Lookie lookie! Who has another official DiS! meal for you? This gal right here! I feel like it’s been a long time since I posted a whole dinner. The last one was in (lemme check)…it was in April. APRIL!?!? Well, shit. I’ve definitely veered off course from the original mission of the project. Well, noContinue reading 68. Lamb Shanks in Red Wine
Category: 1970s
Watergate Salad
You might know this dish by other names: ambrosia, Pistachio Delight, green stuff–but I prefer Watergate Salad because, well, hello, all that Watergate shit went down in 1972! Watergate Salad is definitely a party dish, and, lucky for me, I was invited to one of the biggest events of the season–Retrofurn Ronny’s 50th Birthday Party!Continue reading Watergate Salad
National Shrimp Day!
Yes, it’s true. May 9th celebrates the little crustacean known as the shrimp. Today, let’s observe the holiday by looking back on 3 shrimptastic dinners from the DiS! card set. Click on the photos to read more! 108. Baked Stuffed Shrimp This dinner was notable for actually being a brunch. And also because I preparedContinue reading National Shrimp Day!
Wiener Wednesday: 115. Hot Appetizers
So I threw myself a birthday party! (over 2 months ago) So sue me. I don’t remember every detail of the party or have photos of everything–it was my party after all. And I had, like, 10 people over. So I was busy. And buzzed–from a punch!–but I’ll talk about that later. So I celebrated meContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: 115. Hot Appetizers
Fishy Friday Flashback: Baked Stuffed Bass
In the spirit of the season (and by the season I mean Lent) I’m offering you a dinner fit for a meatless Friday. This is from all the way back in June 2011, so I know that this will be new to (a lot of) you! In addition to this being a surprisingly successful dinner,Continue reading Fishy Friday Flashback: Baked Stuffed Bass
BH&G Fish and Seafood Cook Book: Crab-Deviled Eggs and Smoked Oyster Puffs
The ladies’ holiday cocktail party continues! I’ve already shared with you the wiener part of the evening and the sparkling punch, but here are the remaining delicious dishes, Crab-Deviled Eggs and Smoked Oyster Puffs. Both recipes come from the Better Homes and Gardens Fish and Seafood Cook Book (1971 edition), one of the books from my collectionContinue reading BH&G Fish and Seafood Cook Book: Crab-Deviled Eggs and Smoked Oyster Puffs
117.Othello Cake (Happy 2nd Birthday, Dinner is Served!)
Something amazing happened last week–Dinner is Served turned TWO! I can’t believe it. My mind is completely blown. I am gobsmacked that I’m still doing this, let alone that there are people other than my parents reading it. Well, to celebrate–and because I’d have to bake the damn thing eventually–I tried my hand at #117Continue reading 117.Othello Cake (Happy 2nd Birthday, Dinner is Served!)
Wiener Wednesday: Kraft Dinners
During the economic crisis in 1977-1979, Kraft came out with a series of magazine and newspaper advertisements heralding Kraft dinners as the solution to America’s diminishing grocery budgets. And it’s true, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese dinner is inexpensive, as it still is. But I still found these dinners (and I use the term dinner veryContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Kraft Dinners
National Drink Wine Day: New Year’s Eve Bubbly
Well, let’s face it–every day is drink wine day for me. But that doesn’t mean that today shouldn’t be celebrated! Here is a little libation from a shindig that me and my mum hosted over Christmas break (yes, I’m still posting shit from December). It was a girls’ only party–so the book club ladies andContinue reading National Drink Wine Day: New Year’s Eve Bubbly
National Jell-O Week: Sunken Treasure
The very mysterious-sounding Sunken Treasure comes to us from Amazing Magical Jell-O Desserts: 72 Gelatin & Pudding Recipes Your Kids Will Enjoy (1977). My co-worker, Donna, gave this to me for Christmas after finding it at a thrift store–you know, because I am now Weird Jell-O Girl. I’m totally Weird Jell-O Girl! So much soContinue reading National Jell-O Week: Sunken Treasure
30. Lamb in Wine With Mushrooms
This is another dinner that I made so long ago that I almost completely forgot it. The only reason I know that I made this dinner and that I had to eventually write about it is because I have been carrying around the recipe card for No.30 in my datebook (yes, I still use aContinue reading 30. Lamb in Wine With Mushrooms
87. Veal Parmigiano (Veal Cutlets Parmesan)
So, I picked up a guy at jury duty. No, really. I shit you not. Yeah, I was called in back in October (yes, that’s how far behind I am with the blog). It’s not the best way to spend a day, but it could’ve been worse. They showed It’s Complicated starring Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin,Continue reading 87. Veal Parmigiano (Veal Cutlets Parmesan)
2012 Dinner is Served! Year in Review
Hello, darlings. The world didn’t explode on the winter solstice, so here we are at the end of another calendar year. Can you believe it? I can’t. I really, really can’t. 2012 has been a year of high points (yay, job promotion!), low points, (R.I.P. Cleveland) and overall weirdness (basically everything involving OKCupid). But mostContinue reading 2012 Dinner is Served! Year in Review
49. Paella
Ohmygodyouguys! An actual Dinner is Served dinner! When was the last time that happened? Um, so long ago that I can’t even tell you how long ago it was that I made this dinner. So long ago that #49 was the card voted to be my 80th dinner. So excuse me if I don’t talk atContinue reading 49. Paella
Wiener Wednesday: Sausage in Biscuits
This week’s recipe comes from Better Homes & Gardens Meat Cookbook (1971 edition) Sausage in Biscuits! That sounds tasty. Sausage: good. Biscuits: very good. Kinda like Nic’s British Sausage Rolls–which are just little pockets of heaven. But then you get into the recipe and realize that this is made from refrigerator biscuits, canned Vienna Sausages,Continue reading Wiener Wednesday: Sausage in Biscuits
Wiener Wednesday: Tom Boy & Baby Hot Dogs with Pa’s Hot Dog Relish
Greetings! Welcome to Wiener Wednesday! I wish that I could start this out on a more positive note, but I want to kill myself right now. This post was epic, detailed, and covered a whole 2 and a half hours of Brian mouse-hunting, but it is no more. As I was backing up the postContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Tom Boy & Baby Hot Dogs with Pa’s Hot Dog Relish
74. Tongue (Italian Style)
I know, I know, I know. Two weeks in a row without a Wiener Wednesday. But I’m giving you the only thing that could replace a Wednesday wiener, and that is tongue. I can’t even apologize for how dirty that sounds. All of the correspondence involving this dish was unintentionally lewd. But my favorite was thisContinue reading 74. Tongue (Italian Style)
Beverage Bonus: Boilermaker
By popular demand, here is another little story from my adventures in online dating. I think it’s a good (bad) one, although nowhere near as stupendous as my date at Elvis Tacos with Baltimore’s angriest little man, Rodney. Because I will never endure a date as bad as the one with Rodney. Fingers crossed. Oh,Continue reading Beverage Bonus: Boilermaker