The good? This dinner. This was actually a very yummy dinner. The bad? This dinner. Why? Becausee this was the last DiS! dinner that I had with Leah and Todd. No, nothing bad happened–actually a lot of good happened–they relocated to their beloved Columbus, Ohio to go be adult, married people and eventually have babies andContinue reading 12. Lamb and Eggplant Bake
Category: Ground Beef
84. Grilled Hamburgers (with Lima Bean and Cucumber Salad)
I bring you CARD NUMBER EIGHTY-FOUR! Ok, that’s a lie. Leah actually brought card number 84. She made the burgers and the assorted toppings and the lima-bean cucumber salad. I just made the dessert, but I’ll get to that later. But since I just mentioned the assorted toppings, let me draw your attention to thatContinue reading 84. Grilled Hamburgers (with Lima Bean and Cucumber Salad)
Happy National Ravioli Day!
You know, every once in a while I just have a hankering for a can of Chef Boyardee Meat Ravioli. Or, ‘labbyloobies’ as my elementary school friend, Jessica, would call them. I have no idea why in the hell she called them that. But whatever you call them, they are delicious. In that gross, schoolContinue reading Happy National Ravioli Day!
BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatballs in Sauerbraten Sauce
More meatballs! So far I have shared with you two of the Meatballs-Four-Ways: Meatballs Stroganoff and the Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce. This time it’s the exotic-sounding “Deutsch” Dinner. I love that “Deutsch” is in quotations. It instills me with a great deal of faith in the Better Homes & Gardens overlords. Right? I know how spot-onContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatballs in Sauerbraten Sauce
BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce
MEATBALLS–TAKE TWO! This is the second meatball dinner from the “Meals to Double-Up and Divide” of Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two (1977). To refresh your memory, the deal is that I made 48 meatballs and froze them up at Buckeye’s house. Twelve meatballs each will be used in 4 different preparations (a.k.a. Meatballs–FourContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce
BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatball Stroganoff
On Sunday morning I drove my buddy Mr. Buckeye* to the airport (lucky bitch flew to a Mexican resort for a week of sun, scuba, and margaritas while I’m here in Baltimore dealing with never ending body work on my car that was broken into. Two weeks ago. Color me pissed. But that is neither hereContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Meatball Stroganoff
Impossible Taco Pie
I love anything with a superlative in its name. Especially anything called Impossible. Couple that with the phrase Taco Pie and you’ve got a simply irresistible dish. Seriously, I love Mexican food. Especially at-home Americanized Mexican food. There’s really not a lot to say about this except that it was delicious. And easy. It would’ve beenContinue reading Impossible Taco Pie
40. Beef Pizza
11 days ago, for Thursday Night Football, my beloved Steelers took on their bitter rivals (real rivals, none of that B’more Ravens bullshit) the Cleveland Browns. I selected #40 Beef Pizza because it is a football-appropriate meal. Cleve and I invited our friends, Leah & Todd who are Ohioans and Browns supporters. An aside–the lastContinue reading 40. Beef Pizza
86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
First off, I want to point out how international Dinner is Served! has been recently: lasagna, goulash, chow mein, sauerbraten, chili con carne–and now #86, Albondigas con Salsa Fria. I didn’t realize how frickin’ global and cultured this box was when I first opened it. After a quick flip through the remaining cards, it looksContinue reading 86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
73. Lasagne
I do the majority of my cooking on Sundays, but since it is football season (the most wonderful time of the year!) Sundays can get a little busy because of game schedules. We live in Baltimore, but I love the Steelers (obviously) and Cleve is a Browns fan (duh). Last year we became members ofContinue reading 73. Lasagne
76. Stuffed Green Peppers
This was my Hurricane Irene meal. Or, as I liked to call it: Hurrican’t Irene or Hurrilame Irene. I don’t want to make light of the flooding and destruction that happened in other parts of the country but here in my little sliver of Baltimore City, we never lost power or cable television. The lights didn’tContinue reading 76. Stuffed Green Peppers
20. Meat Sauce for Spaghetti
I would love to say that this is going to be a rip-roaring, rollicking post about meat sauce. But the fact of the matter is this: it’s 94 degrees out with a heat index of 101. I basically want to just drink cold beer and fall into a Real Housewives coma (2010 NYC on rightContinue reading 20. Meat Sauce for Spaghetti
88. Beef Enchiladas
Hola, amigos! It’s summer and it’s time for something a little spicy, and a little saucy. Enter #88 Beef Enchiladas. I kicked-off the fiesta with some Margaritas which I made as part of a guest post I did for 1972 The Retro WW Experiment. If you want to read the recipe, hop on over to my girl Mimi’s blog.Continue reading 88. Beef Enchiladas
42. Stuffed Zucchini
Frugality was supposed to be an ongoing theme with my blog, but has recently gotten tossed by the wayside because of big ticket ingredients like the spareribs and leg of lamb. And wow, my monthly grocery budget has reflected that. So for this meal I wanted to get back to the cheap. Which I totallyContinue reading 42. Stuffed Zucchini
55. Hamburger Pie
First things first. And I don’t want everyone to get too excited…but #55 has a JELL-O MOLD!!! I know that I shouldn’t be put-off by the phrase “Hamburger Pie,” because there are many perfectly good pies that involve meat. Chicken Pot Pie and Shepherd’s Pie, for instance. But seriously, doesn’t Hamburger Pie sound a littleContinue reading 55. Hamburger Pie
29. Meat Loaf
I wish that could be the entire post. Or “I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That).” But did Chazz get you psyched for some loaf? A loaf of meat? I’m talking about a loaf of meat!!!! Click for more if you like loaf. LOAF!
67. Tamale Pie
I’ve been very dilligent on the cooking-end of Dinner is Served! but I must admit that I’ve gotten a little behind on the posting. So it’s not until now that I give you #67, Tamale Pie. Please keep in mind I don’t remember how long ago I made it and I apparently did not take anyContinue reading 67. Tamale Pie
Sunday Brunch Special
Waste not. Want not. This is a theme that I wanted to carry out throughout this project. It’s also something that I try to do as much as possible in my day-to-day life (at least when it comes to food and groceries): I reuse all my plastic shopping bags as trash bags. I use ChineseContinue reading Sunday Brunch Special