This is the second “preview dish” for the upcoming 182. Liver ‘N Onions. And it’s the second one featuring Jell-O for National Jell-O Week! Here is the menu from 182. Earlier this week, I presented the Sunset Salad that subbed for a Perfection Salad and here is Lemon Pudding Squares, taking the place of the CherryContinue reading The Joys of Jell-O: Lemon Pudding Squares (1981)
Author: yinzerella
Joys of Jello: Sunset Salad (1963)
This dish is part of an upcoming DiS1972 dinner–Liver ‘N Onions.
The Stouffer Cookbook of Great American Food and Drink: Bloody Mary (1973)
So this is the follow up to my Bloody Mary from yesterday–also from Stouffer, but from back in 1958. This version, from 1973, is a slightly souped-up version. Souped-up in that it’s not just 2 oz. of tomato juice–it’s however much needed to fill the glass. AND the addition of a lime wedge and Tabasco!Continue reading The Stouffer Cookbook of Great American Food and Drink: Bloody Mary (1973)
Here’s How by Stouffer’s: Pick-Me-Up Bloody Mary (1958)
Time for me to take the first step on my trek through my cookbook collection to find the best Bloody. Our first drink is from my 1958 copy of Here’s How by Stouffer’s. This little cocktail book belonged to my Pap Pap. FYI, before Stouffer’s became synonymous with macaroni and cheese and FrenchContinue reading Here’s How by Stouffer’s: Pick-Me-Up Bloody Mary (1958)
181. Gourmet Eggs
I made brunch! Over the summer (yes, the summer), I hosted some of Mr. Sauce’s friends for a Sunday Brunch. Although, I was wary of this one–baking eggs that were already hard boiled–but this was flat-out yummy. I just wish that I had better pictures of it. To be honest, I just wish I hadContinue reading 181. Gourmet Eggs
Lunar New Year Snicky Snacks (1982)
Happy Lunar New Year! To celebrate the new year (and my upcoming birthday) Mr. Sauce took me out on Saturday night for Korean BBQ and to see the new Nicolas Cage movie. If you like Nicolas Cage, horror, camp, and alpacas, boy is this the movie for you! I wouldn’t say that it is necessarilyContinue reading Lunar New Year Snicky Snacks (1982)
Sophia Loren’s Minestrone (1972)
FYI, January is National Soup Month. I have wanted a copy of this book for quite some time. Essentially since I stumbled upon this picture about 9 years ago: So many questions: Where did this picture come from? Why is Sophia Loren holding big utensils to her face? Why does she look so damn sad?Continue reading Sophia Loren’s Minestrone (1972)
Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery Volume 8: Pickled Mushrooms (1966)
So we’re at that point again where I’m going through my camera roll and my notes and rediscovering all of the recipes I’ve made over the last year but never got to posting. (Holly Ball 2019 will remain in the vault until the 2020 holiday season).
Happy New Year! Sherry Wine Cheese Spread (1980)
So back in 2019 (one week ago) I was invited to a New Year’s Eve party at the home of some of Mr. Sauce’s dear college friends. Me, being me, I always have to bring something to a party–and if it’s a dish from my collection of cookbooks, that’s even better. But what to choose?Continue reading Happy New Year! Sherry Wine Cheese Spread (1980)
Spangler’s Circus Peanut Salad (1976)
Greetings and salutations! It’s been a while since I’ve unmolded something for the blog. And I angered a lot of people with my Jell-O fail on Christmas Eve:
More Cowbell! Chicken Vindaloo
(Before I start let me just say that the formatting here is a hot mess and I can’t seem to fix it. I mean, it’s really messed up. If there is a missing picture in the middle, it may or may not be at the bottom of the post) My friends over at the BookClubContinue reading More Cowbell! Chicken Vindaloo
Veal (Chicken) alla Marsala (1978)
Do you ever have a OMG I need to eat that craving but then realize that you don’t have the money to go out to dinner so you gotta do it yourself? Well, that was me with this Marsala dish. Big craving and I already had chicken and mushrooms on hand. So I had theContinue reading Veal (Chicken) alla Marsala (1978)
144. Macaroni-Beef Topsy Turvy
I know that I start so many of my posts with “sorry I haven’t posted in so long, but…[insert reason here]. But I don’t particularly have a reason this time. None. I can’t even come up with one. This made me think of my friend Richard. He has always told me that I’m an nihilist.Continue reading 144. Macaroni-Beef Topsy Turvy
122. Hash Squash Bake
OMG. Can it be? Can it really be? Can it be FALL?*** It sure feels like autumn this weekend–although I am skeptical that it’s going to stick around. I mean, it was 90+ degrees less than a week ago. But regardless, I am going to say that it IS fall! And how should I welcomeContinue reading 122. Hash Squash Bake
Murder, She Wrote Cookalong: Thomas Magnum’s Crunchy Tuna Melt
Jenny Hammerton, the author of Cooking with Columbo and Cooking with Joan Crawford, and the mastermind behind Silver Screen Suppers is at it again with the upcoming Murder, She Cooked: a Cabot Cove Cookbook. In anticipation of the book, cooks all across the interwebz were assigned recipes from the cavalcade of celebrity guest stars onContinue reading Murder, She Wrote Cookalong: Thomas Magnum’s Crunchy Tuna Melt
Happy National Punch Day!!!
If you are a regular reader, then you know that I love me a good party punch. Seriously, if I throw a party–there will be punch. I cannot recommend making a party punch enough. Have wine, beer, and punch. You just fill it up throughout the evening and add frozen fruit to chill it andContinue reading Happy National Punch Day!!!
Re-Chopped: Polynesian Pork & Pineapple Skewer with Applesauce Puree
So, almost one month later, I decided to try to re-make my Chopped appetizer—same ingredients and same time frame. In case you forgot—the ingredients were pork chops, apple sauce, frozen mixed vegetables, and cheese ball. This is was my television result: For the re-do the only thing I had to buy was the pork.Continue reading Re-Chopped: Polynesian Pork & Pineapple Skewer with Applesauce Puree
Two-Way Recipes: Cherry Waldorf Salad (1963)
With mayonnaise it’s a salad, but with whipped cream, it’s a dessert! You laugh, but that’s how the 1963 edition of The Joys of Jell-O intended it to be! When you serve them as desserts, garnish with prepared dessert topping or whipped cream. As salads, unmold them on crisp greens and top withContinue reading Two-Way Recipes: Cherry Waldorf Salad (1963)