Kittens, this dinner, #15, you wanna know how long ago I made this? I made it back in February to commemorate the 2-year anniversary of Dinner is Served! 1972, and my 2 year anniversary with Brian! That’s a loooong time ago. You may recall the cake I made: But before the cake, DiS! regulars LeahContinue reading 15. Pork Chops Florentine
Category: Food
Watergate Salad
You might know this dish by other names: ambrosia, Pistachio Delight, green stuff–but I prefer Watergate Salad because, well, hello, all that Watergate shit went down in 1972! Watergate Salad is definitely a party dish, and, lucky for me, I was invited to one of the biggest events of the season–Retrofurn Ronny’s 50th Birthday Party!Continue reading Watergate Salad
The Joys of Jell-O: Rainbow Cake
Darlings, I feel like I’ve been away from you for so long. And perhaps I have been. In lieu of writing I’ve been out doing–Honfest, the gym, art shows, food truck rallies, and parties, and dates, and a trip to DC to see NKOTB(!). But I’m back. For a bit, anyway. I’m totally broke soContinue reading The Joys of Jell-O: Rainbow Cake
Zumba Soup (Bacon Kale & Chickpea Soup)
I did Zumba for the first time last week. I went to because my friend Iris got me a comped 1 week pass at her gym out in the county (the county!). I figured that if I had the pass, I might as well use it, so I joined her for a class. I amContinue reading Zumba Soup (Bacon Kale & Chickpea Soup)
WINNER Wednesday: Drunken Caesar Pasta
One night, after an evening of mirth, merriment, and alcoholic libations, I arrived home and decided that the snicky snacks I had as dinner weren’t enough for the night; so I was faced with the question (which we have all had): what can I make to eat with what I have in my refrigerator? Necessity is theContinue reading WINNER Wednesday: Drunken Caesar Pasta
Wiener Wednesday: Best Hamdogs
I am officially nominating myself for the Jerry Seinfeld Awards in Dating Excellence, (Man-hands Category). Why? Let me explain. I was introduced to a friend of a friend who met all of my (seemingly low, but surprisingly difficult) standards: Born before Bush Sr. was in office Employed No roommates No children Has lived places otherContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Best Hamdogs
National Shrimp Day!
Yes, it’s true. May 9th celebrates the little crustacean known as the shrimp. Today, let’s observe the holiday by looking back on 3 shrimptastic dinners from the DiS! card set. Click on the photos to read more! 108. Baked Stuffed Shrimp This dinner was notable for actually being a brunch. And also because I preparedContinue reading National Shrimp Day!
Wiener Wednesday: Relay Foods Roly Polys
I know that because of my relatively high hot dog consumption, you’re all worried that I’m gonna get butt cancer from all those nitrate and nitrate-ridden weenies. But I found a butt cancer-free alternative that is tasty and is not one of those tofu dogs–I mean, doesn’t that sound like the worst? Tofu dogs! ThroughContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Relay Foods Roly Polys
A Dessert Fit for a Queen: Baked Alaska
If you are a regular reader of DiS! I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I’m a big RuPaul’s Drag Race and Sharon Needles fan. So for this season there was no doubt who I’d be rooting for–ALASKA! She’s not only from Pittsburgh, she’s Sharon’s boyfriend! And although she was read earlier in theContinue reading A Dessert Fit for a Queen: Baked Alaska
Wordless Wiener Wednesday
BH&G Cooking With Cheese: Chili Cheese Log
So on Friday night I was invited to another cocktail party hosted by my friends Rick and Ronny of Retrofurn. I love their parties not just because of the company, the conversation, or their awesome dog Elvis, I also love their parties because it gives me an excuse to bust out a little mid-century tidbit toContinue reading BH&G Cooking With Cheese: Chili Cheese Log
Wiener Wednesday: National Pigs in a Blanket Day
I love these food holidays. I really do. Especially when they commemorate something as tasty as the Pig in a Blanket. And on a Wiener Wednesday of all days! It’s kismet. I am no stranger to the pig in a blanket. Here are a few of the refrigerated dough/weenie combos that have graced the pagesContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: National Pigs in a Blanket Day
Wiener Wednesday: Pork Sausage Croutes
The Marguerite Patten Recipe Cards have returned! And with a vengeance! Feast your eyes on this: Well, these definitely look…weird. But I wouldn’t expect anything less from Ms. Patten! Let me get this out of the way: I didn’t make the little bacon rolls. Not because I didn’t want to! I just didn’t have any inContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Pork Sausage Croutes
Roast Lamb & Kale Curry a la Leftovers (with chutney Jell-O)
Every year for Easter I have a big ol’ roast leg of lamb. And then every year I end up with a whole mess of leftovers. But that’s not a bad thing because every year I make lamb curry. This Easter was no different. Oh, but this year I added a Jell-O mold. The bonelessContinue reading Roast Lamb & Kale Curry a la Leftovers (with chutney Jell-O)
Wiener Wednesday: Fantasy Weenie Roast
OK, let me apologize for not having an actual weenie dish for you this week. I blogged the hell out of April and I am a bit tired. And it’s hot here. It’s supposed to hit 90 today in Baltimore. Which is disgusting and disconcerting–it’s only April, Mother Nature! But since it is Wiener Wednesday,Continue reading Wiener Wednesday: Fantasy Weenie Roast
Mad Men Canadian Clubhouse Punch
Greetings, friends! We are on the cusp of another season of Mad Men. I believe that it has been clearly documented in this blog how much I enjoy what might be one of the greatest television series of all time. In past years I have made cocktails, canapes, salads, and Steak Diane; for this season IContinue reading Mad Men Canadian Clubhouse Punch
Wiener Wednesday: 115. Hot Appetizers
So I threw myself a birthday party! (over 2 months ago) So sue me. I don’t remember every detail of the party or have photos of everything–it was my party after all. And I had, like, 10 people over. So I was busy. And buzzed–from a punch!–but I’ll talk about that later. So I celebrated meContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: 115. Hot Appetizers
Leftover Corned Beef Casserole (Reuben Loaf)
I already made Haluski to use up all of the leftover cabbage from St. Patrick’s Day, but I still had a lot of corned beef left, too. I wanted to do a casserole, but I also wanted to make a Reuben (which is in my top 5 of most favorite sandwiches ever). But I haveContinue reading Leftover Corned Beef Casserole (Reuben Loaf)