Why am I calling this The April 1981 Bloody Mary?
Because it came from this calendar, which I got in a grab bag of cookbooks and pamphlets.
I know nothing about it–I can’t find any sort of publishing mark on it and it’s missing its cover.
Initially I thought it was a promotion for a particular brand of booze, but each month has a bunch of cocktail recipes and features a ton of different labels, so that’s not right. Maybe it was from a liquor distributor.
If this looks familiar to you, please let me know.
Now for the most popular drinks in everyone’s town!

April 1981’s Bloody Mary recipe is a basic bitch.
Lemon/Vodka/Tomato Juice and–get this-one, ONE! dash each of Worcestershire and Tabasco.
It’s a flavor bomb!!!
Really, why did they even bother with Worcestershire and Tabasco? I had to take the time to take two bottles out of the fridge and then put them back in the fridge and for what–2 dashes?
The cocktail is not at all pleasant. It just is watered down. Bland. Seriously. ONE DASH OF BOTH WORCESTERSHIRE AND TABASCO?
This recipe is almost identical to James Beard’s version, including the fact that it is served straight up. I didn’t like that one and I don’t like this one, either. This one gets docked another tomato because it was thinner than Beard’s.
1 out of 5 tomatoes.
Spicy V8 makes an easy but nice Bloody Mary and it’s easy to take places.
I have a real love for both avocado and deviled ham, that dip would be scrumptious! A margarita on the side, please. (a Bloody Mary would be more appropriate, more food-y – but I don’t like tomato juice.)
Wow I remember those calendars! When I was a kid, my parents owned a liquor store in NY for a few years. I think those were given out at the sales counter during the holidays.
Gin Rickey, Rob Roy, Planter’s Punch! Wow, those were names of cocktails thrown around at weddings when I was a kid! Vodka Gimlet! That calendar makes me feel older than dirt >_<
One dash? At that point, you might as well just drink tomato juice. I do like the calendar grid graphics though — they still have some of that late-70s vibe. The avocado dip looks a bit questionable too. I have an avocado in the fridge and a can of deviled ham in the cupboard, but have never thought of combining them. I hope you’ll share some more treasures from this calendar.