Holy crap. Can you believe that we’re a month away from Thanksgiving? I can’t. I really can’t. October has gone by in the blink of an eye. But anyway, we are fast approaching Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. I adore it because it’s just about food, booze, and football—these are a few of my favorite things!Continue reading Yi’s Green Bean Casserole
Category: Food
Happy Applejack Month!
Applejack? For those not in the know, it is an apple brandy. I’ve only ever used it once and it was in this recipe that I made for a party a couple of years ago. But this recipe was so successful, and Applejack is such a random ingredient, that I thought I would share itContinue reading Happy Applejack Month!
Cherry Chocolate Pie
I haven’t posted about a dessert in a long time–so who is ready for something sweet? I made this dish to cap off the dinner that I will present in the upcoming Vincent Price Halloween Cookalong. You’re excited, right? Chocolate cherry! Hey, anyone ever see that shitty sci-fi movie Cherry 2000 starring Melanie Griffith?Did you know thatContinue reading Cherry Chocolate Pie
109. Eggs Bechemel
I love that there are brunch cards in the DiS! set. Why? Because when else is it socially acceptable–nay expected!–to start drinking at noon? Only at brunch! Well, and also maybe at football tailgating, but that’s not in my wheelhouse. I have spent many a Sunday over at Manny’s house, sipping sangria on his porchContinue reading 109. Eggs Bechemel
Impossible Lasagna Pie
My darlings! I am so sorry that I’ve been AWOL. I went on a week-long vacation at the end of September with my mum’ and between recovering from my trip and catching up on work, I have neglected the blog. I hope that in the next couple of weeks I can get back on trackContinue reading Impossible Lasagna Pie
Bento Box Clam Donburi & Sweet Simmered Shiitakes
So ten years ago I went on one of the worst dates of my life (yes, dating fails aren’t new to me). The guy, Everett, was older than me–I want to say he was 30–I was 23 or 24. We met when I was in grad school in Boston. I don’t know exactly how IContinue reading Bento Box Clam Donburi & Sweet Simmered Shiitakes
National Hot Dog Day: Top Dogs!
So, according to Foodimentary, September 9 is National Hot Dog Day. Although I thought that the 4th of July is National Hot Dog Day. And other places say July 23. Whatever. As someone who’s made almost 52 frankfurter-based dishes in the past year, I feel obligated to observe this holiday. But I’m sure as hellContinue reading National Hot Dog Day: Top Dogs!
Pittsburgh Fried Jumbo Sandwich
So, the other day I was internet stalking one of my dates*** and I decided to Google myself. Well, that’s an interesting experience. If you do a Google image search for me, I am a wide variety of retro recipe cards, plates of food, screenshots from the X-Files, and pictures of my cousin, Jessica, who wasContinue reading Pittsburgh Fried Jumbo Sandwich
The Knoxapocalypse is Nigh! Olive Wreath Mold
So I did another gelatin challenge. Do you remember the first one? When I made the Swedish Jellied Veal? Ah, good times! Well, me and some of my internet friends decided to test our mettle with another gelatin celebration. And isn’t Labor Day–summer’s last hurrah–the perfect day to serve up some Jell-O salads? The correctContinue reading The Knoxapocalypse is Nigh! Olive Wreath Mold
Century Egg and Chicken Congee
Congee? When I posted on the DiS! Facebook Page that I was so stoked about making Congee I got a lot of “huh?” and “what?” Well, gentle readers, I wouldn’t expect most of you to know what Congee is. I had no idea what the hell it was until I entered college and was, withContinue reading Century Egg and Chicken Congee
Stuffed Hungarian Hots
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When your boss gives you a plastic bag full of Hungarian Hot Peppers, you stuff the little buggers. Oddly enough, in one of my favorite cookbooks, Mama’s Recipes: A Treasury of Hungarian-American Foods, there wasn’t a recipe for any type of stuffed pepper–Hungarian or not. I really thoughtContinue reading Stuffed Hungarian Hots
Charlotte Russe
This is the third and final installment of 37. Beef Stroganoff. Thank the lord. And this is a dish where I actually took notes! But I didn’t take a picture of the recipe. So I have to type it all out. Oh, bother. CARD #96 CHARLOTTE RUSSE 1 tbsp gelatin 2 tbsp cold water 1Continue reading Charlotte Russe
Blender Borsch
In my last post, 37. Beef Stroganoff, I never imagined that I’d find jarred Borscht at the Charles Village Safeway–in fact, my mind is still blown! But since I didn’t expect it, I had already looked up some easy Borscht recipes to cover my ass. And I had a good deal of the jarred Borscht left–IContinue reading Blender Borsch
37. Beef Stroganoff
Russian dinner! Woo-hoo! I wish that I had a phenomenal dating story to share about a brooding Russian expat named Vlad, but no. And we all know that it is because of the dating stories that most of you are reading Dinner is Served 1972. But, oh, what the hell? I can tell you aboutContinue reading 37. Beef Stroganoff
Linguine Salad Supreme Light
It is so insanely hot here–and I assume that it’s hot where you are, too–that the last thing I want to do is write about a dish that would require any sort of baking/grilling/roasting/broiling. I am all about chilled foods at the moment. So here is a salad that can definitely be used as aContinue reading Linguine Salad Supreme Light
Presley Family Fried Green Tomatoes
There is an old, greasy spoon 24-hour diner in Pittsburgh called Ritter’s that was a regular stop for me when I was in college. I absolutely adored this place: me and my friends would spend a long time there just drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Why I love Ritter’s: The food is good. The foodContinue reading Presley Family Fried Green Tomatoes
Wiener Wednesday: Frank and Corn Crown
You may be saying to yourself, what? Huh? But I thought that Wiener Wednesdays were over! Well, you’re right. Wiener Wednesdays are over. But I realized that this week is the 1-year anniversary of Wiener Wednesdays, and since July is National Hot Dog Month, I felt obligated to somehow crown the achievement that was (almost*)Continue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frank and Corn Crown
Canape CanaPleaseTellMeThatDidn’tHappen
Dear friends, yet again I am serving up a dish that I can’t really tell you much about. So I am just going to use these canapes as an excuse to further illustrate the clusterfuck that is my love life. I probably shouldn’t even be sharing this story because it is so embarrassing; but it isContinue reading Canape CanaPleaseTellMeThatDidn’tHappen