in Sauerbraten Sauce
Emily’s Star Market Guacamole
Hey kittens! I know that I’ve been AWOL this week. But things have been super-busy at work and I’ve just been a little social butterfly. Since we last kiki’ed: Mr. Buckeye and I went out on Saturday night to imbibe some dirty Martinis and the bartender asked us if we could keep it down (can youContinue reading Emily’s Star Market Guacamole
Happy Diwali!
If you are all “huh?” Just know that you’re in the middle of it. Diwali is the Indian Festival of Lights—a 5-day Hindu party that celebrates the triumph of good over evil. The holiday involves lots and lots of candles and firecrackers. I like to celebrate it every year by ordering Indian take-out. This yearContinue reading Happy Diwali!
Yi’s Green Bean Casserole
Holy crap. Can you believe that we’re a month away from Thanksgiving? I can’t. I really can’t. October has gone by in the blink of an eye. But anyway, we are fast approaching Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. I adore it because it’s just about food, booze, and football—these are a few of my favorite things!Continue reading Yi’s Green Bean Casserole
BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatball Stroganoff
On Sunday morning I drove my buddy Mr. Buckeye* to the airport (lucky bitch flew to a Mexican resort for a week of sun, scuba, and margaritas while I’m here in Baltimore dealing with never ending body work on my car that was broken into. Two weeks ago. Color me pissed. But that is neither hereContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatball Stroganoff
Impossible Lasagna Pie
My darlings! I am so sorry that I’ve been AWOL. I went on a week-long vacation at the end of September with my mum’ and between recovering from my trip and catching up on work, I have neglected the blog. I hope that in the next couple of weeks I can get back on trackContinue reading Impossible Lasagna Pie
Century Egg and Chicken Congee
Congee? When I posted on the DiS! Facebook Page that I was so stoked about making Congee I got a lot of “huh?” and “what?” Well, gentle readers, I wouldn’t expect most of you to know what Congee is. I had no idea what the hell it was until I entered college and was, withContinue reading Century Egg and Chicken Congee
Stuffed Hungarian Hots
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When your boss gives you a plastic bag full of Hungarian Hot Peppers, you stuff the little buggers. Oddly enough, in one of my favorite cookbooks, Mama’s Recipes: A Treasury of Hungarian-American Foods, there wasn’t a recipe for any type of stuffed pepper–Hungarian or not. I really thoughtContinue reading Stuffed Hungarian Hots
Charlotte Russe
This is the third and final installment of 37. Beef Stroganoff. Thank the lord. And this is a dish where I actually took notes! But I didn’t take a picture of the recipe. So I have to type it all out. Oh, bother. CARD #96 CHARLOTTE RUSSE 1 tbsp gelatin 2 tbsp cold water 1Continue reading Charlotte Russe