Hello, friends and fellow Fannibals! Did any of you bid on some lots in the Hannibal TV show auction 2 months ago? I did. Because I am crazy and had money to burn (my fantasy team this year–Hannibal Lecter’s Facemask–went all the way). A lot of great stuff was on the auction block–clothing, furniture, knives–butContinue reading Hannibal Lecter’s Pork Liver w. Bacon
Author: yinzerella
Jell-O Crown Jewel Dessert
Who’s ready for some Jell-O? This recipe is from my original 1959 edition of the Joys of Jell-O. As is now tradition, every year I bring in a weird retro dish for my boss Kate’s birthday. In the spirit of last year’s Better Than Tom Selleck cake, I went with a theme. Because of hisContinue reading Jell-O Crown Jewel Dessert
Playboy’s Classic Champagne Cocktail
I’m still on vacation. I’m still chillaxing and enjoying the fact that I am done with the 1972 cards. I’m celebrating, bitches. And what is more celebratory than a little champs? Um. NOTHING! Enter Playboy’s Host & Bar Book by Thomas Mario (1971 edition) And the recipe for the Classic Champagne Cocktail. A little bubbles, a little bitters,Continue reading Playboy’s Classic Champagne Cocktail
99. Chicken-Aspic Vegetable Salad & the End of DiS! 1972
THIS IS IT MY FRIENDS. IT’S THE LAST CARD. And it is the one that we’ve all been waiting for, in all its shiny, towering, glory–No. 99 Chicken-Aspic Vegetable Salad! 3 whole chicken breasts 5 cups boiling water 4 chicken bouillon cubes 2 celery tops 2 carrots 2 sprigs parsley 1 small bay leaf 1Continue reading 99. Chicken-Aspic Vegetable Salad & the End of DiS! 1972
9. Lentil Soup (with Orange Chiffon Cake)
March 30 is Turkey Neck Day. And yesterday was Chiffon Cake Day. So today I’m re-posting, all the way back from 2011, No. 9, Lentil Soup. Because in it, I both cook with turkey necks and bake a chiffon cake. Enjoy!
The Emerald Cocktail
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I don’t have a lick of Irish in me, nor do I typically go out on St. Patrick’s Day, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t celebrate in my own, small ways. Last year I went to Rick’s house for corned beef, cabbage, and some Irish Cheer cocktails. The Irish CheerContinue reading The Emerald Cocktail
79. Beef Medallions (Sauce Bearnaise)
What was special about 79? It wasn’t the food–because I kinda shit the bed on the Sauce Bearnaise. It’s that the photography was much improved! No, not that photography–because that, dear friends, is pretty standard (although now I think that the blurry card photos are part of the blog’s charm). It’s this photography: Because thereContinue reading 79. Beef Medallions (Sauce Bearnaise)
Liza Minnelli’s Potato Shells (1970)
Happy Birthday, Liza! On March 12, Liza With a Z! will turn 70. Seventy!!! To celebrate one of DiS!’s most favorite-ist people ever, I whipped up LIZA MINNELLI’S POTATOE SHELLS. Yes, potatoe shells. I first found the recipe online from the April 9, 1970 edition of the Victoria Advocate. They misspelled her name. Do they spellContinue reading Liza Minnelli’s Potato Shells (1970)
Luchow’s Hash a la Lubeck (1969)
A couple of months ago I made Hash a la Lubeck from the 1969 cookbook Campbell’s Great Restaurants Cookbook, USA. Two weeks ago I went out on 3 Tinder dates in a 7 day period. Both of these experiments had mixed results. When this book came out, Luchow’s was still in business on East 14th Street inContinue reading Luchow’s Hash a la Lubeck (1969)
Happy 5th Anniversary, Dinner is Served 1972!
Yep. I got the little WordPress notification yesterday. February 24th was the day of my first post. Which was basically THIS: So far I have learned that I need a lot to learn about blogging. I think that the cooking part of this whole thing will be much easier. I am still trying to find whereContinue reading Happy 5th Anniversary, Dinner is Served 1972!
Cara Cara Margarita & Rick’s Chickpeas
#HappyNationalMargaritaDay! I got home from work and I did this: I just threw together stuff I had in my kitchen and bar. And it was delicious. Cara Cara Margarita 1 and 1/2 jiggers tequila 1/2 jigger triple sec 1/2 tsp lime juice 2 jiggers fresh-squeezed Cara Cara juice. In a shaker with ice, combine allContinue reading Cara Cara Margarita & Rick’s Chickpeas
Happy 30th Birthday, Pretty in Pink!
How old does that make you feel? Yeah, this month, thirty years ago, Pretty in Pink premiered. Of all the John Hughes films, Pretty in Pink is my favorite. And not just because of James Spader’s portrayl of Steff: It also has one of my favorite movie lines in history. You probably are well awareContinue reading Happy 30th Birthday, Pretty in Pink!
71. Seafood Crepes
The march to the end of DiS! 1972 continues with 71. Seafood Crepes. And it is a march because I want to get all of these done by March 1st and I am rather without inspiration. And I have no stories (dating or otherwise) to tell. But it is National Drink Wine Day! LET’S PARTY!!!Continue reading 71. Seafood Crepes
70. Roast Beef (Standing Rib)
For Christmas Day, the fam and I did what we have done every year since whenever it was we retired the goose. We made a big ol’ Prime Rib. I really love Prime Rib. Prime Rib. Huh. So they (whoever the hell THEY is) say that women in their 30s are supposedly in their “sexualContinue reading 70. Roast Beef (Standing Rib)
89. Barbecued Chicken (With Plum Baste)
Hello, kittens! Today I’m sharing with you a DiS card that I made–well, I don’t know how long ago it was! Here is an action shot of Rick grilling the chicken: The grass is green and we’re grilling, sooooo, it was over the summer. THE SUMMER!!!! I don’t remember much about this dinner (although I didContinue reading 89. Barbecued Chicken (With Plum Baste)
Gourmets & Groundhogs: Hot Shrimp in Vermouth
Happy Groundhog Day! In honor of this most bizarre of holidays, I made a dish from the 1971 cookbook, Gourmets & Groundhogs by Elaine Light. I found this volume at an antique store in Bedford, PA. Bedford is not on this map. If it were, it’d be in the lower right hand corner. Actually, itContinue reading Gourmets & Groundhogs: Hot Shrimp in Vermouth
X-Files Iced Tea
In the season one episode “Tooms” (where we revisit monster of the week Eugene Victor Tooms and all-around creepazoid Doug Hutchinson), this happened: Ah, the scene that launched a thousand ‘shippers! So here is some iced tea (that I obviously didn’t make): NOW HOLD THE PHONE! DID SOMEONE SAY TEA??? Hell yeah, I did! Oh,Continue reading X-Files Iced Tea
Fox Mulder’s Motel Cocktail
In the episode “Syzygy”, Mulder and Scully go to a small town because two teenage boys have been killed under mysterious circumstances (one of the kids is Ryan Reynolds!). Turns out that something is going on that is making things not quite right. While in town, our favorite special agents find themselves acting not quiteContinue reading Fox Mulder’s Motel Cocktail