“McDonald’s uses a secret sauce with a cult following you didn’t know existed” True. I didn’t know that it existed. But now I do. It’s McChicken sauce. From Canada. Now, domestic McChickens are slathered with regular ol’ mayo, but all of Canada lost its collective mind when this hit store shelves because people like itContinue reading Canada Box: McChicken Sauce
Author: yinzerella
171. Rosy Glazed Pork Chops
Card 171 is noteworthy because it is the last Dinner is Served 1972 dinner prepared in my house. Yeah, if I hadn’t mentioned it already, I MOVED! Back in April I relocated Dinner Is Served HQ from my little early 1910-ish Baltimore row home and moved into a high-rise condo that was built in the late 1970s.Continue reading 171. Rosy Glazed Pork Chops
Canada Box: Big Mac Sauce
Back in October, I found out that McDonald’s Big Mac sauce was available in bottles. But only in Canada. I expressed my disappointment on my Facebook page and DiS!1972-fan Alicia offered to send me Big Mac sauce as well as Filet o’ Fish Sauce and McChicken Sauce (McChicken sauce is something I will get intoContinue reading Canada Box: Big Mac Sauce
#FoodInFilm “Bye Bye Birdie” Pink Champagne
So, Jenny over at Silver Screen Suppers informed me that there is another little blogathon going on this weekend. This time, focusing on food that appears in–or is inspired by–a film. Hence, the fitting hashtag #FoodInFilm. Well, that’s right up my alley! For my #FoodInFilm submission I chose one of my all-time favorites, the movieContinue reading #FoodInFilm “Bye Bye Birdie” Pink Champagne
It’s National Seafood Bisque Day!
In honor of today being National Seafood Bisque Day, I am presenting to you an UPDATED & REVISED version of this post, which appeared on DiS1972 exactly one year ago today…. Back in June 2016, I was at the wedding of two of my dear friends Erin & Anthony. At my assigned table it wasContinue reading It’s National Seafood Bisque Day!
127. Pork Ribs and Apple Rings
Today is October 10 and it is currently 82 degrees out. At 5:30pm. I am sick of this bullshit. It’s supposed to be fall now. I want it to be fall so desperately that I am making an apple-pork dish regardless of how hot it is. So, I decided to make this on a weeknight.Continue reading 127. Pork Ribs and Apple Rings
The Eclipicnic
OK, so in August people went absolutely ballistic for the Eclipse. On Facebook and Next Door, people were frantically looking for eclipse glasses because they were sold out everywhere. Well, the week before, I bought a 5 for $15 pack for myself and Mr. Sauce, Esq. I only needed 2 pairs so I sold theContinue reading The Eclipicnic
Twin Peaks Eats: Jerry Horne’s Legendary Smoked Cheese Pig
Tonight is the finale of Twin Peaks: The Return. And I am super-stoked, but also extra tired because I just spent the last two days making smoked cheese pigs and then editing a video about them. Please, check ’em out. Make it worth it for me. (although they are tasty and I did cold-smoke inContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Jerry Horne’s Legendary Smoked Cheese Pig
124. Macaroni, Tomato and Cheese Bake (1973) ft. Elvis’ Rice Pudding
It’s the end of summer, but it’s the return of Dinner is Served 1972! Yeah, I’ve been neglecting the blog, life just got in the way, know what I mean? As you may have noticed, there are new ads on the site, but for good reason–I want to make some cash off this puppy! AndContinue reading 124. Macaroni, Tomato and Cheese Bake (1973) ft. Elvis’ Rice Pudding
Twin Peaks Eats: Cherry Chocolate Pie (1966)
Today is National Milk Chocolate Day! And on Twin Peaks: The Return, Agent Cooper finally had himself some damn good cherry pie. OMG, that look of food bliss on Kyle MacLachlan’s face! I truly believe that pie should be celebrated on the regular. So for this special day, I’m going into the archives for a deliciousContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Cherry Chocolate Pie (1966)
PIEATHALON 4: Betty Crocker’s Chicken-Sausage Pies (1965)
DO YOU KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS? IT’S PIEATHALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! Yes, for the 4th year my food blogger friends and I exchanged pie recipes and got baking! (click here to see pies of years past) Except I didn’t exchange recipes. There was a mix up with people being left off and then dropped out and thenContinue reading PIEATHALON 4: Betty Crocker’s Chicken-Sausage Pies (1965)
Twin Peaks Eats: Liberace’s Asparagus Vinaigrette
“Diane, I’ve just opened Laura Palmer’s diary. This is the, uh, the last entry, dated February 23rd. It reads:”‘Asparagus for dinner again. I hate asparagus. Does this mean I’ll never grow up?’” Laura Palmer was a girl full of mysteries. But one thing we do know for sure: she was not a fan of asparagus.Continue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Liberace’s Asparagus Vinaigrette
Igloo Canapes (1950)
It’s game 6 of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Pittsburgh Penguins vs. The Nashville Whatevers (seriously, what is their name?) Anyway, although tonight’s game is taking place in Nashville, I’m making a tasty nibble inspired by the original home of the Pittsburgh Penguins–the Civic Arena. You may remember it from the 1995 Jean-Claude Van Damme film,Continue reading Igloo Canapes (1950)
Twin Peaks Eats: Black As Midnight Cocktail
All Twin Peaks fans–(what are we Peakers? Like Trekkies or Fannibals? Someone tell me, please)–know exactly how Dale Cooper likes his coffee: So I have whipped up a cocktail that is not only as black as midnight on a moonless night, but as dark as Evil Coop’s soul. Speaking of which, what are we callingContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Black As Midnight Cocktail
Twin Peaks Eats: Audrey’s Freshly Squeezed Cocktail
Four episodes. Only four episodes in and we’ve been treated to: Bad wigs, snakeskin print shirts, mysterious boxes, vomiting, outer space, and a chewed up wad of Bazooka gum on a stick. After all of that, I think that we ALL need a drink. For inspiration, let’s go back to episode two of season oneContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Audrey’s Freshly Squeezed Cocktail
Twin Peaks Eats: Garmonbozia Soup
FINALLY. IT’S SUNDAY AND IT’S HAPPENING AGAIN. I am so fucking stoked for this. I’ve been waiting 27 years for this. 27 years since eleven-year-old me was utterly traumatized by Twin Peaks. I had BOB nightmares for a long while afterwards. And even with subsequent viewings of the series (I think I just watched itContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Garmonbozia Soup
Twin Peaks Eats: Jerry’s Baguette With Brie & Butter
In 2014, in anticipation of the Blu-ray release of Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery, I did a series of Peaks-themed posts. Back then, the idea of David Lynch and Mark Frost returning with a third season of the show was…well, unthinkable. But here we are! Starting with the premiere of season 3 on Showtime onContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: Jerry’s Baguette With Brie & Butter
Twin Peaks Eats: The Norwegians Are Leaving!
In 2014, in anticipation of the Blu-ray release of Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery, I did a series of Peaks-themed posts. Back then, the idea of David Lynch and Mark Frost returning with a third season of the show was…well, unthinkable. But here twin we are! Starting with the premiere of season 3 on ShowtimeContinue reading Twin Peaks Eats: The Norwegians Are Leaving!