Hors d’ Ouerves Week continues with two other dishes from card A1 from the Cookindex recipe card set. First up is Marinated Shrimp! The little pink pan there indicates that this is an electric skillet dish. Isn’t it so funny how big the electric skillet was in the 50s? I mean, I love mine–but whyContinue reading Hooray for Hors d’Ouerves: Avocado Dip & Marinated Shrimp
Author: yinzerella
Hooray for Hors d’Ouerves: Deviled Eggs
Hors d’Ouerves Week continues with a party classic, Deviled Eggs. This recipe is from the very cool Cookindex (1959) card set that I received from the very lovely Susan Marks, the author of the book Finding Betty Crocker: The Secret Life of America’s First Lady of Food and the accompanying Betty-themed blog. She is also a filmContinue reading Hooray for Hors d’Ouerves: Deviled Eggs
Hooray for Hors d’Oeuvres: Double Weenie Wreath
Howdy, kittens! Are you somewhere that’s getting snow? If so, I really hope that you went out shopping yesterday and already have your milk, bread, and toilet paper. I’m looking specifically at our friends in New York and New England. Speaking of New England, I only remember it snowing once when I lived in BostonContinue reading Hooray for Hors d’Oeuvres: Double Weenie Wreath
Yinzerella’s Lazy Pierogie Casserole
It’s going to snow here today. I don’t know how much, but snow is in the forecast. And when snow is in the forecast, there is nothing better to eat than a big, stick-to-your ribs, comfort food casserole. And when it comes to comfort foods, two of the best are pierogis and lasagna. There areContinue reading Yinzerella’s Lazy Pierogie Casserole
Happy Cheese Lovers’ Day!
January 20 is a day for those of us who love cheese to celebrate. And I really love cheese. I actually have CHEESE listed on my OKCupid profile under “6 Things I Could Never Do Without.” Also included: cable TV and liquor stores. I’m a classy gal. Anyway, a shit-ton of cheese has made itContinue reading Happy Cheese Lovers’ Day!
Uncle Bob’s Jell-O Salad
This was part of Casey’s Ham Loaf dinner. Which I haven’t written about yet. But I will. And then link back to this post so you’ll remember that THIS is the Jell-O that went with the loaf. Oh, how I have reservations with dishes that are made in loaf-form! Why loaf, why? But I digress.Continue reading Uncle Bob’s Jell-O Salad
Readers’ Choice!
In my Flank Steak Teryaki post I pointed out that it has been a long, long, long time since I prepared a complete meal from the DiS! set. How long? It was summer. That’s a long-ass time. I have been away from the cards so long that I didn’t even know that there are onlyContinue reading Readers’ Choice!
The Sandwich: Happy Birthday, Elvis!
Happy Elvis Day, my friends! Today Elvis would have been 80. That totally blows my mind. Frank Sinatra died at 82 and performed and recorded almost right to the very end. Tony Bennett is frickin’ 88 and just released an album with Lady Gaga. Just think of what Elvis might be doing right now hadContinue reading The Sandwich: Happy Birthday, Elvis!
35. Flank Steak Teriyaki
So, have you ever been to Colonial Williamsburg? I have. Twice. Once as a kid and once in my 30s. If you haven’t been, just know that the whole thing is just weird. It’s a little colonial village filled with cosplay American Revolutionaries (albeit, paid). It’s like Medieval Times, but spread across acres and acres. So,Continue reading 35. Flank Steak Teriyaki
New Year Pretzel & City Chicken (A Very Pittsburgh New Year)
Happy New Year, kittens! The days of December 31 and January 1 are rife with superstition and things to do and not do in order to roll into the new year as a lucky duck and leave the bad parts of the previous year behind. Depending on where you’re from this could include eating blackContinue reading New Year Pretzel & City Chicken (A Very Pittsburgh New Year)
Bisquick Impossible Brunch Pie
SORRY–all of the photos are broken and I no longer have the original files. Seasons greetings, kittens! I have been at Casa de Mum & Dad for the past few days and we’re getting our holly jolly on. Yesterday my mum and I drove up to scenic Zelienople, PA to pick up our Christmas hamContinue reading Bisquick Impossible Brunch Pie
Bavarian Meatballs
This is me trying to connect this dish to Christmas somehow: Bavarian Meatballs. Bavaria. What do they do in Bavaria? Drink beer. Eat sausage. There’s Alps. Snow. Ski lodge. Sweaters. Christmas sweaters. Oh, shit. Bavarian Christmas Markets! How sweet does that look? I totally want to go to there. I don’t know if they’d serveContinue reading Bavarian Meatballs
Bisquick Impossible Bacon Pie
Another one bites the dust! Granted, I made this back when Todd was still living in Baltimore (so, that means, yes, over the summer), but I just didn’t get to writing about it until now. Because I am a slacker. And not like in a cool Reality Bites kind of way–because I have a goddamned mortgage–I’mContinue reading Bisquick Impossible Bacon Pie
A Happy Holiday Idea: Hot Dr. Pepper (1965)
Earlier this month I featured this 1965 Dr. Pepper advertisement on the Facebook page. It garnered a lot of attention; there were a lot of ‘likes’ and a lot of varying opinions about whether Hot Dr. Pepper was delicious or disgusting. It apparently was a thing in the 60s. Here are some sample comments: Shari said,Continue reading A Happy Holiday Idea: Hot Dr. Pepper (1965)
Bisquick Impossible Cheesecake Pie
Since it looks as though I may never complete the DiS! card set, I might as well meet some of the goals I’ve made for myself–so I am plowing through the Impossible Pie recipes before the end of the year. I made this Bisquick pie for a party over the summer. Yes, you heard thatContinue reading Bisquick Impossible Cheesecake Pie
Bisquick Impossible Brownie Pie
December 8 is (was) National Brownie Day! Please accept my apology for this late post, but I went home this weekend for “Thanksgiving.” On actual Thanksgiving, I was in Baltimore at a Friendsgiving and my parents, bro, and SIL were in NYC with SIL’s family. So I was busy this weekend. We got our ChristmasContinue reading Bisquick Impossible Brownie Pie
Better Homes & Gardens Barbecue Book: Whipped Butters
I know, you’re probably thinking. It’s December, why are you sharing a recipe from a barbecue cookbook? Well, kittens, these are an absolute treat. And they can be enjoyed anytime of the year. These are flavored, whipped butters that are equally delicious on steaks, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, or any sort of vegetable. IContinue reading Better Homes & Gardens Barbecue Book: Whipped Butters
Pittsburgh Turkey Devonshire Sandwich
Got turkey? I got a great way for you to use up some of your Thanksgiving leftovers. That is, if you like bacon and cheese sauce. And who doesn’t (aside from our kosher and lactose intolerant friends)? When “sandwich” and “Pittsburgh” are mentioned in the same sentence, the infamous Primanti Bros. sandwich is what comesContinue reading Pittsburgh Turkey Devonshire Sandwich