So I had a most bemusing/amusing dream last night. I dreamed that I was at a convention center or office building of sorts with a big glass atrium and lots of different levels and escalators. There was a big singing contest going on and I was a finalist of some sort. I was singing “IContinue reading Beverage Bonus: New York Sour
Category: Food
Happy Easter!
Darlings! Happy early Easter! I hope that you get big ol’ baskets full of eggs and jelly beans and chocolate bunnies. My mum sent me an Easter package with a note that read, “nothing says Easter like chocolate crosses and vampires.” So in the box was a chocolate cross and a DVD double feature ofContinue reading Happy Easter!
66. Carbonnade of Beef
Dinner is Served! you are a liar. Or, if not a liar, then very uninformed and poorly researched. I, having never tasted a carbonnade, wanted to do a background check on it. This sounded French to me. And I was right. Partly. The French definition, literally, is a dish of grilled meat. Which, yeah, this hasContinue reading 66. Carbonnade of Beef
BH&G Meals In Minutes: “Family Favorite”
Two words, people: CIRCLE PUPS. That’s what drew me to the “Family Favorite” dinner from Meals In Minutes, a volume from the Better Homes & Gardens Creative Cooking Library. I just acquired this gem when I went back home to Pittsburgh last month. With it I scored 12 other BH&G cookbooks (different years and series).Continue reading BH&G Meals In Minutes: “Family Favorite”
Friday Frozen Fish Flashback: Baked Fish Fillets in White Wine
Hello Darlings! I am sure that you woke up this morning and thought, “crap. It’s Friday. I’m not supposed to eat meat. Whatever will I do?” Well, here’s something you can do. It’s fuss-free and uses a lot of frozen and convenience foods. You can stop at the store on the way home from workContinue reading Friday Frozen Fish Flashback: Baked Fish Fillets in White Wine
107. Seafood Mousse
I know that I’ve mentioned that DiS! offers up desserts and brunches in addition to their giant-ass dinners. Well, #107 is a luncheon. I don’t know why, but for some reason luncheon sounds fancy. Fancier than brunch, right? And seriously, what’s fancier than crustacean-flavored Jell-O? By the way, Cleve was thrilled when I announced that IContinue reading 107. Seafood Mousse
Steak Mad Men (Steak Diane)
Ah, after almost a year and a half the time had finally arrived for the return of Don Draper. While thousands of people across the nation were hosting Mid-Century Modern Man Men parties in honor of this glorious occasion, Cleve and I celebrated in a more low-key manner with a Mad Men Tete-a-tete. Hosting a Mad Men-themedContinue reading Steak Mad Men (Steak Diane)
62. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Hungarian Style) My 100th Post!
Yep, my 100th post! Well, at least that’s what wordpress tells me. And although I didn’t mention it at the time, I hit my 1 year mark at the end of February! This meal will commemorate both milestones. It’s a suitable dinner for the occasion since #62 stars a lot of the usual suspects: groundContinue reading 62. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Hungarian Style) My 100th Post!
St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage
FYI: This post originally appeared April 17, 2011. Truth: I do not go out for St. Patrick’s Day because, like all other High Drinking Days (Mardi Gras, Cinco De Mayo, New Year’s Eve, etc), that’s when the amateurs are out. Also, the last time I was out for Pittsburgh’s St. Patrick’s Day parade I watched aContinue reading St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage
75. Pepper Steak
This is the dinner that never was. OK, that’s a lie. This dinner existed, it’s just that the post never did. Until now. Almost 3 months later. Way way back before the Super Bowl, Cleve and I went over to our friends Todd & Leah’s place in East Baltimore for a night of me not serving dinnerContinue reading 75. Pepper Steak
65. Cassoulet
As I worked on #65 I kept writing this down as ‘cassolette’ instead of ‘cassoulet.’ One is #65, a traditional French bean and meat casserole. The other one has something to do with a lady’s nether regions. Yeah. You read that correctly. Now the only reason I’ve ever even heard the word cassolette is becauseContinue reading 65. Cassoulet
Swedish Jellied Veal (Kalvsylta)
This past week, with 3 other food bloggers, I participated in a Jell-O dare. Or, as I prefer to call this challenge: The Knoxapocalypse. The rules were that each of us would select a gelatin-centric recipe, the recipes would be randomly assigned, and then we’d have to make our assigned dish. No substitutions were allowed unlessContinue reading Swedish Jellied Veal (Kalvsylta)
Low-Calorie Manhattan & Crab-Stuffed Zucchini
So a couple of weeks ago I came across the trailer for a 1973 horror film (according to the DVD cover: the rarely seen 1970s cult shocker!) called The Baby. I instantly sent this to my friend Valerie who said “we MUST watch this movie.” So I made a promise to host a screening onceContinue reading Low-Calorie Manhattan & Crab-Stuffed Zucchini
48. Turkey Scalloppine
Darlings, it is official. We are in the midst of National Jell-O Week! I hope that you got your jiggle on because the weekend is fast approaching. But if you haven’t celebrated yet, fear not! I’ve already observed this holiest of holy week for you. Come, live vicariously through me. Look at dinner #48. TurkeyContinue reading 48. Turkey Scalloppine
64. Ham and Cheese Fondue
When I returned to Baltimore from Christmas in Pittsburgh, I did so with a big ziploc bag full of Xmas Eve ham. One woman can eat only so many ham sandwiches so I cubed a large portion and put it in the freezer for later use. And I did find a use for it–in #64 HamContinue reading 64. Ham and Cheese Fondue
69. Hawaiian Spareribs
I was inspired to go Hawaiian this week because the annual NFL Pro Bowl took place on January 29th and was, as always, held in the Aloha State. The Pro Bowl used to take place after the Super Bowl but they’ve since moved it to the week before in an attempt to make the game somewhatContinue reading 69. Hawaiian Spareribs
Pittsburgh Chipped Ham Barbecue Sandwiches with Church Lady Slaw
Ah, the Chipped Ham Barbecue Sammich. A Pittsburgh classic–much like the Turkey Devonshire or the epic sandwiches from Primanti Bros. For some unknown reason I found myself with a craving for a Chipped Ham (Chip Chop Ham) BBQ earlier this month. It was odd because I hadn’t had one in so long and I don’t recall beingContinue reading Pittsburgh Chipped Ham Barbecue Sandwiches with Church Lady Slaw
51. New England Patriots Clam Chowder and Cheese-Beer Bread
Championship Sunday. The best Sunday of the year. Seriously. Unless the Steelers are in the Super Bowl, I don’t get too invested. Super Bowl Sunday is more about commercials and half-time shows. Non-football people watch the Super Bowl. It all detracts from the game. Hence, Championship Sunday is a far superior football day. There areContinue reading 51. New England Patriots Clam Chowder and Cheese-Beer Bread