My Celebration of Canadian Food Stuffs rolls on with card 186, which features Canadian Bacon.
First, let me tell you about the Canadian bacon.
Mr. Sauce, Esq. and I wanted to be all autumnal back in October and do a corn-maze/pumpkin picking day. We found a little farm in Woodstock, MD called Strohmer’s. We did a hay ride and pet the donkeys and a goat and found whatever the hell this is:
Seriously, what is that? A giant bean? Snake gourd? Is snake gourd a thing?
Anyway, the highlight was the Meat Shack at the farm. Yes. MEAT. SHACK. We dropped over $70 on assorted meats. We bought Italian Sausage, Hot Dogs, Country-Style Pork Ribs, something I can’t remember and the aforementioned Canadian Bacon.
We’ve eaten it all (you’ll see the hot dogs in the future) and have enjoyed every single bite.
Now back to the brunch. The headliner of this “very impressive brunch menu” (it says so on the card) is the Chocolate Ripple Coffee Cake.
Yay. Baking. I love to bake.
I so don’t love to bake.
The recipe was pretty standard. Except for the”pre-sweetened chocolate instant cocoa powder.” They meant like Swiss Miss, right? Well, I didn’t have that, but I did have Coffee Crisp hot coco drink mix from the Canada Box.
So this brunch was going to be EXTRA-Canadian.
Here is the finished product:

I was really impressed with the cake. I made it from scratch. A cake. An actual, edible cake. That came out in one piece. From a bundt pan.
I shocked myself with it, to be honest. I might have done a little bit of a happy dance when it popped out of the pan.
Not only did it look good, it tasted good. Since the hot cocoa mix is coffee-flavored, the coffee cake was really a coffee cake.
So there you have it! Canadian Chocolate Ripple Coffee Cake and Canadian Bacon, a very impressive brunch, indeed!
Please ignore the mess of scrambled eggs in the bottom left-hand corner. It was a failed experiment involving an individually sized ring mold.
I have to admit that when I read the front of the card, I was both horrified and excited that the cake might contain Canadian bacon. So now I am both relieved and disappointed that it does not. Both of them look delicious, though, and I am glad they are separate entities. Also, I really want that plate!