The blog was on hiatus for a bit because I went to Vegas. So I’m going to take #4 as an opportunity to ramble on about my trip. If you are here solely for the fish dish, you’re gonna have to scroll down a bit. Circus Circus: Claustrophobic and full of children. I have alwaysContinue reading 4. Fish Steaks With Herbs (and the Vegas Hiatus)
Category: 1970s
20. Meat Sauce for Spaghetti
I would love to say that this is going to be a rip-roaring, rollicking post about meat sauce. But the fact of the matter is this: it’s 94 degrees out with a heat index of 101. I basically want to just drink cold beer and fall into a Real Housewives coma (2010 NYC on rightContinue reading 20. Meat Sauce for Spaghetti
57. Chicken Pot Pie
Greetings and Salutations! I haven’t served dinner recently because I was in Las Vegas last week. I will expound on the Vegas trip in my next post, but I will tell you this: it is a good thing that I made #57 and used my last whole chicken before I left for Sin City. Why?Continue reading 57. Chicken Pot Pie
88. Beef Enchiladas
Hola, amigos! It’s summer and it’s time for something a little spicy, and a little saucy. Enter #88 Beef Enchiladas. I kicked-off the fiesta with some Margaritas which I made as part of a guest post I did for 1972 The Retro WW Experiment. If you want to read the recipe, hop on over to my girl Mimi’s blog.Continue reading 88. Beef Enchiladas
102. Chef's Salad
It’s been hot here in the mid-Atlantic. And I mean HAWT. Depending on which Meteorologist you trust, it was to hit well over 100 this week. Blarg. So I’ve been trying to avoid turning on the oven and instead use the toaster oven and microwave and electric skillet. But, as some of you know, runningContinue reading 102. Chef's Salad
102. Chef’s Salad
It’s been hot here in the mid-Atlantic. And I mean HAWT. Depending on which Meteorologist you trust, it was to hit well over 100 this week. Blarg. So I’ve been trying to avoid turning on the oven and instead use the toaster oven and microwave and electric skillet. But, as some of you know, runningContinue reading 102. Chef’s Salad
3. Chicken With Pineapple
Weeknight dinner! And one that nearly killed me (figuratively! Don’t worry–I didn’t set myself on fire). The preparation of this meal wiped me out. While I was making #3 I washed 2 loads of laundry, baked a cake, and wrote the previous post for #36 Baked Swiss Steak. Oh, and somewhere in there I managedContinue reading 3. Chicken With Pineapple
36. Baked Swiss Steak (4th of July Spectacular Spectacular!)
America. America. Land that I love, O say can you see the amber waves of grain? Land of thy pilgrim’s pride, from sea to shining sea, should auld acquaintance be forgot, it’s a fucking grand old flag! OK, I got that out of the way. Swiss Steak has nothing to do with Switzerland (a lovely country). ‘Swissing’Continue reading 36. Baked Swiss Steak (4th of July Spectacular Spectacular!)
28. Tuna-Cheese-Macaroni-Loaf
I am a firm believer that the only thing that should come in loaf-form is bread. Even standard ol’ meatloaf is pushing it. It is a line that should never be crossed. Well, the monstrosity that is #28 Tuna-Cheese-Macaroni-Loaf looked at that culinary line, laughed at it, and then hurdled it like a thoroughbred in aContinue reading 28. Tuna-Cheese-Macaroni-Loaf
41. Fruit Stuffed Pork Loin (the results)
Ah, card #41. You took almost an entire day to make.