191. Grasshopper Pie

In anticipation for next month’s 5th Annual Pieathalon I present to you another card from the DiS1973 card series—191. Grasshopper Pie.

I made this pie to cap off dinner 158. Beef Wellington which I made for The Lost Family Dinner Party.

I made card 191 as easy as I could (easy as pie!) by purchasing a Keebler pre-maid “Oreo” pie crust. Also, the direction “Line bottom and sides of a 9-inch pie pan with cookies,” seemed reaaaaaly vague.

Are they crushed? Is there a binder? Do they mean Oreos? Why aren’t you telling me what kind of cookies, Dinner is Served?

But, whatever. I bought the crust. Easy.

But not so easy?  Mr. Sauce and I had to go on a little bit of an adventure about town to find Creme de Menthe that was green and Creme de Cacao that was white. We went to 3 (three!) different liquor stores. We were able to find some of the green stuff, but Creme de Cacao we could only find in chocolate brown, so  I was concerned that this pie wouldn’t be a pretty pastel–but instead the color of baby poop.

But fear not!

With the help of some green food coloring, I was able to get it to a suitable shade of mint.

Here it is:

I didn’t have a fern on hand, so I threw an orchid in there.

The whipped cream decorations would’ve been so much better if I had not mistakenly grabbed the Fat Free Reddi-Whip. It just kinda melted down once it hit the surface of the pie. So that’s kinda sad.

But it tasted great. I loved this pie!

Which is no surprise, I love mint chocolate chip ice cream. I love York Peppermint Patties. I go wild for a Junior Mint.


Plus, this had booze in it!

100% would make again. Which perhaps I will because I went through so much effort to find the Creme de Menthe and Creme de Cacao.

A reminder! If you are a food blogger and want to get in on the hot Pieathalon action, you have until Friday.

If you’re interested, please email me at yinzerella@gmail.com to sign up.

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