The Gran Centurions’ L’Amore Della Cucina: Pepperoni Bread (1990)

I love pepperoni rolls. I loved selling them door to door to raise money for my high school marching band, and I have fond memories of Uncle Dave bringing a giant platter of rolls to our Christmas Eve celebrations. They make excellent pepperoni rolls at the Bella Roma Italian Deli in Colonia, NJ. And, althoughContinue reading The Gran Centurions’ L’Amore Della Cucina: Pepperoni Bread (1990)

Wiener Wednesday: Frankfurter and Sauerkraut Goulash (1979)

For today’s Wiener Wednesday, we have a reader-submitted recipe! Paris B. sent me a selection of Frankfurter Recipes from the 1979 edition of the Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery.  I own a set of the 1966 edition–I’m wondering how much they changed in 9 years. The chapter on the humble frank begins as such: FRANKFURTER–FrankfurtersContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frankfurter and Sauerkraut Goulash (1979)

Blends Bash 2021: Irish Halloween Bread & Irish Coffee (1966)

It’s Blends Bash! (If you don’t know what that is, the lovely folks at The Book Club Cookbook send out samples of their spice blends–all inspired by television shows, movies, and songs–to special bloggers like me. And then we go all creative with them). Today I am bringing to you a recipe that features theirContinue reading Blends Bash 2021: Irish Halloween Bread & Irish Coffee (1966)

Wiener Wednesday: Mexican Franks & Eggs (1965) and Montezuma Bloody Maria (1974)

We’ve come to the end of the Summer of Franks! And let me tell you, it couldn’t come soon enough. Bring on fall! And bring on dishes that don’t include cylindrical-shaped foods! For the very last Wiener Wednesday, I turned to Click Americana and One-Dish Frankfurter Meals. I was feeling a little spicy, so IContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Mexican Franks & Eggs (1965) and Montezuma Bloody Maria (1974)

The Joys of Chinese Cooking: Sweet & Sour Pork and Bamboo Shoots with Spinach and Mushrooms (1982)

Happy Lunar New Year! It’s the Year of the Ox! I wasn’t planning on having some Asian cuisine on the blog for the holiday, but I had this dinner in the queue, so here we are. These recipes are from The Joy of Chinese Cooking by Lo Mei Hing, Giulia Marzotto Caotorta and Sun TziContinue reading The Joys of Chinese Cooking: Sweet & Sour Pork and Bamboo Shoots with Spinach and Mushrooms (1982)