I like the idea of an individual meatloaf. I LOVE the idea of an individual, cheese-stuffed meatloaf. American cheese ensconced in ground beef is vaguely reminiscent of the Juicy Lucy–a cheeseburger with the cheese IN the burger. There are two rival bars in Twin Cities, both of which claim to have invented the JuicyContinue reading 194. Individual Meat Loaves
Category: Ground Beef
PIEATHALON 10: Villa Pie (1975)
PIEATHALON BITCHES! If you don’t know the Pieathalon rules click HERE. My pie came from Down Under! Taryn of Retro Food for Modern Times sent me a recipe from The Leggos Italian Cookbook (1975) Leggos not to be confused with L’eggo my Eggo. Before we get into it–just a little history of Leggo courtesyContinue reading PIEATHALON 10: Villa Pie (1975)
211. Florentine Meat Foldovers
With so many of these cards, I do a little internet search as to whether or not the dish exists somewhere outside of the culinary world that is Dinner Is Served. A quick google of “Florentine Meat Foldovers” returns with Steak Florentine, Florentine Spaghetti Bake, and Beef Wellington (!?!?) Aside from the Wellington, I assumeContinue reading 211. Florentine Meat Foldovers
National Cabbage Day 2022
This dish appeared on the blog back in 2015. It included a huge rundown of all the crazy shit that happened to me that year. If you’re just here for the cabbage crown, read on….. To see the original post, here it is: Cabbage Crown and 2015 in Review. I’m sharing with you a doozyContinue reading National Cabbage Day 2022
129. Baked Cheese-Burger
Last week you voted and the winner is 129. Baked Cheese-Burger! Looks pretty simple. And I didn’t have to buy a damn thing. I appreciate that the 1973 dinners are pared down considerably from the original DiS1972 set–so many of the cards are multi-hour affairs, but a good number of the 1973 dinners only takeContinue reading 129. Baked Cheese-Burger
McCall’s Cooking School: Mexican Salad Bowl (1985)
So my unemployment continues. I became officially unemployed as of June 30. So what, I’m at 7 weeks of not working? It’s weird, dude. It’s fine because I was able to cash out all my unused PTO, etc. from two jobs ago. But if I still had a job that was going to be likeContinue reading McCall’s Cooking School: Mexican Salad Bowl (1985)
174. Frosted Meat Loaf
Way back at the beginning of quarantine, I put it up to vote for what my next DiS1972 (from the 1973 series) dinner would be. Your choices were: I really thought that Frosted Meat Loaf (or Cheese Nugget Spaghetti) would win the contest, but somehow it eventually lost out to 123. Eggplant-Hamburger Sandwich. But FrostedContinue reading 174. Frosted Meat Loaf
144. Macaroni-Beef Topsy Turvy
I know that I start so many of my posts with “sorry I haven’t posted in so long, but…[insert reason here]. But I don’t particularly have a reason this time. None. I can’t even come up with one. This made me think of my friend Richard. He has always told me that I’m an nihilist.Continue reading 144. Macaroni-Beef Topsy Turvy
5th Annual Pieathalon: Kate’s Pie (1985)
IT’S THE PIEATHALON! Can you believe it’s been 5 years? I can’t. I really can’t. In the five years since I’ve been the mastermind behind Pieathalon: Brian and I moved out of the old apartment (Seafoam Cantaloupe Pie) I bought a house and adopted Margot (Melton Mowbray Pie) I was the traumatized by said house andContinue reading 5th Annual Pieathalon: Kate’s Pie (1985)
Male Chauvinist Chili (1975)
I know what you’re thinking. Cooking chili in the middle of August? Yes, but: CROCK-POT! The most cooking I did was browning 2 sausage links and some ground beef (which served a dual purpose, as said meat will be featured in my upcoming PIEATHALON entry). I nixed the bacon because all I had was turkeyContinue reading Male Chauvinist Chili (1975)
139. Tostada Dinner
Obligatory Cinco de Mayo post!!! Does this even qualify as a tostada? How can this be considered a tostada? A tostada is like a flat taco. Not Fritos with ground beef slathered on it. With this dish, the beef doesn’t even go on top of them. The chips are around them. Speaking of the beef,Continue reading 139. Tostada Dinner
Canada Box: Big Mac Sauce
Back in October, I found out that McDonald’s Big Mac sauce was available in bottles. But only in Canada. I expressed my disappointment on my Facebook page and DiS!1972-fan Alicia offered to send me Big Mac sauce as well as Filet o’ Fish Sauce and McChicken Sauce (McChicken sauce is something I will get intoContinue reading Canada Box: Big Mac Sauce
Cabbage Crown and 2015 in Review
Hellooooooo! I’m back from my Christmas vacation. I hope that you all had a chance to take some time off and spend it with family–regardless if you celebrate Xmas or not. VACATION RULES! My Christmas was great. I received so many lovely presents from my family, but the items of most interest to you allContinue reading Cabbage Crown and 2015 in Review
Cher’s Hawaiian Meatballs
It’s Cher’s 69th birthday! Now, last year I posted Cher’s recipe for Hawaiian Meatballs American Style; this year I decided to make them! “Willowy recording artist and TV personality.” I love that. And of course now we can add, Academy Award Winner, activist, gym spokesperson, the list goes on (and the list goes on). Hit itContinue reading Cher’s Hawaiian Meatballs
27. Swedish Meatballs (Readers’ Choice)
Snow day! Snow day! Snow day! Yeah, here in Baltimore we are getting hit by quite the winter (spring?) storm. And everything is closed. EVERYTHING. It is supposed to snow until 5pm tonight, but look at what I’ve got outside my window before noon: My street doesn’t even look like a street. I don’t think I’llContinue reading 27. Swedish Meatballs (Readers’ Choice)
Stuffed Burger Bundles for Burt Reynolds
Well, I really dropped the ball with this one. I almost missed the birthday of one of DiS!’s favorite people, Mr. Burt Reynolds! Now, when I made the Stuffed Burger Bundles on Tuesday night with my friend Jason, I didn’t have Burt in mind, but I think that Burt would like this dish, it’s beefyContinue reading Stuffed Burger Bundles for Burt Reynolds
Bavarian Meatballs
This is me trying to connect this dish to Christmas somehow: Bavarian Meatballs. Bavaria. What do they do in Bavaria? Drink beer. Eat sausage. There’s Alps. Snow. Ski lodge. Sweaters. Christmas sweaters. Oh, shit. Bavarian Christmas Markets! How sweet does that look? I totally want to go to there. I don’t know if they’d serveContinue reading Bavarian Meatballs
Impossible Cheeseburger Pie
This dish is part of my quest to complete all twelve Impossible Pie recipes from The Bisquick “No Time to Cook” Recipe Book. The pie is extremely apropos because today is one of the best days of the year: National Cheeseburger Day! And really, this Impossible Pie is just as one would imagine it wouldContinue reading Impossible Cheeseburger Pie