In a word: no. I owe you all a dating post. So away we go! (all gifs from one of my most fave blogs) On a fine summer evening I went out on a lovely wine bar date with a guy who lived out in the county. He was nice, polite, all those things. ButContinue reading Is Your Date Behind This Door?
Author: yinzerella
Playboy Champagne Sherbet Punch
The birthday party rolls on! I made a punch for my birthday. Because of course I did. This recipe is from the Playboy Host & Bar Book by Thomas Mario (1971 edition). Angostura bitters? Check. But the Safeway didn’t have lemon sherbet. Because of course they don’t. I bought pineapple. I don’t know how muchContinue reading Playboy Champagne Sherbet Punch
Velveeta South of the Border Dip
Hello, darlings. I threw myself a big birthday party! And I made a ton of dishes from my cookbook collection for the occasion. It was a hefty spread and I am looking forward to sharing them with you. But I guess I wasn’t looking forward to it that much because I’m an Aquarius. That meansContinue reading Velveeta South of the Border Dip
82. Chicken Breasts (With Prosciutto and Mushrooms)
So, you know that weekend that Todd and Leah came in for a wedding and I made them the Broiled Filet of Sole brunch on Saturday morning? Well, this is how insane I am: while they were at that wedding on Saturday night I was cooking at the house because on Sunday night I hostedContinue reading 82. Chicken Breasts (With Prosciutto and Mushrooms)
Summer Sangria! (and a very special announcement)
It’s my 400th post!!!!Well, who the hell ever thought I’d get this far? Not me! For my 400th post, I wanted it to be a very special post. And it IS a very special post! But first, let’s get a little recipe out of the way. This is my Super Summer Sangria. Which I also turnedContinue reading Summer Sangria! (and a very special announcement)
In Case You’re Going to the Beach This Weekend…
Be sure to stock up on Shark Repellent Bat-Spray!
Gin is It! (3 Gin Cocktails)
My darlings! I have been neglecting my blog. There are many reasons why, which are too many to go through right now, but please know that although I haven’t written as of late, I have many delightful dishes to share with you in the future (see photo, right). But first, cocktails! Due to parties andContinue reading Gin is It! (3 Gin Cocktails)
National Chocolate Eclair Day
Just remember, kittens: adjacent to refuse, is refuse. Watch the scene here. Now go to Dunkin Donuts and get yourself an eclair.
The Astronaut Wives Club Ham Loaf
On last night’s premiere episode of The Astronaut Wives Club, Mrs. Alan Shepard gets all down in the doldrums either because her husband is in space or because he bangs anything in a bikini down at Cape Canaveral. Regardless, as she’s home moping, the other wives decide to cheer her up by bringing over food: bubbly,Continue reading The Astronaut Wives Club Ham Loaf
111. Broiled Fillet of Sole
Todd and Leah came to visit! For this special occasion, I decided to make a DiS!. Actually, scratch that. I was ordered to make a DiS! because Todd and Leah missed our Sunday dinners. And, since I’m a girl who can’t say no, I complied (also, I have to get through these damn cards by theContinue reading 111. Broiled Fillet of Sole
PIEATHALON: Melton Mowbray Pie
It’s the 2nd Annual Pieathalon, kittens! Welcome to my contribution, the Melton Mowbray Pie from the Vincent Price Treasury of Great Recipes. This British recipe was submitted by the lovely Jenny of Silver Screen Suppers, who, happens to be British. This is a whopper of a recipe. Lookie: Lemme walk you through it…. 12:30: removedContinue reading PIEATHALON: Melton Mowbray Pie
Hannibal the Cannibal Canapes Burgundy
It’s here! It’s here! The season 3 premiere of the best damn show on television, Hannibal! I can’t say enough about this phenomenal television series. And, for serious, yinz guys, why aren’t you watching it yet? I absolutely love Hannibal. It has all the trademarks of a show that I would be totally down withContinue reading Hannibal the Cannibal Canapes Burgundy
Ramp-O-Rama: Ramp Gibson
I asked you, gentle readers, for ideas on what to do with the rest of my pickled ramps, and you gave them to me (thank you!). One of the suggestions–and how the hell did it never occur to me to do this? –was make a COCKTAIL! So here it is, a Ramp Gibson. Ramp GibsonContinue reading Ramp-O-Rama: Ramp Gibson
Ramp-O-Rama: Pickled Ramps
Hello, there ramp fans! For my final ramp dish, since I had all the white (and red), rooty parts of the plant left, I made a refrigerator pickle. A damn fine refrigerator pickle! I went onto the Interwebz and found this recipe from SAVEUR. SAVEUR’s Pickled Ramps 1 tbsp. kosher salt, plus more as neededContinue reading Ramp-O-Rama: Pickled Ramps
Cher’s Hawaiian Meatballs
It’s Cher’s 69th birthday! Now, last year I posted Cher’s recipe for Hawaiian Meatballs American Style; this year I decided to make them! “Willowy recording artist and TV personality.” I love that. And of course now we can add, Academy Award Winner, activist, gym spokesperson, the list goes on (and the list goes on). Hit itContinue reading Cher’s Hawaiian Meatballs
#TheMorningAfter Bloody Marys
Hello, fellow Mad Men fans! Still recovering from last night’s finale? Well, here is a restorative libation to ease you into your Monday morning. I made two versions from two different cookbooks. Pick whichever suits your liking! The first is from the Playboy’s Host & Bar Book (1971) written by Thomas Mario. (If you wantContinue reading #TheMorningAfter Bloody Marys
Better Than Tom Selleck Cake
And we have a winner! The people have spoken and the people wanted Better Than Tom Selleck Cake! Yes, with 39% of the votes, the Better Than Tom Selleck Cake bested two Selleck-themed cocktails, a Thanksgiving salad, and Tom’s own recipe for Chicken with Wine and Mushrooms. . You may have had this cake beforeContinue reading Better Than Tom Selleck Cake
Ramp-O-Rama: Ramp Butter
Remember all those ramps that I got? Well, even after making that delicious ramp pesto, I still had tons of ramp leaves yet. What to do…what to do… Why not make a compound butter? This is soooooo easy. This is all you need: Ramps Butter Lemon zest Salt Pepper Dried thyme Bring the butter toContinue reading Ramp-O-Rama: Ramp Butter