Are you sick of turkey? Well I am for only one reason: The Great Deep Fried Turkey Fiasco of 2011 (all I’m going to say is that if you promise to save some fried turkey for Cleveland, it best be there when he asks for it). If you are totally over turkey, this one is forContinue reading 114. Cold Appetizers–Thanksgiving Snicky Snack Celebration!
Category: 1970s
90. Scallops in Chafing Dish
This was a fail. Is it wrong for me to just, right off the bat, say that? Does that just kill the suspense and you’ll stop reading right now? Well, I’ll take that chance. Let’s see how I got there. #90 started out promisingly because I had another lovely produce crate from Arganica. I usedContinue reading 90. Scallops in Chafing Dish
86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
First off, I want to point out how international Dinner is Served! has been recently: lasagna, goulash, chow mein, sauerbraten, chili con carne–and now #86, Albondigas con Salsa Fria. I didn’t realize how frickin’ global and cultured this box was when I first opened it. After a quick flip through the remaining cards, it looksContinue reading 86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
Half. Way. There. The 55th Dinner!
Yes. Here we are at the half-way point. I have completed 55 meals. I can’t believe that 55 full dinners have been served. I have surprised myself. Seriously, I didn’t think that I’d stick with it, but lo and behold people who I don’t know in real life started reading this damn thing. So now IContinue reading Half. Way. There. The 55th Dinner!
31. Chow Mein
Lately it seems like I’ve been eating beef, beef, beef, and more beef. And I guess that in October I have–this month I had one of the best meals of my life at The Prime Rib Baltimore–where I ate just that: prime rib. Lots and lots of prime rib. If you are ever in Baltimore,Continue reading 31. Chow Mein
24. Hungarian Goulash
Goulash. It’s a great word and so fun to say. Gooooooo-laush! Sounds like galoshes. So, show of hands, is anyone here a fan of Goulash? Anyone? I spent some time studying in Prague during college and the only things I ate there were hot dogs, Czech “salad” (which is just chopped up tomato and pepperContinue reading 24. Hungarian Goulash
73. Lasagne
I do the majority of my cooking on Sundays, but since it is football season (the most wonderful time of the year!) Sundays can get a little busy because of game schedules. We live in Baltimore, but I love the Steelers (obviously) and Cleve is a Browns fan (duh). Last year we became members ofContinue reading 73. Lasagne
108. Baked Stuffed Shrimp
In the world of Dinner is Served! #108. Baked Stuffed Shrimp is classified as a brunch. Shrimp brunch? I don’t think so. I love shellfish, but not so much before noon. Hence, I made #108 a dinner. This was a special dinner because I had guests. I played hostess to my friend Melissa, who isContinue reading 108. Baked Stuffed Shrimp
112. Souffles
I can count on one hand the number of times I have sampled souffle: Stouffer’s frozen Spinach Souffle, the Carrot Souffle from the prepared food section of Giant Eagle, and some sort of dessert-type souffle at Anthony’s Pier 4 , which is in Boston. I went to grad school in Boston and I believe I haveContinue reading 112. Souffles
23. Barbecued Chuck Roast, Frosty Melon, & the end of The X-Files
Are you here for Frosty Melon? You came to the right place! It’s just at the bottom of the post. Let’s go back to 2011…. I was hoping to do something X-Files themed for the final episode of the series, but it snuck up on us. I thought that season nine was a standard-length season,Continue reading 23. Barbecued Chuck Roast, Frosty Melon, & the end of The X-Files
81. Veal Paprika
I must confess that I like veal. A good Veal Marsala from a fine Italian establishment is just tops. I remember having a particularly good Marsala on Mulberry St. in NYC’s Lil’ It-lee with my old college roommate. This was years and years ago–well before 9/11. The entree was accompanied by sauteed broccoli rabe and a sideContinue reading 81. Veal Paprika
61. Linguine with Clam Sauce
I prepared #61 on a Saturday night by myself. Yes, by myself. Does that seem sad–me staying home and cooking alone on date night? I hope not. I haven’t been making as many Dinner is Served! meals as I would like due to Cleveland being all sorts of busy with his job. So on SaturdayContinue reading 61. Linguine with Clam Sauce
76. Stuffed Green Peppers
This was my Hurricane Irene meal. Or, as I liked to call it: Hurrican’t Irene or Hurrilame Irene. I don’t want to make light of the flooding and destruction that happened in other parts of the country but here in my little sliver of Baltimore City, we never lost power or cable television. The lights didn’tContinue reading 76. Stuffed Green Peppers
Readers’ Choice (the midpoint)
I am getting sooooooooo very close to the halfway point of the cards. Can you believe it? I can’t believe it. So to commemorate this epic achievement I thought that I’d let you choose which card will be my 55th dinner. If you recall, the last time I asked you to vote, the winner wasContinue reading Readers’ Choice (the midpoint)
116. Vanilla Bavarian Cream
I went back home to my beloved Pittsburgh for Labor Day weekend, so I’ve been off the grid. But don’t worry, although I wasn’t out and about on the Interwebs, I was still cooking. The weather was absolute crap when I was away–rain, rain, cloud, fog, cold, wind, rain, gray–not the best weather for aContinue reading 116. Vanilla Bavarian Cream
9. Lentil Soup (with Orange Chiffon Cake)
So I have officially fallen off of the wagon. I have totally abandoned the Points-Plus system. Hell, portion size went out the window about 2 weeks ago. Therefore, the scale is giving me sad face and fat-shaming me. So something needs to change. I could, in theory, start running (something I stopped doing in AprilContinue reading 9. Lentil Soup (with Orange Chiffon Cake)
22. Manicotti
I filed this meal under ground beef (I have separated all of the Dinner is Served! cards by main protein), but the day I made #22 I didn’t want to have meat. I was sick of it. It might have been the 24 oz. prime rib that I watched Cleve take down at the GoldenContinue reading 22. Manicotti
100. Crab Louis
Ah, Louie, Louie, oh no, said we gotta go….yah yah yah yah yah yah. OK, so I got that out of the way. Um. No I didn’t. Because that song made me go here: And then that started this stream of consciousness rant: Damn! That’s Priscilla Presley at the end of that clip! I rememberContinue reading 100. Crab Louis