I’m Emily, a.k.a. Yinzerella. Although I am from Pittsburgh, I have been a Baltimore City resident for over a decade. I share a condo in a 1970s high-rise with my boyfriend, Mr. Sauce, Esq.
Since I embarked on the Dinner is Served 1972 project in 2011, I have gone all in and decorated my condo with a retro flair (imagine if the sets of The Brady Bunch and Mad Men had a baby). Most of my furniture is the real thing from the 50s 60s and 70s.
I once threw a Mad Men party that won awards and shit. I have no problem eating offal. I like to put things on my head.
Have a question? Need a recipe? Want to tell me a story? Or just say ‘hi’? Email yinzerella@gmail.com or visit me on Facebook and Instagram.

RIP Margot Brungo. Gone too soon 1 month after her Sweet Sixteen party.
for the book you wanted. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=cooking+for+cher&_sacat=0
I love this Blog. I had started reading it several years back. Recently I have more time on my hands to read blogs, but I couldn’t remember the name of the recipe cards to find this site again. I knew it was recipe cards from the 70’s and tried googling that, but no luck. Then, I happened across the vintage recipe cards site which linked to this site and SUCCESS! I am so sorry to hear about Brian! My cat Gary was 15 when he passed a couple of years ago. I still miss Gary all the time so I can relate to you missing Brian.
I’m so glad you’re back! A lot has happened since you’ve last visited!
are you still working on the 1973 set of cards ? or did indigestion finally make you give that one up ?
I am. The latest from the 1973 set to be posted was Liver N’ Onions. I believe I have 3 more completed from the set, I just haven’t yet posted them. If you click on “the 1973 dinners” you’ll find them all.
I just purchased the Dinner is Served recipe box complete with all the recipe cards, for a dollar I might add. I was just googling info on it and come across your blog. You are brave souls lol. I love the cards and am looking for way to repurpose them.
I just happened upon your site and what a treat! You are freakin’ hilarious! Cannot wait to read more and try these recipes. Take care and hope you have a lovely Holiday
I hope to have much more up in 2020.
Happy holidays to you!
hi…just wandered onto your site…I was in 8th grade in 1972, and grew up on instant potatoes and “Goulash” (ground beef/mushroom soup/rice) prepared by my direct-from-Ireland mother. (the Irish were not known for their cuisine until the last 20 years.)
Anyway, thanks so much for your site, and keep me posted!
Thank you for visiting, Mary!
Loving the apron and your new look site looks fab on a London based iPhone!!
Hi Emily, i see you have marquetite pattens recipe card box: Would you mind emailling me through the recipe for apple cake under picnics? I have this set, I just went and got all ingredients ready to bake and lost the card in the store! Can’t believe it I’m in shock. Could you? Rachael xx
Hi! Email me: yinzerella@gmail.com and I will reply with the recipe.
[…] About Me […]
“Yinz”erella! Classic! I said “yinz” well into my college years, until one day someone looked at me and said “What did you just say?” Never said it again except in jest.
I have never said yinz seriously in my entire life, but I do have a bit of the yinzer accent. They have a similar accent her in Baltimore, so I’m screwed.
Fun blog! And I can teach you gravy if you want to learn.
I have gotten really good at gravy and sauces since I put that up. And I’m a much better baker. I guess I need to revise that.
Im definitely tagging along. Your blog is simply brilliant. Thank you!
Following you as well.
Your photography is beautiful. Color me jealous!
ah!! you’re too nice! thank you! 🙂 and thanks for the follow!!!
ahh so here u are I am on your fb page love the dress btw live well and prosper goodluck with your page
Welcome! I will follow your blog.
Hi! I chose your blog for a Liebster Award Here’s the nomination: http://seasonedwithsarcasm.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/the-liebster-award/
Happy blogging!
I have a 1972 box which I have used for years. I lost my card which had a recipe for sour cream enchiladas on it. It was not a featured dinner card. It was on one of the last cards as a side dish. Might have been card 95 as I’m missing that one. Can you help? I loved this recipe. Sonja
I also collect old recipe books so will follow this project with interest!
Thanks! I am now following you on twitter!
Stoked to have delightfully ended up on your blog. I am a lover of old recipes, been collecting (in moderation in my latter years) most I can find and get my hands on. There’s some intrinsic value in food of our previous generations- the good, bad , and the ugly. It’s like a librarian of food, especially if you can make and eat them 🙂 and love ones you never expected to. Love this, thanks for all the fun you put out. I’m excited to get to see. Cheers
Thank you so much! I’m glad that you found me 🙂
I like your name 🙂
oops….sorry for the errors
This recipe collection was given out in sets at one of the major gas stations. (Maybe SOHIO).
i think they gave the first set free with a free box with a fill up and you could buy the rest of the sets for a low price with fill ups…maybe! Just made Bettan’s Chickeen for supper tonight…..has always been one of my husband’s favorites. I only got one set of the cards but that recipe has been a winner for years now.
I am unfamiliar with SOHIO–but I assume that it was in Ohio?
I’m glad that Bettan’s Chicken works out for you and your husband much better than it did for me!
Thanks for stopping by!
I am looking for recipe cared #71 from the dinner is served 1972 Marjon Pro. collection. Mine is
missing and would like to print a copy. Please help. Email address : bandkanda@netzero.com
Yaya! Merry Christmas, chef. Hope I get to see you and Cleve over the holly-days.
I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! I hope you’ll accept the nomination!
<3 Susie
This project is great! I too am a big fan of Immigrant Ancestors.
Hello, Emily!!!
Love your work…great blog!!! Thanks for checking out my blogs, too!!!
I’d love to have my blogs on your blog list on your webpage….that would be super!!! I shall add yours to mine…if that’s ok with you. Let me know….and thanks!!!! Charles:-)
Hi Emily, love your blog and I love that you bought Teresa Giudice’s book. RHONJ is one of my favorite shows, but I would never tell anyone that.
The Old World Pizza dough recipe is really good. Which reminds me, I need to whip up a batch of that soon!
how the hell did I miss this pic? Its fantastic. That house dress is off the freak’n chain.
Are you the same Emily whose mother slapped me down at the Bethany Beehive in 1970 for saying, “I can’t eat what moves?” (In my defense, it was an acid reflux moment. LSD. Hey. It was the tail end of the Sixties.)
Was it the beehive burger that was moving?
If so, I agree with you. I wouldn’t want to eat that if it was moving, either.
Welcome to the magic that is Dinner is Served! I hope you stop by again!
I am super jealous of your Mazel mug!
You can get them at the bravo website!
I can’t believe there is mention of the Dinner is Served box and cards. I have loved these since 1972. However the only one missing is Beef Stroganoff. I was hoping to again get the recipe. I don’t see a way to get that from this site. Can you help me? I want to make it tomorrow!!! May 8th. Cheers, Virginia
IF YOU HAVE A COPY, PLEASE EMAIL TO ME AT bguilliams2005@yahoo.com
Bob, I have made the dish and it will be posted sometime in August.
As Charlie Sheen says, this article is “WNIGINN!”