Happy Wiener Wednesday!
This week, Mr. Sauce, Esq. chose the frankfurters, which explains why this week’s selection is a little bit on the safe side. Sometimes you don’t want to go all crazy and make a Jellied Hot Dog Loaf or some other insane dog dish, amiright?
So here is a nice and easy weenie dish from Women’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery’s “Frankfurter CookBook.”

Here is the gist of the recipe: make macaroni and cheese. Put in casserole. Top with scored hot dogs. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.
I still needed a mac and cheese recipe, however. And this was how I chose one!
Earlier this month I received an email from a DiS1972 reader, Robert, asking me for the mac and cheese recipe from my Cookindex set:
My mom used to make Mac and Cheese using the recipe from that box. I believe the card is # E14. I still have the box but it is missing a couple of recipes. Is there any chance you could send me a copy of that recipe, including directions? I would like to make Mac and Cheese for my family like my mom used to make.
“Just like my mom used to make.” SOLD!
End product:
I also made a version topped with bacon, like in the Cookindex recipe.
How was this one-dish frankfurter feast?
Mr. Sauce says:
The macaroni served as a golden bed for the tasty meatsticks. I would definitely eat again as it is an easy meal that is fun for all (except vegans, those with gluten allergies, the lactose intolerant, and kosher peoples).
That is a glowing endorsement.
And speaking of meatsticks:
Time for the meatstick
Bury the meatstick
Take out the meatstick time
Whoa, shocks my brain
Whoa, shocks my brain
You gotta love any song about boning that has a chorus translated into multiple languages and has its own dance routine.
Remember! Next week’s weenies are chosen by yinz!
You have 2 days to vote!
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