This dinner, from Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two, is one that I made a long time ago. Like months and months and months ago and never had anything much to say about it. And now—–well, I still don’t have anything to say about it. Holy crap, it is terribly difficult for me toContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Steak Night–Indoors
Category: Food
Wiener Wednesday: Chicago Dog
On the recommendation of my friend Food Blog John, proprietor of the excellent Food & Wine Hedonist, I made a Chicago Dog for this week’s frank. Having never been to Chicago, I had not sampled a Chicago Dog, so I was looking forward to a new frankfurter experience. And since I’ve typed Chicago 3 timesContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Chicago Dog
Wiener Wednesday: Chihuahua
Hola! Welcome to Wiener Wednesdays, my darlings! I’ve had guests for the past 2 weekends so I really haven’t had time to cook (faux McRib notwithstanding). I haven’t had time to grocery shop, either. So for this week’s Wiener Wednesday I just really pulled one out of my ass with what I had in myContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Chihuahua
Welcome to Wiener Wednesdays, kiddies! I’m so sorry that it’s been a couple weeks without a wiener-related post, but I’ve been doing that whole synergy thing with the Cock-a-Doodle and the Beef Tongue! But whatever. Today is a true WIENER WEDNESDAY! Now, I know that Dinner is Served is all about the retro recipes, butContinue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY: Super Tuber
Homemade McRib (yes, you read that correctly)
Have I told you that I like the McRib? Let me rephrase that. Have I told you that I love the McRib? If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you definitely aware. But for those of you who are unaware, I am a McRib lover. Although the McRib was first invented in 1981 andContinue reading Homemade McRib (yes, you read that correctly)
74. Tongue (Italian Style)
I know, I know, I know. Two weeks in a row without a Wiener Wednesday. But I’m giving you the only thing that could replace a Wednesday wiener, and that is tongue. I can’t even apologize for how dirty that sounds. All of the correspondence involving this dish was unintentionally lewd. But my favorite was thisContinue reading 74. Tongue (Italian Style)
Church Lady Cookbook Casserole Challenge: Cock-a-Doodle Casserole
We interrupt your Regularly Scheduled Programming (that being Wiener Wednesday) for this Special Presentation… In the tradition of the Knoxapocalypse comes the Church Lady Cookbook Casserole Challenge! A culinary smackdown featuring the best (gross and/or weird) casseroles that church, synagogue, and community association cookbooks have to offer. So, Brian from Caker Cooking, Erica from Retro RecipeContinue reading Church Lady Cookbook Casserole Challenge: Cock-a-Doodle Casserole
The Joys of Jell-O: Raspberry Chantilly
While I was on Labor Day holiday back in Pittsburgh, my mum hosted a dinner for one of my oldest and dearest friends, Dillon, and her new husband, Chris. My mum did the normal Labor Day fare: ribs, macaroni salad, etc. But since the newlyweds are fans of Dinner is Served! I had to bring aContinue reading The Joys of Jell-O: Raspberry Chantilly
Wiener Wednesday: Tessie O’Shea’s Frankfurter Chutney Salad
Finally! A salad that incorporates Hot Dogs. This is exactly what Wiener Wednesday was missing. This recipe was sent to me from UK–suggested by Jenny of Silver Screen Suppers and Vincentennial Cooking (go visit her blogs because they are fabulous and historical. Plus, don’t you want to make Alfred Hitchcock’s Quiche Lorraine or Marilyn Monroe’sContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Tessie O’Shea’s Frankfurter Chutney Salad
Impossible Taco Pie
I love anything with a superlative in its name. Especially anything called Impossible. Couple that with the phrase Taco Pie and you’ve got a simply irresistible dish. Seriously, I love Mexican food. Especially at-home Americanized Mexican food. There’s really not a lot to say about this except that it was delicious. And easy. It would’ve beenContinue reading Impossible Taco Pie
Happy Labor Day!
Greetings and salutations, darlings! I’m going to take a little time off for the holiday, so you won’t see me here or on the Facebook page until late next week. I know that it will be hard, but don’t miss me too much. I promise that I’ll return. In the meantime, I want to giveContinue reading Happy Labor Day!
58. Scandinavian Fish Scallop
I had been looking forward to #58 for quite a while. It’s not every day you take on a recipe that includes canned fish balls as an ingredient, amiright? Plus, you can sing “fish balls” to this little ditty (starts at 2:10). Fish balls, fish balls, roly poly fish balls. Fish balls, fish balls, eatContinue reading 58. Scandinavian Fish Scallop
WIENER WEDNESDAY: Seattle Hot Pocket
So since I now live such a wiener-centric life I was doing some light reading on the other types of hot dogs–specifically regional dogs. We all know about the Chicago Dog, but did you know that there is a Seattle Dog? Yep. it’s your standard dog topped with sauerkraut, sauteed onion, brown mustard, and creamContinue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY: Seattle Hot Pocket
Frank Wrap-Ups & Nutty Pups
This is about the night I ate a hot dog topped with crunchy peanut butter. Back in May I was enjoying some Beams and Bohs at Ottobar with my buddy Rar Kelly, the resident DJ at F#@K the RENT, one of Baltimore’s best dance parties (Listen to some Rar Kelly real talk here. Yay for shameless friendContinue reading Frank Wrap-Ups & Nutty Pups
Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Reuben Sandwich
Just another Wiener Wednesday. This recipe is from Better Homes & Gardens Jiffy Cooking (1967). It’s on the page opposite Chili-Cheese Franks and is listed as a “Hearty Sandwich.” And may I just note that on the first page of “Hearty Sandwiches” there is a recipe for Tuna Tugs. TUNA TUGS. The more I delve into the BH&GContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frank-Reuben Sandwich
August Update
Hello, kittens. Happy August! I hope that you are all well and keeping cool this sweltering summer. I’ve been pretty unsuccessful–I blame the damn Chesapeake Bay–but perhaps I’m sweating up a storm because things are really heating up here at DiS! central. Not only am I revving up for my 80th dinner (yes, 80th!), andContinue reading August Update
WIENER WEDNESDAY: Chili-Cheese Franks
For this week’s cylindrical-shaped dish, I consulted Jiffy Cooking (1967), another gem from my Better Homes & Gardens cookbook collection and selected Chili-Cheese Franks under the chapter “Hearty Sandwiches.” Now, you may think, hey, you just made a chili dog. And that’s true. I did. But this has cheese and beans (that Coney sauce was onlyContinue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY: Chili-Cheese Franks
105. Tuna Salad 3 Way
The title should read “3 ways,” but the typo was so funny it had to stay. Tuna Salad Three Way sounds like some bizarro porn that you would never want to watch. I am not afraid that now I’ll get weird hits on my blog; I already do. And nothing will ever top “Facebook Sluts Toledo Ohio.” NowContinue reading 105. Tuna Salad 3 Way