BH&G Fish and Seafood Cook Book: Crab-Deviled Eggs and Smoked Oyster Puffs

The ladies’ holiday cocktail party continues! I’ve already shared with you the wiener part of the evening and the sparkling punch, but here are the remaining delicious dishes, Crab-Deviled Eggs and Smoked Oyster Puffs. Both recipes come from the Better Homes and Gardens Fish and Seafood Cook Book (1971 edition), one of the books from my collectionContinue reading BH&G Fish and Seafood Cook Book: Crab-Deviled Eggs and Smoked Oyster Puffs

117.Othello Cake (Happy 2nd Birthday, Dinner is Served!)

Something amazing happened last week–Dinner is Served turned TWO! I can’t believe it. My mind is completely blown. I am gobsmacked that I’m still doing this, let alone that there are people other than my parents reading it. Well, to celebrate–and because I’d have to bake the damn thing eventually–I tried my hand at #117Continue reading 117.Othello Cake (Happy 2nd Birthday, Dinner is Served!)

Wiener Wednesday: Sausage in Biscuits

This week’s recipe comes from Better Homes & Gardens Meat Cookbook (1971 edition) Sausage in Biscuits! That sounds tasty. Sausage: good. Biscuits: very good. Kinda like Nic’s British Sausage Rolls–which are just little pockets of heaven. But then you get into the recipe and realize that this is made from refrigerator biscuits, canned Vienna Sausages,Continue reading Wiener Wednesday: Sausage in Biscuits