Today’s recipe is from the Playboy Gourmet by Thomas Mario. Bourbon and crab. Together? Will this work? Let’s see! The reasons why I selected this recipe: I still had a good deal of crab leftover from my Great Maryland Chesapeake Crab Imperial Experiment. This recipe includes a lot of booze (and I love bourbon andContinue reading The Playboy Gourmet: Crab Meat Bourbon (1972)
Author: yinzerella
202. Chili Steaks
I hate it when I get to DiS1972 cards that I basically have NOTHING to say about. I didn’t take any sort of notes so all I can really do is present the card: And then post the finished picture: You know what it tasted like? Beef smothered in Hormel Vegetarian Chili (with Beans). ToppedContinue reading 202. Chili Steaks
Dinner Is Served 1972 is Officially 10!
The 50 Days of DiS1972 countdown is finally over and it’s the official anniversary of Dinner is Served 1972! Since I began on February 24, 2011: 697 posts 149 completed Dinner is Served cards 40+ gelatin recipes 38 celebrity dishes 15 Bloody Marys 13 Bisquick Impossible Pies 7 Pieathalons and a plethora of bad datesContinue reading Dinner Is Served 1972 is Officially 10!
Pat O’Brien’s Cyclone and Hurricane Punch (1979)
Happy Fat Tuesday! Since no one is going out to a parade or party today, I thought I’d bring a little bit of Mardi Gras home with the Cyclone Cocktail and Hurricane Punch from Pat O’Brien’s in New Orleans. The recipes are from one of my favorite cookbooks, Benson & Hedges 100’s Presents Drink Recipes fromContinue reading Pat O’Brien’s Cyclone and Hurricane Punch (1979)
The Joys of Chinese Cooking: Sweet & Sour Pork and Bamboo Shoots with Spinach and Mushrooms (1982)
Happy Lunar New Year! It’s the Year of the Ox! I wasn’t planning on having some Asian cuisine on the blog for the holiday, but I had this dinner in the queue, so here we are. These recipes are from The Joy of Chinese Cooking by Lo Mei Hing, Giulia Marzotto Caotorta and Sun TziContinue reading The Joys of Chinese Cooking: Sweet & Sour Pork and Bamboo Shoots with Spinach and Mushrooms (1982)
Groundhog Day Bloody Mary (1971)
Happy Groundhog Day! Phil has predicted that there is more winter yet to come!. At the moment it definitely looks like 6 more weeks of winter here–I don’t know how much snow has fallen, but school was closed yesterday and I have a delay today. However, it is forecasted to go up into the 50sContinue reading Groundhog Day Bloody Mary (1971)
Dinner Is Served 1972 Anniversary Countdown Continues
We’re at the halfway point! 25 days of the best and worst of DiS1972 and 25 days to go until the official ten year anniversary of the blog! Here’s a rundown of the posts so far: MOST-VIEWED POST OF THE YEAR Hannibal’s Punch Romaine Spangler’s Circus Peanut Salad Bisquick Zucchini-Tomato Pie Joan Crawford’s Pork ChopsContinue reading Dinner Is Served 1972 Anniversary Countdown Continues
Cooking With Astrology: Omarr & Roy Entertain an Aquarian (1969)
What’s the formula for a superb dinner party? Choosing your guests and your food with care and savoir faire. Who can guide you in achieving this delicate balance? Astrologist Sydney Omarr can tell you who will give you the pleasantest companionship by consulting the stars. Radio/TV Food Consultant Mike Roy can supply menus and recipesContinue reading Cooking With Astrology: Omarr & Roy Entertain an Aquarian (1969)
198. Chicken Fricassee and Dumplings
I don’t know if the retrospective inspired me, but I am newly committed to tackling the blog backlog. There are currently ten dishes in the queue–some were cooked last week, others apparently more than two years ago. True story. I made this in November 2018. I honest to god thought I had posted this one.Continue reading 198. Chicken Fricassee and Dumplings
183. Shrimp Newburg
I have no idea when I made No. 183, so I have very little memory of No. 183. I don’t know if I made the raisin-stuffed baked apples. I imagine that I did just because that’s easy. But if there was a photo, that has been lost. The results photo of 183. was not takenContinue reading 183. Shrimp Newburg
DiS1972 Tenth Anniversary Countdown!
Next month Dinner is Served 1972 will be ten years old! To celebrate I’m doing an anniversary countdown. The good, the bad, the ugly–it’s gonna be 50 Days of DiS1972–culminating with the official 10 year anniversary on February 24th. I have picked a dish from every year in each of the following categories: Most-Viewed PostContinue reading DiS1972 Tenth Anniversary Countdown!
James Beard’s Favorite Bloody Mary
If you are reading this, that means that we actually made it to the other side of 2020. Although that means shit. Time is a construct. Time was created by the Holiday Industrial Complex to sell greeting cards and candy. You think just because the earth went around the sun one more time that everythingContinue reading James Beard’s Favorite Bloody Mary
Benson & Hedges Entertaining With Style: Eggs Blackstone (1980)
We made it to New Year’s Eve! Although the manner in which you ring in 2021 may be different than in years past, that doesn’t mean you can’t drink like you’re out at a party! And if you drink like you’re out at a party, you might need a little something to nurse your hangoverContinue reading Benson & Hedges Entertaining With Style: Eggs Blackstone (1980)
Three Rivers Cookbook: Easy Nog(1973)
It’s now a Christmas tradition–my Easy Nog video. But this time, I’m also sharing the recipe from the Three Rivers Cookbook I (1973) I mean, it truly is easy. And it may also kill you. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
Holly Ball 2019: Christmas Sparkle (1966) and Holly Ball Hi-Ball Punch
I. LOVE. A. PUNCH. Punches are easy to make, easy to refresh (just throw more booze in there!), and they give guests an option from just wine or beer–without opening the bar for mixed drinks. Last year I gave an option to the option because I acquired a second punch bowl set (thanks, Beth!) andContinue reading Holly Ball 2019: Christmas Sparkle (1966) and Holly Ball Hi-Ball Punch
Holly Ball 2019: New Orleans Style Artichoke Balls
Holly Ball 2019 rolls on! This recipe is a selection from Executive Women…New Orleans Style. I picked it up at a super-fabulous culinary bookshop called Kitchen Witch, which, sadly, closed not long after my visit. I don’t know anything in particular about this book except that New Orleans has an Executive Women International chapter.Continue reading Holly Ball 2019: New Orleans Style Artichoke Balls
Holly Ball 2019: Erica Kane’s Cheese Teasers (1983)
Another Holly Ball bite! Today’s ball recipe is ultra-fitting since a prime-time reboot of the ABC daytime soap All My Children was just announced. As someone who used to watch AMC, consider my interest piqued. But let’s face it, the show will be incomplete if Susan Lucci (a.k.a. Erica Kane) doesn’t show. Speaking of EricaContinue reading Holly Ball 2019: Erica Kane’s Cheese Teasers (1983)
Holly Ball 2019: Rio-Vista Balls (1958)
Yes, the title of this post says 2019. That’s because I never wrote about last year’s holiday party and I’m sure as hell not having one this year. The Holly Ball takes an entire year to plan because I take note of any and all ball recipes I come across throughout the year and jotContinue reading Holly Ball 2019: Rio-Vista Balls (1958)