Oh. My. Gawd. What does one do when National Jell-O Week collides with Wiener Wednesday? Well, if I had known that this was National Jell-O Week, I would have a frankfurter mold for you right now. But instead I have this dish, the selection of which was a happy accident. From the Joys of Jell-OContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Banana Wobbler
Category: Etc.
Hooray for National Pie Day!
Hello darlings. I just found out that January 23 is National Pie Day! A lot of pie has happened in my kitchen, so CLICK HERE for a full list of all the pie-tastic action. Additionally, in honor of this most excellent of days, I dug through my archives and found this little number from Halloween.Continue reading Hooray for National Pie Day!
It’s a Wednesday
Hello, dearies! No Wieners here. But you know what is? The 1963 Montgomery Ward Christmas catalog! The above photo was sent to me by my friend Bob (you may remember Bob from 58. Scandinavian Fish Scallop and 86. Albigdonas con Salsa Fria). Now you may be thinking “why the hell would Bob send you the coverContinue reading It’s a Wednesday
Online Dating Year in Review
Happy New Year! You asked for it–ok, no one asked for it–but based on your comments it seems like you all really get your jollies from my romantical follies (oh, I love rhyming!), so here is a quick rundown of the year that was Yinzerella’s first foray into the dark, scary (yet oddly entertaining) worldContinue reading Online Dating Year in Review
Impossible Taco Pie
I love anything with a superlative in its name. Especially anything called Impossible. Couple that with the phrase Taco Pie and you’ve got a simply irresistible dish. Seriously, I love Mexican food. Especially at-home Americanized Mexican food. There’s really not a lot to say about this except that it was delicious. And easy. It would’ve beenContinue reading Impossible Taco Pie
Wordless Wiener Wednesday
47. Mexican Chili Con Carne and the Game of the Week
Please disregard any formatting issues on #47–since I lost this post and had to recreate it piecemeal, it’s not my best work. This was to be the week of the Game of the Century: No. 1 ranked LSU versus No. 2 ranked Alabama in a fight for BCS and SEC superiority. Game of the Century myContinue reading 47. Mexican Chili Con Carne and the Game of the Week
Dinner is Served! Update
Hello, friends. I’ve been a little behind lately, and for that I apologize. I’ve been busy and tired and sick (some all at the same time), and I just wanted to let you know that I haven’t forgotten about the blog and that there will be some great meals coming up soon. For instance: theContinue reading Dinner is Served! Update
A letter of apology
Dear friends, I am sorry that so many of you were distressed and upset by the Browns content of #73 Lasagna. Just remember that, after a Steelers game, you are not on the floor in the fetal position wearing a Bubby Brister jersey lamenting the fact that you have never seen your team win aContinue reading A letter of apology
The pumpkin weight-guessing winner!!!
So the pumpkin guessing has ended. And a lot of you are really shitty at estimating the weight of something (12 pounds, Veg-O-Matic? Really?) . But without further ado, the reveal:
What’s the pumpkin-weight-guessing prize?
The PRIZE if you guess the weight of the pumpkin is a copy of Rona Jaffe’s “The Best of Everything” which is a book about 5 young women and their personal and professional struggles at a publishing agency in the late 1950s. How very Mad Men! A must-read for all Modern Retro Gals and guys.Continue reading What’s the pumpkin-weight-guessing prize?
76. Stuffed Green Peppers
This was my Hurricane Irene meal. Or, as I liked to call it: Hurrican’t Irene or Hurrilame Irene. I don’t want to make light of the flooding and destruction that happened in other parts of the country but here in my little sliver of Baltimore City, we never lost power or cable television. The lights didn’tContinue reading 76. Stuffed Green Peppers
6. Deviled Rock Lobster Tails
First things first. I have to get this out of my system: Okay! Now we can get down to business. #6 Deviled Rock Lobster Tails. I chose this menu for 2 reasons: 1. lobster tails were on sale for $6.99 each (yeah, pricey. But who knows when they’d be on sale again). 2. I wanted toContinue reading 6. Deviled Rock Lobster Tails
Readers' Choice Part Deux
OK, so a while back I said that I was going to take votes for which meal I should make for my 25th dinner. Well, needless to say, that really didn’t pan out. I just made Stuffed Zucchini, so I’m on my 26th. So I am bringing back the poll and aim for when IContinue reading Readers' Choice Part Deux
Readers' Choice!
I have already served dinner 17 times. I am so close to hitting 20. To commemorate this wondrous achievement I want to give you, all 12 of my readers, a chance to pick what I cook next. It’s like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, but you’re choosing my destiny. So instead of something likeContinue reading Readers' Choice!
Captain's Log. First Entry.
So far I have learned that I need a lot to learn about blogging. I think that the cooking part of this whole thing will be much easier. I am still trying to find where I can put the whole “about” nonsense; because, without that, the point of said blog is rendered utterly moot (orContinue reading Captain's Log. First Entry.