This week I’ve been sick with a bad cold and stayed home from work the majority of the week–which is good because I was at a very low-functioning level.
Like, I could focus and do things in bursts, but then I’d nap for an hour. Or 3.
I’m on the mend, I mean, I feel 100 times better now, but on day 2 of my cold, I was so congested and my sinuses were so stuffed that I wanted to just rip my face off. So then I thought, OMG, is this how Brian feels all of the time? I can understand not wanting to eat, or do anything if you feel like this. What am I doing with this poor cat? I am killing the cat. I have to go lie down.
It me:
Medicine head. But DayQuil should not do this to me!
And now, a Brian update!
The last time we shoved down an antibiotic down his throat, he subsequently scurried around the apartment while mucous oozed out of his mouth for a good half hour. We spent that half hour following him around with paper towels. And then he barfed all over a pile of Mr. Sauce’s work documents.
We have not given an antibiotic since.
I don’t know if snot-fest cleared out everything that was in his head, but currently his nose is clear and he doesn’t sound like an old man with emphysema. He is eating like crazy–he’s absolutely ravenous.
He is not only back to snuggling with Margot, he is sleeping in bed with us at night! I mean, this is something that he has never done before. And he’s allowed to do so because he is now a quiet sleeper.
I’d like to believe that this is because he loves me; but maybe it’s because it’s getting colder out. Maybe he’s finally resigned himself to the fact that Mr. Sauce will not be leaving his spot. Anything but he feels so bad that he needs to be with us at night.
I’m not going to question why this has happened; I’m just going to be thankful and happy.
Oh, I made this Sunshine Pie over the summer.
(sorry for the wonky photo formatting. computers have not been my friend as of late).
It doesn’t look a damn bit like the photo once I cut it, but it was impressive pre-cut. If I remember correctly, there was too much meringue. I mean, look at all that meringue!!! And I didn’t get it brown enough.
But whatever. Pie!
Thanks to everyone of you who has been concerned with poor Brian Boitano’s health. It is so kind of you. We all appreciate it. Fingers crossed that he stays like this for a while!
So glad to hear MR Brian is better. Just went through a bout of sickness with two of our cats one of whom sounds a lot like Mr. B. Turned out they both appear to have variation of FHV-1 virus. Mostly an upper respiratory infection- unfortunately our sweet Tulla’s turned into feline version of “pink-eye”. Both of them are back to being healthy but makes you appreciate these guys!
And the pie looks tasty- although curious if sherbert reallly held up to browning in the oven? Maybe a run under the broiler instead?
I’m happy to hear that your 2 are better, too!
Good call on the broiler. Better Homes & Gardens make some interesting choices.
HOORAY FOR BRIAN!! Good to hear that he’s okay.
Soooo glad to hear that Brian is doing better!! And glad you are on the mend as well.
I’m not a big fan of meringue, but that pie might change my mind.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Brian too! Hope you’re all better soon as well.
I’m so glad he’s on the mend! Maybe he was allergic to something that quit blooming. Oh, my cousin calls meringue “calf slobber”. Keep getting better Brian
Yay, Brian!!!