I know what you’re thinking. Cooking chili in the middle of August?
Yes, but:

The most cooking I did was browning 2 sausage links and some ground beef (which served a dual purpose, as said meat will be featured in my upcoming PIEATHALON entry). I nixed the bacon because all I had was turkey bacon, and I think that this chili wasn’t lacking in the meat department.
For convenience–since I am a working girl and all–I put all of the ingredients into a slow cooker bag (what a clever invention) the night before and put it in the fridge. All I had to do in the AM was take the bag out of the fridge, put it into the crock and press ON.
It cooks all day while the cook’s away!
But you know that I made damn sure that there wasn’t anything remotely close to my unattended crock pot.
12 hours later and I had this:
Which was delicious! And spicy. Chili powder, jalapeno, hot Italian sausage, and Ro-Tel combined gave it some real nice heat. A really rounded out heat. A combination of cool-spicy and warm-spicy. Does that make sense? Like, the Italian sausage is a real warm spicy, while jalapeno is a cool spicy?
Maybe that’s just me and I have some sort of weird synethesia when it comes to flavors like. Whatever. It was not hot just for the sake of being hot. I hate it when things are hot just for the sake of being hot.
There was a lot of flavor going on and even though the chili was in the crock pot for about 12 hours, the pinto beans and chickpeas (I liked the chickpeas–how novel!) maintained their integrity and didn’t break down into mush.
This is a filling chili. One cup and I’m done.
But I wondered why the hell it was called Male Chauvinist Chili; so I asked Mr. Sauce, Esq.
His response, “I don’t know–because there’s sausage in it?”
Kittens, you can put your theories in the comments below.
I agree that it’s probably due to all the pork products. On another note, I’ve gone back and started to read your blog from the very beginning. I needed a change from my usual Netflix marathons. It’s been a really funny and entertaining summer binge. The only thing I regret is not having made clever comments on so many of your clever and funny posts. I’m so glad you’re still doing this
Hi, thanks so much! I’m so flattered.
Yeah, I have no plans of stopping anytime soon. It’s gonna be 8 years in February (which is also my Brian Boitano anniversary).
OMG, that’s right! Wow, time flies. Brian has definitely been a highlight of the blog. Grumpy Cat ain’t got nothin’ on Brian, lol.
How far through the blog are you? Who am I dating/not dating? LOL
I’m up to May 2015, shortly after all the Mad Men finale hoopla/party. Your last date post was about the sheep guy who brought you Cletus (that made me snort!) and with whom you made the stuffed veal back in March. But I haven’t read any updates on what happened with him and I can’t recall if you did in any future posts. But obviously he didn’t end up being the one, because Mr. Sauce.
I think all the links in the picture suggest it’s a sausage-fest.
I’m with Taryn…the pork.
The bacon and the Italian sausage make it more piggy than a normal chili?
Is Mr. Sauce making a reference to pork as well, perhaps? It is a male chauvinist PIG after all.
Good thinking!