This sounds like a good one, right? I found this recipe late one night while traipsing across the internet. The site is Retro Food for Modern Times, which featured a little gem of a cookbook called Singers & Swingers in the Kitchen: The Scene-Makers Cook Book (1967). “Dozens of nutty, turned-on, easy-to-prepare recipes from the grooviestContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dogs on the Rocks
Category: Food
Haluski (Polish Sweet Cabbage and Noodle)
For St. Patrick’s Day I made corned beef and cabbage and after the holiday I found myself with half a cabbage in my fridge and nothing to do with it. I consulted (what may be becoming my all-time favorite cookbook) Mama’s Recipes: A Treasury of Hungarian-American Foods. I knew that I’d find multiple cabbage recipesContinue reading Haluski (Polish Sweet Cabbage and Noodle)
Fishy Friday Flashback: Baked Stuffed Bass
In the spirit of the season (and by the season I mean Lent) I’m offering you a dinner fit for a meatless Friday. This is from all the way back in June 2011, so I know that this will be new to (a lot of) you! In addition to this being a surprisingly successful dinner,Continue reading Fishy Friday Flashback: Baked Stuffed Bass
Wiener Wednesday: A Hot Dog Program
So I thought of something for Wiener Wednesday that I can’t believe I haven’t talked about yet! From filmmaker Rick Sebak, the man who brought us Stuff That’s Gone, Things That Aren’t There Anymore and Sandwiches You Will Like is what may be his most popular show, A HOT DOG PROGRAM! Sebak is not one for fancyContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: A Hot Dog Program
BH&G Fish and Seafood Cook Book: Crab-Deviled Eggs and Smoked Oyster Puffs
The ladies’ holiday cocktail party continues! I’ve already shared with you the wiener part of the evening and the sparkling punch, but here are the remaining delicious dishes, Crab-Deviled Eggs and Smoked Oyster Puffs. Both recipes come from the Better Homes and Gardens Fish and Seafood Cook Book (1971 edition), one of the books from my collectionContinue reading BH&G Fish and Seafood Cook Book: Crab-Deviled Eggs and Smoked Oyster Puffs
Wiener Wednesday: Skyline Coney
From the shores of the Ohio River in Cincinnati, I bring you the Skyline Coney! Well, actually, the can of chili is from Dayton or Akron or wherever it is in Ohio that my friend Leah is from (she gave me the can)–but Skyline Chili (Cincinnati-style chili is a thing, people!) originated in the QueenContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Skyline Coney
Wiener Wednesday: World’s Longest Hot Dog & World’s Biggest D*ck
It’s Wiener Wednesday and I am writing this from the comfort of my own couch, in my pajamas, watching the new Ricki Lake show–I just watched someone get a 20 minute boob job–amazing! It’s a snow day here, although there is no snow. Baltimore is in the pink part of the radar map. I don’tContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: World’s Longest Hot Dog & World’s Biggest D*ck
117.Othello Cake (Happy 2nd Birthday, Dinner is Served!)
Something amazing happened last week–Dinner is Served turned TWO! I can’t believe it. My mind is completely blown. I am gobsmacked that I’m still doing this, let alone that there are people other than my parents reading it. Well, to celebrate–and because I’d have to bake the damn thing eventually–I tried my hand at #117Continue reading 117.Othello Cake (Happy 2nd Birthday, Dinner is Served!)
Wiener Wednesday: Kraft Dinners
During the economic crisis in 1977-1979, Kraft came out with a series of magazine and newspaper advertisements heralding Kraft dinners as the solution to America’s diminishing grocery budgets. And it’s true, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese dinner is inexpensive, as it still is. But I still found these dinners (and I use the term dinner veryContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Kraft Dinners
Wiener Wednesday: Swiss-Frank Roll-Ups
Well, earlier this week I shared with you the New Year’s Eve Bubbly that my mum and I served up at our girls’ party; now I present to you the weenie portion of the party (of course there was a weenie dish!). This is, from Better Homes & Gardens Cooking with Cheese (1968), the appropriately named Swiss-FrankContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Swiss-Frank Roll-Ups
National Jell-O Week: The Thrilling Conclusion!
I’ve had so much fun with National Jell-O Week that I don’t want it to end. And it doesn’t have to!!! Ms. Surly at Vintage Recipe Cards just threw down the gauntlet and double-dog dared me to make this dish, the Pineapple-Cucumber Salad: I’m not one to turn down a Double Dog Dare. Plus, I feelContinue reading National Jell-O Week: The Thrilling Conclusion!
National Jell-O Week: Jell-O 1-2-3
National Jell-O Week continues! I have such fond memories of Jell-O 1-2-3. I have no clue as to why General Foods would discontinue making it. I mean, there are petitions to try to bring it back. Maybe it caused cancer? But since it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen anytime soon, us Jell-O enthusiasts haveContinue reading National Jell-O Week: Jell-O 1-2-3
National Jell-O Week!
I really need to mark the 2nd week of February on my calendar because this is the second time that National Jell-O Week has snuck up on me! I am woefully unprepared. Again. I will attempt to make numerous jiggly treats this week to share with you; but in the meantime, get in the spirit of the seasonContinue reading National Jell-O Week!
Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Soup
Welcome to another Wiener Wednesday! This is extra-special because you, gentle readers, took to the polls to determine this week’s dish. After the votes had been counted, Hot Dog Soup was elected your frankfurter dish of choice with just under 50% of the votes. I am not surprised since it was the most dubious soundingContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Hot Dog Soup
30. Lamb in Wine With Mushrooms
This is another dinner that I made so long ago that I almost completely forgot it. The only reason I know that I made this dinner and that I had to eventually write about it is because I have been carrying around the recipe card for No.30 in my datebook (yes, I still use aContinue reading 30. Lamb in Wine With Mushrooms
Wiener Wednesday: You Pick!
Howdy-ho, Hot Dog Enthusiasts! For this week’s Wiener Wednesday, I look to you, gentle readers, to help me pick which one of these franktastic recipes I should take on as my next red-hot challenge. The candidates are: Yankee Spaghet (from Good Housekeeping Casserole Book, 1965) Spanish Franks (from The Metropolitan Cookbook, 1964) Frank-Stuffed Tomatoes (from GoodContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: You Pick!
87. Veal Parmigiano (Veal Cutlets Parmesan)
So, I picked up a guy at jury duty. No, really. I shit you not. Yeah, I was called in back in October (yes, that’s how far behind I am with the blog). It’s not the best way to spend a day, but it could’ve been worse. They showed It’s Complicated starring Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin,Continue reading 87. Veal Parmigiano (Veal Cutlets Parmesan)
Golden Cap Pudding
Another dish from the epic Marguerite Patten Recipe Cards set, birthplace of Sausage Boatees. This is Hot Puddings Card No. 7–Golden Cap Pudding! I, being frugal, and only one person, chose the more economical pudding: 1/4 cup margarine, 1/4 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup lfour, and mix with milk or water to a softContinue reading Golden Cap Pudding