Hello, kittens. Happy August! I hope that you are all well and keeping cool this sweltering summer. I’ve been pretty unsuccessful–I blame the damn Chesapeake Bay–but perhaps I’m sweating up a storm because things are really heating up here at DiS! central. Not only am I revving up for my 80th dinner (yes, 80th!), andContinue reading August Update
Category: 1970s
33. Liver a la Gourmet
I have no idea why I have been unable to write this post. It’s been completely piecemeal, stops and starts, a line here, a line there, and then just apathy. This dinner turned out pretty good, and liver is such a fun subject, but I haven’t been inspired to write about it. Eventually I justContinue reading 33. Liver a la Gourmet
“What Am I, Chopped Liver?” Chopped Liver
Granted, I’ve only been in the online dating game less than a month, but I just got back from my worst online-dating-date ever. Oh, yes. Newsflash, kittens: I’m out cruising in cyberspace. I’m very 21st century. I didn’t plan on blogging any of my dating escapades, and I don’t intend to in the future, but thisContinue reading “What Am I, Chopped Liver?” Chopped Liver
Readers’ Choice: International Edition
Hola! Bon Jour! Konnihciwa! Buon Giorno! Remember how I put things up to a vote and you (and by “you” I mean Veg-O-Matic) decided that I would make Sauerbraten (a.k.a Pot Roast From the Motherland)? Well, I want to do that again just for shits and giggles. And also because I have such a hardContinue reading Readers’ Choice: International Edition
7. Calico Potato Salad
The lovely people at Arganica gave me a free mixed produce crate to work my magic on and give their subscribers some ideas on what to do with the massive quantities of delicious produce that arrives on their doorstep. And Dinner is Served! was a great starting point for me to make a dish forContinue reading 7. Calico Potato Salad
BH&G Cooking for Two: Peanut Butter Special
I am a sucker for any recipe that has a superlative in its name: deluxe, luscious, spectacular, impossible, amazing–so it’s no surprise that I was drawn to Peanut Butter Special from Better Homes & Gardens Cooking for Two. Also, the chapter was titled “Sandwiches–Good for a Twosome.” But we all know that sandwiches are bestContinue reading BH&G Cooking for Two: Peanut Butter Special
Everything Old Is New Again: DiS! Retro Renovation
If you have been with DiS! for a while you know about the Command Center. You definitely know about it if you know me in real life–ha! Regardless, as a refresher, THIS is the Command Center: It’s what occupied all of the space in my eat-in-kitchen for 2 years. The Command Center is a giantContinue reading Everything Old Is New Again: DiS! Retro Renovation
Happy Easter!
Darlings! Happy early Easter! I hope that you get big ol’ baskets full of eggs and jelly beans and chocolate bunnies. My mum sent me an Easter package with a note that read, “nothing says Easter like chocolate crosses and vampires.” So in the box was a chocolate cross and a DVD double feature ofContinue reading Happy Easter!
66. Carbonnade of Beef
Dinner is Served! you are a liar. Or, if not a liar, then very uninformed and poorly researched. I, having never tasted a carbonnade, wanted to do a background check on it. This sounded French to me. And I was right. Partly. The French definition, literally, is a dish of grilled meat. Which, yeah, this hasContinue reading 66. Carbonnade of Beef
62. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Hungarian Style) My 100th Post!
Yep, my 100th post! Well, at least that’s what wordpress tells me. And although I didn’t mention it at the time, I hit my 1 year mark at the end of February! This meal will commemorate both milestones. It’s a suitable dinner for the occasion since #62 stars a lot of the usual suspects: groundContinue reading 62. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Hungarian Style) My 100th Post!
St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage
FYI: This post originally appeared April 17, 2011. Truth: I do not go out for St. Patrick’s Day because, like all other High Drinking Days (Mardi Gras, Cinco De Mayo, New Year’s Eve, etc), that’s when the amateurs are out. Also, the last time I was out for Pittsburgh’s St. Patrick’s Day parade I watched aContinue reading St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage
Low-Calorie Manhattan & Crab-Stuffed Zucchini
So a couple of weeks ago I came across the trailer for a 1973 horror film (according to the DVD cover: the rarely seen 1970s cult shocker!) called The Baby. I instantly sent this to my friend Valerie who said “we MUST watch this movie.” So I made a promise to host a screening onceContinue reading Low-Calorie Manhattan & Crab-Stuffed Zucchini
Apple-Cheddar Ball
Last weekend Cleve and I attended a Twelfth Night party hosted by his co-worker, Kristen, who just happens to be an avid Dinner is Served! reader. I don’t know exactly what a Twelfth Night party is (I’m too lazy to read the article), but I think it has something to do with the Epiphany (IContinue reading Apple-Cheddar Ball
39. Bettan’s Chicken
I looked up ‘Bettan’s Chicken’ to see why it is named as such or what history there may be. But apparently there is none. I don’t know who the hell Bettan is or why this is his chicken. It sounds vaguely Middle Eastern to me so I imagine that it should be cooked in anContinue reading 39. Bettan’s Chicken
114. Cold Appetizers–Thanksgiving Snicky Snack Celebration!
Are you sick of turkey? Well I am for only one reason: The Great Deep Fried Turkey Fiasco of 2011 (all I’m going to say is that if you promise to save some fried turkey for Cleveland, it best be there when he asks for it). If you are totally over turkey, this one is forContinue reading 114. Cold Appetizers–Thanksgiving Snicky Snack Celebration!
90. Scallops in Chafing Dish
This was a fail. Is it wrong for me to just, right off the bat, say that? Does that just kill the suspense and you’ll stop reading right now? Well, I’ll take that chance. Let’s see how I got there. #90 started out promisingly because I had another lovely produce crate from Arganica. I usedContinue reading 90. Scallops in Chafing Dish
86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
First off, I want to point out how international Dinner is Served! has been recently: lasagna, goulash, chow mein, sauerbraten, chili con carne–and now #86, Albondigas con Salsa Fria. I didn’t realize how frickin’ global and cultured this box was when I first opened it. After a quick flip through the remaining cards, it looksContinue reading 86. Albondigas con Salsa Fria (Meat Balls With Cold Sauce)
Half. Way. There. The 55th Dinner!
Yes. Here we are at the half-way point. I have completed 55 meals. I can’t believe that 55 full dinners have been served. I have surprised myself. Seriously, I didn’t think that I’d stick with it, but lo and behold people who I don’t know in real life started reading this damn thing. So now IContinue reading Half. Way. There. The 55th Dinner!