Or whatnot. Long story short, I was sick of seeing other people pop up with my oh-so-fantastic name. So yes, random person, you can have the blogspot. And yes, random WTAE anchor, you can call yourself a Yinzerella on your twitter bio. But I got the gmail. I got the twitter. I got the Pinterest.Continue reading Yinzerella Comes Alive!
Author: yinzerella
Loretta Lynn’s Howdy Spread
Last summer, as my mother and I drove through Tennessee for my pilgrimage to Graceland, we kept seeing these along the highway: We couldn’t stop on the way down, but we knew that we HAD to go swing by Hurricane Mills, TN on our way back. I mean, there was a gift shop! We bothContinue reading Loretta Lynn’s Howdy Spread
Twin Peaks Tuesday: Maple Syrup
So we already know that Agent Cooper loves cremated bacon and eggs over hard. But how does he like his flapjacks? Nothing beats the taste sensation when maple syrup collides with ham! OK, can we agree that Agent Cooper is just one of the best TV characters of all-time? God bless David Lynch for writingContinue reading Twin Peaks Tuesday: Maple Syrup
Liberace & Elvis
This is too much for me to handle. Good thing it’s a Friday.
Twin Peaks Tuesday: Jerry’s Baguette with Brie & Butter
You know, I never intended for these Twin Peaks posts to be food-themed, but it makes sense since this is a food blog, and Twin Peaks is such a food-centric show. Proof: this scene where for about 2 minutes Ben & Jerry Horne (yes, like the ice cream guys) wax poetic and chow down onContinue reading Twin Peaks Tuesday: Jerry’s Baguette with Brie & Butter
The Only 4th of July GIF You Will Ever Need
I think that even in context this would make little sense: But who cares? Stars and stripes, indeed! Happy 4th of July weekend, everyone! Be careful with the booze and the firecrackers.
Twin Peaks Tuesday: PIEATHALON Edition
I’m still celebrating the Pieathalon, so it’s a good thing that Twin Peaks is so pie-heavy. Be sure to watch the great video at the end.
First Annual PIEATHALON: Seafoam Cantaloupe Pie
Welcome to the Pieathalon! In the heavily debated war of Cake vs. Pie, I am definitely on Team Pie. Pies are so versatile. They can be fruity, creamy, sweet or savory–and if I’m not mistaken, isn’t pizza technically a pie? And quiche, too! Plus, I have that whole Bisquick Impossible Pie thing going on. AndContinue reading First Annual PIEATHALON: Seafoam Cantaloupe Pie
Twin Peaks Tuesdays: Coop’s Breakfast
In one of the series’ best moments, hell, one of tv’s best moments, Agent Cooper, in the dining room of the Great Northern Hotel, sips a damn fine cup of coffee and orders a very specific breakfast. Now, I’d like two eggs, over hard. I know, don’t tell me; it’s hard on the arteries, butContinue reading Twin Peaks Tuesdays: Coop’s Breakfast
Twin Peaks Tuesday: In the Red Room
Let’s learn how to talk like you’re in the Red Room with our friend the Man from Another Place! I’ve learned it too: !kcor s’teL…elihwnaeM .lla ta gnol ton, oS .(yadseuT txen a.k.a.) seert eromacys eht–seert eht ni ouy ees lliw I .golb eht morf ffo emit elttil a gnikat ma I
It’s an Absolutely Fabulous Friday!
Today marks the start of Pride Weekend here in Baltimore. So it just seemed appropriate to kick it off with something Absolutely Fabulous. And by Absolutely Fabulous I mean, Patsy Stone & Edina Monsoon: How sweet are these tea towels? Yes, they are tea towels. I commissioned them for my best friend Jamie’s birthday. WhoContinue reading It’s an Absolutely Fabulous Friday!
Shirley Jones’ Mexicali Corn Casserole (Part II)
OK, I lied in my last post. I did take a picture of the finished casserole. I just used my phone and not my fancy-ass camera. So there it is. In all it’s corny, cheesy glory. Like I said yesterday, this was delicious. A real winner. Make it.
Twin Peaks Tuesday: Shirley Jones’ Mexicali Corn Casserole
For Memorial Day this year I went to not 1–but 2 Memorial Day barbecues. This is what I chose to make for the second party, to accompany hamburgers on the grill. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the 1984 Shirley Jones’ Favorite Holiday Recipe Cards courtesy of Ralph’s Grocery Company: I mean, it was aContinue reading Twin Peaks Tuesday: Shirley Jones’ Mexicali Corn Casserole
Stan Rizzo Loves Bacon Logs
In this entertaining Q&A with Jay R. Ferguson, a.k.a. Mad Men‘s Stan Rizzo, Ferguson talks about a memento he stole from the set when they disassembled the creative lounge to make way for The Computer (damn you, Harry Crane!). So out of everything in the lounge what did he choose? An advertisement for Log CabinContinue reading Stan Rizzo Loves Bacon Logs
Twin Peaks Tuesdays: The Norwegians are Leaving!
In the Twin Peaks pilot, Ben Horne is courting a group of Norwegian businessmen over breakfast. The Norwegians seemed to be buying what Ben was selling; but eventually some shit goes down (you have to go watch the pilot to find out. I’m not telling.) and this happens: “The Norwegians are leaving! The Norwegians areContinue reading Twin Peaks Tuesdays: The Norwegians are Leaving!
Here Comes the Pieathalon!
Brace yourself, kittens. In the grand tradition of the Knoxapocalypse (I & II) and the Vincent Price Halloween Cookalong, comes another vintage recipe blogging challenge the likes of which have never been seen. Because most of it is covered in layers of pastry. I, and 11 other bloggers, are participating in the 1st Annual PIEATHALONContinue reading Here Comes the Pieathalon!
Happy Mint Julep Day!
Logically, it seems as though Kentucky Derby Day should be Mint Julep Day. But I guess since the Derby is on a different day every year…? Anyway, according to our friends at Foodimentary, it’s Mint Julep Day! I think I’ve only ever had a proper julep once. When I lived in Richmond, VA. There isContinue reading Happy Mint Julep Day!
BH&G All-time Favorite Salad Recipes: Avocado and Egg Salad
The temperature has risen in a big way here, hence I’m not too keen on turning on my oven. So that means salads. Today I am gonna crack open a volume from my collection that I haven’t yet featured: the 1984 edition of Better Homes & Gardens All-Time Favorite Salad Recipes. And I can’t believe that it tookContinue reading BH&G All-time Favorite Salad Recipes: Avocado and Egg Salad