Smirnoff Adam’s Apple, 1972

I love autumn.

I love the colors. The falling leaves. Pumpkins. Hay rides. Halloween. Football. Chilly evenings. Hot cider.

With all this in mind, I picked up a half gallon of apple cider.

And today it ended up being 80 degrees and sunny. I have the A/C blasting.

No hot cider for me.

Instead, a cool cocktail was in order. Thank god I have the lovely folks at Young & Rubicam (the ad agency responsible for these 1970s Smirnoff ads), to guide me.

Here is the Adam’s Apple, 1972, in all its summer glory:

Adam’s Apple, 1972
(A do-it-yourself temptation)
Ever wonder what the apple tasted like that started the whole man/woman thing back in Eden? It’s a cinch your everyday MacIntosh is pretty pallid by comparison.
Thinking about that one day, we got this wild idea. If we added an ounce or so of Smirnoff to some good old unforbidden apple juice in a tall glass of ice, would thunder shake the earth? Lightning flash? No, actually none of that happened.
We did, however, discover a pretty swell drink. The name, Adam’s Apple, is a bit of an over-promise, but drink in the right company and maybe you can make your own thunder and lightning.

My turn!

It was an unseasonably warm day in October. I wanted to stay home all day, but it was terribly hot in my apartment and my window unit was already in storage.
Then Timothy called. I want to celebrate the end of summer. Let’s hang out on the roof of the building, he said. So I packed some Smirnoff and apple juice to make Adam’s Apples. We climbed up five stories to access the roof. No, that door doesn’t lock, he said. Oh! I guess that door does lock, he said.  You’re being paranoid, he said. That storm isn’t heading this way, he said.  It’s just a drizzle. he said. Will you shut the fuck up if I climb down the fire escape and get someone to open the door? he said.

And then Timothy didn’t say anything ever again because he was stuck by lightning.

The Adam’s Apple, 1972 is an okay drink. “Swell?” That may be a stretch. But today it was just what I needed.

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