So we’re at that point again where I’m going through my camera roll and my notes and rediscovering all of the recipes I’ve made over the last year but never got to posting. (Holly Ball 2019 will remain in the vault until the 2020 holiday season).
Category: 1960s
Two-Way Recipes: Cherry Waldorf Salad (1963)
With mayonnaise it’s a salad, but with whipped cream, it’s a dessert! You laugh, but that’s how the 1963 edition of The Joys of Jell-O intended it to be! When you serve them as desserts, garnish with prepared dessert topping or whipped cream. As salads, unmold them on crisp greens and top withContinue reading Two-Way Recipes: Cherry Waldorf Salad (1963)
Wiener Wednesday: Frankfurters with Macaroni and Cheese(1966)
Happy Wiener Wednesday! This week, Mr. Sauce, Esq. chose the frankfurters, which explains why this week’s selection is a little bit on the safe side. Sometimes you don’t want to go all crazy and make a Jellied Hot Dog Loaf or some other insane dog dish, amiright? So here is a nice and easy weenieContinue reading Wiener Wednesday: Frankfurters with Macaroni and Cheese(1966)
Coupe Jacques (1965)
Since Countess LuAnn did not go to jail for violating terms of her parole, my mum and I saw her #countessandfriends cabaret show at the Warner Theater in DC on June 7. Because it was a sparkling wine-soaked event, I am sharing with you the dessert from my Easter dinner–the Coupe Jacques–which is a fruitContinue reading Coupe Jacques (1965)
Great Dinners from Life: Spring Leg of Lamb (1969)
I told you that I’d share the rest of my very French Easter, so here’s the main dish, leg of lamb. Because it’s not Easter Sunday without Lamb! This recipe comes from Great Dinners from Life by Eleanor Graves which was published in 1969. John Dominis was the photographer. And the photos are fantastic. IContinue reading Great Dinners from Life: Spring Leg of Lamb (1969)
Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery Vol. 11 (1966): Sausage-Apple Bake
The best thing to happen during the Holly Ball (aside from the majesty of Shrimp Sputnik ’18 and the fact that it was just a damn good party), was that I received a wonderful Christmas present from my dear friends, Dan and Jon–A set of the Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery (1966). Woman’s Day actuallyContinue reading Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery Vol. 11 (1966): Sausage-Apple Bake
BH&G Pies and Cakes: Strawberry Sunshine Pie (1966)
This week I’ve been sick with a bad cold and stayed home from work the majority of the week–which is good because I was at a very low-functioning level. Like, I could focus and do things in bursts, but then I’d nap for an hour. Or 3. I’m on the mend, I mean, I feelContinue reading BH&G Pies and Cakes: Strawberry Sunshine Pie (1966)
BH&G Barbecue Book: Blue Cheese Slaw (1967)
So, is everyone else already over summer or is it just me? No? You summer-lovers are a mystery to me. I am NOT a fan of the season. Sun. Heat. Sweat. Bugs. It’s been in the mid 90s for almost a week and it looks like there’s no end in sight. I hate it. IContinue reading BH&G Barbecue Book: Blue Cheese Slaw (1967)
The Lost Family Virtual Dinner Party ft. 158. Beef Wellington
Welcome to The Lost Family Virtual Supper Club! I am so happy to be one of the bloggers invited to celebrate the release of Jenna Blum’s latest novel, The Lost Family with a cookalong! The book is a saga which revolves around Auschwitz survivor and restauranteur Peter Rashkin, his glamourous young wife, June, and their daughter Elsbeth.Continue reading The Lost Family Virtual Dinner Party ft. 158. Beef Wellington
New Year Chinese Feast 2017 (Happy National Buffet Day!)
This year is over. Finally. Our national nightmare rages on, but we made it to the other side of Year One. And January 2 is (was) National Buffet Day! (I started writing this yesterday but didn’t post until today, so sue me). Question: what is the difference between a smorgasbord, a potluck, or a buffet?Continue reading New Year Chinese Feast 2017 (Happy National Buffet Day!)
#FoodInFilm “Bye Bye Birdie” Pink Champagne
So, Jenny over at Silver Screen Suppers informed me that there is another little blogathon going on this weekend. This time, focusing on food that appears in–or is inspired by–a film. Hence, the fitting hashtag #FoodInFilm. Well, that’s right up my alley! For my #FoodInFilm submission I chose one of my all-time favorites, the movieContinue reading #FoodInFilm “Bye Bye Birdie” Pink Champagne
Twin Peaks Eats: Cherry Chocolate Pie (1966)
Today is National Milk Chocolate Day! And on Twin Peaks: The Return, Agent Cooper finally had himself some damn good cherry pie. OMG, that look of food bliss on Kyle MacLachlan’s face! I truly believe that pie should be celebrated on the regular. So for this special day, I’m going into the archives for a deliciousContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Cherry Chocolate Pie (1966)
PIEATHALON 4: Betty Crocker’s Chicken-Sausage Pies (1965)
DO YOU KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS? IT’S PIEATHALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! Yes, for the 4th year my food blogger friends and I exchanged pie recipes and got baking! (click here to see pies of years past) Except I didn’t exchange recipes. There was a mix up with people being left off and then dropped out and thenContinue reading PIEATHALON 4: Betty Crocker’s Chicken-Sausage Pies (1965)
Joan Crawford’s Pork Chops with Red Onions and Apple Rings
Finally (and sadly) we come to the end of Feud the television mini series and my series of Feud-themed food posts. I’ve saved the best for last, because this was indeed the best of the bunch. This is Joan Crawford’s Pork Chops with Red Onions and Apple Rings, which appeared in the November 1, 1965Continue reading Joan Crawford’s Pork Chops with Red Onions and Apple Rings
Bette Davis’ Spinach-Stuffed Filets
Feud Foods™ continues today with Bette Davis’ Spinach-Stuffed Filets! I found this recipe in Johna Blinn’s newspaper column, Celebrity Cookbook (Click on the image to zoom in for the recipe). Things I learned about Bette Davis in this article: She owns many cookbooks and detests wasting food. “I’m not a penurious woman, but toContinue reading Bette Davis’ Spinach-Stuffed Filets
Joan Crawford’s Spinach Salad
Hi, kittens! Welcome to DiS1972! Since it’s Sunday, and tonight I’ll be watching FEUD: Bette & Joan on FX, I’m serving up another one of Joan Crawford’s recipes. This one comes from an article in the November 1, 1965 issue of Vogue. The article features a number of recipes, but since I already had spinachContinue reading Joan Crawford’s Spinach Salad
The Argyle Club’s Cuban Black Bean Soup (1961)
This recipe comes from a very recent acquisition–Amy Vanderbilt’s Complete Cookbook (1961). My mum gave me this one for Christmas this year, and lemme tell ya, this one seems like a goody, especially since it features illustrations by Andrew Warhola! Yeah, Warhola as in Warhol. As I was flipping through the pages I realized thatContinue reading The Argyle Club’s Cuban Black Bean Soup (1961)
Locke-Ober’s New England Boiled Dinner (1965)
Firstly, just because I am posting a New England post today does not mean that I am endorsing the New England Patriots in this Sunday’s AFC Championship. Because, Steelers. Duh. Also, I actively hate the New England Patriots with a fiery passion. And doesn’t everyone by now? I totally don’t understand the people in BaltimoreContinue reading Locke-Ober’s New England Boiled Dinner (1965)