It’s snowing again here. But only a few inches. Not enough for cancellation. Or delay (I really could have gone for a delay–I stayed up too late watching season 1 of Hannibal in anticipation of its return on Friday night. Dude, this show is SO good). But if you are somewhere today where it isContinue reading Beverage Bonus: The Mary Pickford
Category: Food
38. Baked Stuffed Pork Chops
Another full meal from Dinner is Served! I made this in January on some Sunday night when Todd and Leah came over. I cannot remember whether it was cold or not when I made it, but I think that pork chops call for cold weather. Or at least sweater weather. Which is why I findContinue reading 38. Baked Stuffed Pork Chops
National Jell-O Week 2014: Braunschweiger Glace
I selected this recipe, from Better Homes & Gardens Snacks and Refreshments, specifically for this year’s National Jell-O Week: Let’s take a closer look at the cover. Oh my! What is that shiny item in the lower right hand corner? What the hell is that? Is that pate covered in gelatin? Why yes. Yes it is! IContinue reading National Jell-O Week 2014: Braunschweiger Glace
Happy National Jell-O Week! (Brian bonus included)
It is once again that time of year. Yesterday began National Jell-O Week. Or at least according to the random holiday website that I just linked to. But anyhoo, National Jell-O week is, for me, and some other folks (I’m looking at you: Mimi, Ruth, and Brian) one of the happiest times of the year. It givesContinue reading Happy National Jell-O Week! (Brian bonus included)
Impossible Quesadilla (that’s kay-seh-dee-yah) Pie
So, it’s not KWAY-suh-dill-uh? Damn. Because that’s how I’ve been saying it for years. I think you all know that I love a good Impossible Pie. So I have declared yet another Resolution for 2014: make all of the Impossible Pies in the Bisquick “No Time To Cook” Recipe Book (1982). I found the booklet onContinue reading Impossible Quesadilla (that’s kay-seh-dee-yah) Pie
Elvis’ Country Kitchen Soup & Mustard Greens with Potatoes (Southern Style)
Hello, friends! Today’s post is rather fitting for Martin Luther King Day—Dr. King was quite the influence on Elvis Presley; it was MLK’s death only two months prior to the NBC broadcast of Elvis (a.k.a. the 1968 Comeback Special) that inspired “If I Can Dream,” the closing number. In fact, direct quotes from Dr. King are included in theContinue reading Elvis’ Country Kitchen Soup & Mustard Greens with Potatoes (Southern Style)
BH&G Bread Cook Book: Parmesan Casserole Bread
I have already learned something in the first 3 weeks of 2014! Apparently I need to knock off one of the items on my list of dating requirements: Born before Bush Sr. was in office Employed No roommates No children Has lived places other than Baltimore Tolerates cats Eats meat (remember, we had to addContinue reading BH&G Bread Cook Book: Parmesan Casserole Bread
1. Beef Stew
As I said in my New Year’s Resolutions post, this year’s Big Goal is to finally finish up the last twenty Dinner is Served 1972 recipe cards. Well, I am happy to say that I already have one for you! Granted, I think I made this back in November, but I am posting it now. ItContinue reading 1. Beef Stew
Let’s Make a Deal!
If you recall, thanks to your votes, I made it through the first round of DICED! with my Corny Cheddar Chowder and Chesapeake Onion Straws. It was a hit! I just competed in round two; the challenge was to craft an entree and sides with the secret ingredients: white fish, white pepper, cauliflower, and brie.Continue reading Let’s Make a Deal!
Happy Birthday, Nicolas Cage!
OK, I am one day late. And for that I feel ashamed. I should really know that yesterday was Mr. Cage’s birthday. Just like I know that today is Elvis’. I had an Elvis post in mind for today (I made dishes from Are You Hungry Tonight?), but it just didn’t happen. Anyway, it seemsContinue reading Happy Birthday, Nicolas Cage!
Four Roses Eggnog & Weenie Wreath (2013 Version)
After two years of brewing up some Holiday Glogg for Christmas Eve, I decided to switch things up a bit and make eggnog from scratch. After looking through some of my cookbooks, I decided on this recipe, which was taped onto the eggnog pages in my copy of The Savoy Cocktail Book. I have noContinue reading Four Roses Eggnog & Weenie Wreath (2013 Version)
Liberace’s Sticky Buns
OH SWEET CHRIST ON A CRACKER; there are so many bad places I could go with the name of this dish. But I won’t. Because of the children. OK, who the hell am I kidding? There aren’t any children! But I am presenting to you a sweet treat that every good little girl and goodContinue reading Liberace’s Sticky Buns
Shrimp Sputnik
Holiday greetings, my friends! Do any of the following statements apply to you? I want to knock the socks off of all my friends and family at Christmas Dinner. My holiday spread is lacking a breathtaking focal point. I love combining crustaceans and cosmonauts. I have a surplus of toothpicks and need something to doContinue reading Shrimp Sputnik
So, I’m, like in a cooking competition n’at. Seriously. over at The Rantings of an Amateur Chef, I’m part of a food competition. Not a challenge like the Jell-O ones. I am going head-to-head with other cooks. So there’s voting. And there are prizes. I LOVE PRIZES. So the rules are simple: the participants areContinue reading DICED!
The Only Thanksgiving GIF You Will Ever Need
Look at him go: Slice that bird, Bob! Happy Thanksgiving, my friends. And safe travels to all of you who are going over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house or wherever the hell it is that you spend the holiday. Just for shits and giggles, here’s another look at that glorious ThanksgivingContinue reading The Only Thanksgiving GIF You Will Ever Need
BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce
MEATBALLS–TAKE TWO! This is the second meatball dinner from the “Meals to Double-Up and Divide” of Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two (1977). To refresh your memory, the deal is that I made 48 meatballs and froze them up at Buckeye’s house. Twelve meatballs each will be used in 4 different preparations (a.k.a. Meatballs–FourContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Oven Meatballs in Barbecue Sauce
Happy Diwali!
If you are all “huh?” Just know that you’re in the middle of it. Diwali is the Indian Festival of Lights—a 5-day Hindu party that celebrates the triumph of good over evil. The holiday involves lots and lots of candles and firecrackers. I like to celebrate it every year by ordering Indian take-out. This yearContinue reading Happy Diwali!
The Vincent Price Halloween Cookalong: Beef Heart Stewed
Welcome to Dinner is Served 1972 and the Vincent Price Halloween Cookalong! For those of you who have happened upon my blog via other sites, you are already familiar with the cookalong guidelines. But if this is your first stop on the tour, here are the rules–Readers’ Digest version: On Halloween, prepare the Vincent PriceContinue reading The Vincent Price Halloween Cookalong: Beef Heart Stewed