Us at Dinner is Served (and by ‘us’ I mean Brian and me) want to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving. And really there is no better way to do so than this little gem of a video, the Thanksgiving episode of The Liberace Show (1954). For no other reason, you want to watch itContinue reading Liberace’s Thanksgiving
Author: yinzerella
Better Homes & Gardens Vegetable Cookbook: Spinach Delicious
Thanksgiving is fast approaching! Were you invited to a last-minute Friendsgiving and need to bring a dish? Did you burn the green bean casserole and need a quick substitution? Well, I’ve got a perfect dish for you. You probably already have all of the ingredients in your refrigerator. It’s Spinach Delicious! I made this lastContinue reading Better Homes & Gardens Vegetable Cookbook: Spinach Delicious
Bisquick Impossible Seafood Pie
Another Impossible Pie. People, I am dead serious about finishing these damn things by the end of this year. As God as my witness, I will complete all 12 of the pies from the “No Time to Cook” booklet! And I guess that is an accurate title for the book–I’ve made at least half ofContinue reading Bisquick Impossible Seafood Pie
Joan Crawford’s Danti-Chips
Welcome to the Joan Crawford Virtual Reality Dinner Party! Jenny, the proprietress of Silver Screen Suppers, hosted the dinner party in celebration of the release of her book, aptly titled, Cooking With Joan Crawford. So, what’s the deal with the dinner party? Like the Pieathalon and Knoxapocalypse before it, bloggers from around the globe joined together and cookedContinue reading Joan Crawford’s Danti-Chips
Me & McRib: A Love Story
An amazing thing happened to me this weekend. I ATE A McRIB! How did this happen considering that the powers that be didn’t bring the McRib to the greater Baltimore metropolitan area…?
For National Sandwich Day: Isaly’s Chipped Ham Barbecue
Yesterday was National Sandwich Day, which, should be celebrated nationally. It would have absolutely thrilled me to observe the day with a McRib, but, alas, the damn things never made it anywhere near Baltimore. So, I made a barbecue sandwich of a different sort, Pittsburgh’s second-most favorite sandwich (after Primanti’s), the chipped ham barbecue. IContinue reading For National Sandwich Day: Isaly’s Chipped Ham Barbecue
Microwave Jack O’ Lantern Salad
Sorry I’ve been AWOL, kittens. But I do have a very good reason–I just moved into my very own house! The house is a work in progress. Very much a work in progress. In the second bedroom it looks a closet exploded–just clothes and clothes and clothes everywhere. And there are boxes filled with random shitContinue reading Microwave Jack O’ Lantern Salad
Yinz Sound Like Jagoffs
It’s official. Yinzer, a.k.a. the official language of Pittsburgh, has been voted the WORST ACCENT IN AMERICA! I am oddly proud. Here is a fabulous example of the horrendous accent: As is this: I chose this Pittsburgh Dad one because I will be making a sojourn to IKEA this weekend–for my new hause n’at. IContinue reading Yinz Sound Like Jagoffs
Orioles Magic Cheese Ball
So, did ya hear that the Baltimore Orioles have made it to the American League Championship Series? Baltimore is buzzing with excitement over the prospect of the team making it to the World Series. The city is awash in orange (even the Ravens’ football stadium). Everyone is wearing jerseys and tees and showing their civicContinue reading Orioles Magic Cheese Ball
Brian & Britney
I have been slacking on the blog-front because I’m kinda busy. Like, super-busy. Do you see that giant pile of crap behind Britney? Those are boxes. Why are there so many boxes, you ask…?
Yorkshire Chicken
Happy Autumn! The Equinox has come and gone and we are enjoying some very fall-like weather here in Maryland. There is a definite chill in the air, as well as lots of rain. It’s an absolutely perfect time for comfort food. And I think that casseroles, particularly chicken casseroles, are extra comfy. This Yorkshire Chicken recipe comesContinue reading Yorkshire Chicken
Impossible Cheeseburger Pie
This dish is part of my quest to complete all twelve Impossible Pie recipes from The Bisquick “No Time to Cook” Recipe Book. The pie is extremely apropos because today is one of the best days of the year: National Cheeseburger Day! And really, this Impossible Pie is just as one would imagine it wouldContinue reading Impossible Cheeseburger Pie
34. Herb Broiled Chicken
I am chicken. Well, I made chicken, yes. Specifically this dinner, 34. Herb Broiled Chicken. But I am chicken, as well. Lemme explain. It was about this time last year I was dating Mr. Buckeye. Do you remember Mr. Buckeye? He was the meatball guy. From that BH&G Cooking for Two, there was the DoubleContinue reading 34. Herb Broiled Chicken
GIF of the Week (one day early)
I don’t know why decided to start doing these on Fridays. Oh, no, that’s right, it’s because I’m lazy and can’t find the motivation and/or time to write as of late. And, yes, I know it’s not Friday, but in anticipation of tonight’s Steelers vs Ravens game, I thought I’d share this gem from last week’sContinue reading GIF of the Week (one day early)
12. Lamb and Eggplant Bake
The good? This dinner. This was actually a very yummy dinner. The bad? This dinner. Why? Becausee this was the last DiS! dinner that I had with Leah and Todd. No, nothing bad happened–actually a lot of good happened–they relocated to their beloved Columbus, Ohio to go be adult, married people and eventually have babies andContinue reading 12. Lamb and Eggplant Bake
Joan Rivers’ Toast
This recipe sounds like a winner. Especially the holiday version. Joan was a brassy, brash, resilient, smart, funny, ballsy broad with no fucks to give (and she liked big jewelry). She’s definitely one of my role models. I want to grow up and be this awesome (Birkin bag and shiny scarf included): I wantContinue reading Joan Rivers’ Toast
GIF of the Week!
No, scratch that. This is a GIF for the AGES! A cat emerging from a pepperoni pizza hatch? I can watch this for hours. Also, the cat looks almost exactly like Brian. For realsies. Everyone, enjoy your holiday weekend! See yinz guys next week!
Pretzel Jell-O
It looks like I inadvertently took a vacation from the blog this month, amiright? I’m sorry I haven’t posted all month–but I’ve been ultra-busy and I might (I might!) have an exciting announcement come September. But! Speaking of September, Labor Day weekend is right around the corner. So I am giving you a recipe that youContinue reading Pretzel Jell-O