Post-Christmas we all have a lot of leftovers–my family always ends up with lots of cookies, pies, ham and PRIME RIB. This year was no exception. So I drove back from Pittsburgh with a giant hunk of delicious beef in the trunk of my car. But what to do with it once I got itContinue reading Leftovers! Pittsburgh-Style Prime Rib Salad
Category: Food
2012 Dinner is Served! Year in Review
Hello, darlings. The world didn’t explode on the winter solstice, so here we are at the end of another calendar year. Can you believe it? I can’t. I really, really can’t. 2012 has been a year of high points (yay, job promotion!), low points, (R.I.P. Cleveland) and overall weirdness (basically everything involving OKCupid). But mostContinue reading 2012 Dinner is Served! Year in Review
BH&G Snacks and Refreshments: Hearty Clam Delight
Hello, darlings! Did everyone have a happy Christmas? I hope that you were able to have a day off and spend some time with your families–or doing whatever you fancy. Brian and I are visiting Pittsburgh for a bit and are enjoying all of this wintry weather! Earlier this month, back in Baltimore, I wasContinue reading BH&G Snacks and Refreshments: Hearty Clam Delight
Wordless Wiener Wednesday
A Very Merry Wiener Wednesday!
Season’s Greetings, darlings! As of today at 5pm I will officially be on holiday break. And boy does that feel good. But perhaps I’m not feeling as good as Sausage Santa, here. Is Mr. Skogman making a friendly offering of tasty beef log? Or does that smile hide murderous thoughts of assault by salami andContinue reading A Very Merry Wiener Wednesday!
Wiener Wednesday: Sausage Boatees
This week’s Wiener Wednesday is especially exciting for two reasons: 1. The dish is called Sausage Boatees. Boatee is totally not a word. I looked it up. But you know what is? BOOTY. So these will be known as Sausage Booties. Which, like so many dishes I make for Wiener Wednesday, sounds kinda porny (whichContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Sausage Boatees
49. Paella
Ohmygodyouguys! An actual Dinner is Served dinner! When was the last time that happened? Um, so long ago that I can’t even tell you how long ago it was that I made this dinner. So long ago that #49 was the card voted to be my 80th dinner. So excuse me if I don’t talk atContinue reading 49. Paella
Wiener Wednesday: Weenie Wreath
On Sunday I visited my friends Iris and Matt for the Steelers/Ravens game. The Steelers, in the face of adversity, and in spite of Charlie Batch’s old, achy joints, emerged victorious. Yay. But the real highlight of my Sunday was this hot dog holiday wreath, which was suggested by my friend (and Franco Dok HarrisContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Weenie Wreath
Liz & Dick Special: Chasen’s Chili
Liz & Dick finally landed on Lifetime. And it didn’t disappoint. Because it was horrendous. These are a few reasons why: Lindsay Lohan. The script. It was worse than anything I wrote in college (including a vignette that ended with the line “Good night, sweet ninja!”). This thing was all over the place. I hadContinue reading Liz & Dick Special: Chasen’s Chili
November Foodie Pen Pals
Remember how I did the Foodie Pen Pals last month? Well, it was such a great experience that I tried it again. And boy, am I glad that I did! I was matched with Hannah, a college student at Florida State University. She told me that baking is her forte, but I actually think thatContinue reading November Foodie Pen Pals
Wiener Wednesday: Dried Beef Log
Okay. I am well-aware that this isn’t a wiener dish. But the Thanksgiving holiday has totally messed with my blogging schedule since I was out of town for a week. You should be happy that there is a Wiener Wednesday at all! So, how am I going to justify this as a Wiener Wednesday? It’sContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Dried Beef Log
Wordless Wiener Wednesday
Liz & Dick starring Lindsay Lohan premieres on Lifetime this Sunday at 9pm!
BH&G Fondue and Table Top Cooking: Classic Cheese Fondue
Newsflash: November is National Fun with Fondue Month! So how fitting that I recently did a little fondue for 2! I have had a fondue pot for a while now but hadn’t had a good reason to bust it out–the fondue pot is a special occasion appliance, no? And I didn’t have a special occasion.Continue reading BH&G Fondue and Table Top Cooking: Classic Cheese Fondue
Wiener Wednesday: Sausage in Biscuits
This week’s recipe comes from Better Homes & Gardens Meat Cookbook (1971 edition) Sausage in Biscuits! That sounds tasty. Sausage: good. Biscuits: very good. Kinda like Nic’s British Sausage Rolls–which are just little pockets of heaven. But then you get into the recipe and realize that this is made from refrigerator biscuits, canned Vienna Sausages,Continue reading Wiener Wednesday: Sausage in Biscuits
Party Cheese Ball
Over the weekend I went to a little cocktail party hosted by my friends Rick and Ronny, the proprietors of a little antique shop called Retrofurn on the Avenue here in Baltimore. If you follow me on Facebook and twitter, then you are probably familiar with some of their mid-century modern merchandise because I’m re-postingContinue reading Party Cheese Ball
Wiener Wednesday: Blue Cheese Dogs
Hello, my little Frankophiles! It is Wiener Wednesday and by now all the votes have been counted. The people have spoken and we know that the president is——-oh, but I am writing this on Tuesday night! And I am blissfully unaware of what the returns are because I am watching Gymkata on Encore. You mightContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Blue Cheese Dogs
Happy Halloweenie Wednesday!
what emotion is my pumpkin giving here? I think Hurricane WTF!?! Happy Halloween (or at least this should post on Halloween if I did the future-post thing correctly)! I am writing this on Monday morning as I’m waiting for the big storm to hit and knock out my power. I wish that I had someContinue reading Happy Halloweenie Wednesday!
Wiener Wednesday: Tom Boy & Baby Hot Dogs with Pa’s Hot Dog Relish
Greetings! Welcome to Wiener Wednesday! I wish that I could start this out on a more positive note, but I want to kill myself right now. This post was epic, detailed, and covered a whole 2 and a half hours of Brian mouse-hunting, but it is no more. As I was backing up the postContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Tom Boy & Baby Hot Dogs with Pa’s Hot Dog Relish