So, almost one month later, I decided to try to re-make my Chopped appetizer—same ingredients and same time frame.
In case you forgot—the ingredients were pork chops, apple sauce, frozen mixed vegetables, and cheese ball.
This is was my television result:

For the re-do the only thing I had to buy was the pork. Because OF COURSE I’d already have port wine cheese balls in my fridge.
The skewer was the same as the show: pork, pineapple, brown sugar, butter.
For the “puree” I nuked 2 golden potatoes and one sweet potato, mashed them with some butter, cream, apple sauce, and port wine cheese ball (Including nuts).
Based on this picture, this wasn’t anything better than the blob mush that I served poor Peter Brady.

Eventually it got to a more acceptable smashed potato consistency.
But what about the mixed veg, you ask?
Fuck you, mixed vegetables:
This was one of the most MEH dishes in the history of MEH dishes.
I had put the tiniest bit of applesauce in the potatoes, but you could still taste it. Oddly, you really couldn’t taste the cheese, but whatever. I will say that this was infinitely better than what I first made—if just for texture.
The pork was (you guessed it!) MEH.
Mr. Sauce asked me if there was booze in the skewer, but that was just the canned pineapple (I had it in the cupboard already). And I didn’t add the rum at the end because I didn’t need to. I was already drinking the Official Drink of Middle-Aged White Women: Pinot Grigio
A question: has Rosè dethroned Pinot Grigio as the go-to lady booze? Ladies, this is something we need to think about.
But back to the matter at hand—shitty or no—I did do it in less than 30 minutes (Mr. Sauce timed me). So at least there’s that.
Now we will return to our regularly scheduled programming!
I think yinz have Macaroni Beef Topsy Turvy to look forward to.