Darlings! I feel as though it’s been forever since I’ve posted. Actually, it has been forever. Perhaps it has something to do with the MLK holiday, but I’ve been all kinds of discombobulated. Speaking of MLK day, I went to the parade on Monday and I’m now totally enamored with the Baltimore Westsiders Marching Band.Continue reading 52. Shish Kebab–now with goat!
Category: Food
Apple-Cheddar Ball
Last weekend Cleve and I attended a Twelfth Night party hosted by his co-worker, Kristen, who just happens to be an avid Dinner is Served! reader. I don’t know exactly what a Twelfth Night party is (I’m too lazy to read the article), but I think it has something to do with the Epiphany (IContinue reading Apple-Cheddar Ball
1-2-3-4-5 Sticky Spareribs
Darlings, sorry that this took longer than I thought but, as promised, here is the recipe for the ribs that I made on New Year’s Eve. And yes, they did taste as good as they look. I think my photography has really improved! This recipe is adapted by 1-2-3-4-5 Sticky Spareribs (Tang Chu Pai Gu)Continue reading 1-2-3-4-5 Sticky Spareribs
106. Mustard Star and Holiday Glögg
Let me apologize for going all Pulp Fiction on you with Dinner is Served! and not putting my dinners in chronological order, and writing about New Year’s before Christmas. But this is how it happened. So deal with it. Anyway, I’m going to a little bit back in time to Christmas Eve 2011. Christmas EveContinue reading 106. Mustard Star and Holiday Glögg
Chinese Spiced-Salt Prawns and Tea Egg Recipes
Darlings, since you asked so nicely, here are the recipes for the Spiced-Salt Prawns and the Tea Eggs. I will get the 1-2-3-4-5 Sticky Spareribs recipe up later this week. Spiced-Salt Prawns This recipe is from Yan Kit’s Classic Chinese Cookbook which is an excellent Chinese cookbook. The instructions are clear, the pictures are pretty, andContinue reading Chinese Spiced-Salt Prawns and Tea Egg Recipes
New Year’s Chinese Banquet and The Best of 2011
Brian wishes you a totally awesome 2012! Did you all have a good New Year’s Eve and subsequent New Year’s Day? I hope so, although it was weird having NFL games on the 1st and not the Rose Bowl, am I right? But the Steelers won so all is right with the world. The exitContinue reading New Year’s Chinese Banquet and The Best of 2011
Holiday Howdy-Ho and the Liebster Blog Awards
Hello Darlings! I’m going to go on hiatus for the holidays because, well, I will be too busy being all holly jolly with the family and shit. But don’t fret, I will still be cooking while I’m on vaycay. But before 2011 ends and 2012 begins I want to thank everyone who has contributed toContinue reading Holiday Howdy-Ho and the Liebster Blog Awards
61. Linguine with Clam Sauce
I prepared #61 on a Saturday night by myself. Yes, by myself. Does that seem sad–me staying home and cooking alone on date night? I hope not. I haven’t been making as many Dinner is Served! meals as I would like due to Cleveland being all sorts of busy with his job. So on SaturdayContinue reading 61. Linguine with Clam Sauce
28. Tuna-Cheese-Macaroni-Loaf
I am a firm believer that the only thing that should come in loaf-form is bread. Even standard ol’ meatloaf is pushing it. It is a line that should never be crossed. Well, the monstrosity that is #28 Tuna-Cheese-Macaroni-Loaf looked at that culinary line, laughed at it, and then hurdled it like a thoroughbred in aContinue reading 28. Tuna-Cheese-Macaroni-Loaf
41. Fruit Stuffed Pork Loin (the results)
Ah, card #41. You took almost an entire day to make.